View Full Version : Unsafe rec play, 'yall are gonna love this....

01-26-2004, 01:56 AM
I was looking for painball fields tonight. Why? I like to see who's out there and see what I can expect from the upcoming season. So I hit up Warpig's "Field Finder" and what do I spy in LaCrosse? Dark Commando paintball. The teaser is militaristic, but I'm cool with that. Ft. McCoy is right here, it's all good. So I click on the link.

These are guys doing "Military style" games, reminded me a little of Airsofters. I don't mind that, it could be cool to run a game like that, actually. The site is intresting, but what really grabbed my by the scruff of my neck was this tidbit from the FAQ :

(Source : http://www.darkcommando.com/faqs.htm)
"Limits" are for close-minded knuckle-draggers! I can not stress enough that this a simulation NOT a game. The anxiety of being shot is where the real magic is. Be prepared to feel the punch of a .68 caliber plastic bullet ripping through the air in excess of well over 200 mph. There are no velocity limits.

What really bothers me here is that they're flaunting how unsafe they're playing. Now I know tht goggles will take a ball over 400 FPS. Once. What bothers me is that they really, honestly, don't care about safety. It's about making a "realistic simulation" for a good rush.

I don't know, this one bothers me. Mainly becasue complaints would fall on deaf ears, and I already heard one story about soeone losing an eye up here because he was a moron who took his goggles off. (And, allegedly, he was a police officer from Winona...)

Just thought I'd share, and vent a little. Woods games won't ruin paintball's reputation. It's people like this who don't play by the safety standards (or even remotely come close to them) that we've put in place for the last 10+ years that'll do it.


01-26-2004, 02:02 AM
I hear ya Tyger - these rednecks'll probably end up with cracked ribs or injured eyes...ach. What can you do? I mean, since it's not a business, they can't really be held accountable for safe-practice procedures. (can they?)

People like these guys are the creepiest of them all. They take their games a little too seriously. Scenarios are cool and all that, but putting people in ACTUAL danger is not cool at all. In fact, it's uncool.

Wearing feline apparel, however, is supercool. Meow!

Jacob actually thinks that Tyger is one of the coolest guys in paintball, and LOVES webdog radio. In fact, he has prescriped the entire first season to his paintball club in order to give them a crash course in techniques and tips. However, cat suits creep him out.

01-26-2004, 02:17 AM
Thing is they know about the sport, reading throught the site tells me that. They either just don't care or think that it adds more of a "rush".

So it's not that they don't know any better. Telling them they're wrong wouldn't do any good, as they would just say "we're not playing paintball, we're having a WAR here!"

I feel like I'm watching a car wreck from a helicopter. Ya see the bigger picture of destructon coming up, but there's nothing that can be done from up there.


PS : Cat suits freak you out? Dang....

01-26-2004, 02:34 AM
I hear ya, Tyger. These guys are not simple dumbasses - their site is nice enough, and they obviously have a selective group. It's basically them pissing on the "universal rules" of paintball and saying,
"we don't care about the publicity, we just wanna kill!"

Yahoo for higher thinking.

01-26-2004, 02:49 AM
i'm just gunna take some slashes at this group, cause thats really all its worth right now.... they're ridiculous. i mean come on, "bring a durable weapon"-somehting to that effect... they shoot tipmans and brass eagle.... these are the guys thats give paintball a bad wrap... woods ball is great, it's where "IT" all started, and i'm sure its where most of us played our first games. no speed limit? this guerilla business? groups like this plus the general ignorance of the public is what adds up to anti-paintball sentiment... screw these guys... what they need is for a few people with "flashy" gear (some RT pros or fast cockers-but probably mech cause your batts might die in the long and stupid scenarios) to dump on them for 50-100 rounds straight.... they might get a taste for their "light machine-gunner" or "sniper system" marker's worth and pride then....

it's late, i'm rambling/ranting..... i just know i hate these guys..i figure that i'll be the one to say this cause i know tyger has a rep to keep... lol


Duke of Lawnchair
01-26-2004, 02:57 AM
Evolution will eventually weed out these knuckle-draggers in one way or another.

01-26-2004, 03:34 AM
I guess that would mean no insurance eather.

Lets get some of this [NoLimitExtremeWareSaftyGearpat.pend]and go play em:D

Tyger where are you? I thought you were in Racine

Chojin Man
01-26-2004, 03:59 AM
How many FPS is 200MPH anyways???:confused: :confused:

I would guess no insurance. At their site at the bottom it states that you play at your own risk and you must be 18 or older.

Also the faq says, " We are just a group of guys who get together on a regular basis in the spring, summer, and fall who love combat. We do not charge anyone to play."

So its not an official field or anything. Probably just a bunch of rednecks having a good ol time. YEEWHO COWBOY!!!

01-26-2004, 04:06 AM


01-26-2004, 04:11 AM
See, that's the dumb part.

300 FPS = 204 MPH. If these guys are running unregulated, they're going OVER that. Lemme see here....

fps = mph x 1.47 So I can see. http://www.onlineconversion.com/speed.htm A better interface than the one I first posted, and a lot cleaner to use too.

And becasue someone will ask : 400 FPS = 272 MPH decimal dropped). 440 FPS is a touch more than 300 MPH, 475 FPS = 323 MPH (decimal dropped.)

And just for the sake of argument, If you could get a paintball to move at 968 FPS you could probably break the sound barrier. (Speed of sound is roughly 660 MPH) And if you can manage to get your gun to shoot 295,071,316,929 FPS, your paintball could, potentially, go back in time. (speed of light).

-Tyger (Who doesn't live in Racine, Sorry Beemer...)

01-26-2004, 04:20 AM
at least our level 10s would work amazingly with the largest spring :)

and hell yeah Racine county OWNS

titan aresta
01-26-2004, 08:31 AM
how about contacting Bill Mills and having them at least removed from Warpig?

01-26-2004, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Tyger
And if you can manage to get your gun to shoot 295,071,316,929 FPS, your paintball could, potentially, go back in time. (speed of light).

Only if Sci-Fi physics suddenly replaced known physics.

Otherwise, the paintball simply wouldn't age as fast as the rest of the slower moving universe.

Originally Posted by titan aresta:
how about contacting Bill Mills and having them at least removed from Warpig?

Already taken care of.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

01-26-2004, 09:40 AM
What is it with people and shooting hot. They think its some sort of advantage. I guess it is if you like watching you balls corkscrew and curve all over the place.

01-26-2004, 10:29 AM
Good work, Rob & Bill.

You can't stop people from doing something stupid, but you don't have to help them advertise.

01-26-2004, 11:10 AM
even if there was no limit on fps, i wouldnt go over 300. your accuracy starts to suck really bad over 300 fps, im guessing the ball is deformed so much and cant handle those kinds of speeds. hmm, i wouldnt be suprised if people were getting breaks from blowing the paintballs apart, especially thin shelled stuff.

Deep Sixx
01-26-2004, 12:33 PM
I've got nothing against rec, woods or senario players, I play rec whenever I get the chance... I play paintball in any form, but those guys scare the crap outta me!


01-26-2004, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by billmi

Originally Posted by titan aresta:
how about contacting Bill Mills and having them at least removed from Warpig?

Already taken care of.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

Thank You


01-26-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by billmi

Only if Sci-Fi physics suddenly replaced known physics.

Otherwise, the paintball simply wouldn't age as fast as the rest of the slower moving universe.

Well, yeah, but it's much more fun to suppose that a paintball can strike a person back in time. Physics be damned! Full speed ahead!

For Titan : I posted it here becasue of outrage, really. Mostly becasue I see there's nothing that I can do. They won't listen, nor change thier ways. And I can't very well go to their field, lay down in the roadway and block thier entrance. Mainly becasue I'd believe they'd run me over. If they shoot hot it's obvious they don't care for safety of others. So, public posting is pretty much all I've got. Make examples out of them.

Originally posted by billmi

Already taken care of.

Thank you much!


titan aresta
01-26-2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Tyger
For Titan : I posted it here becasue of outrage, really. Mostly becasue I see there's nothing that I can do. They won't listen, nor change thier ways. And I can't very well go to their field, lay down in the roadway and block thier entrance. Mainly becasue I'd believe they'd run me over. If they shoot hot it's obvious they don't care for safety of others. So, public posting is pretty much all I've got. Make examples out of them.

-Tyger [/B]

yeah yeah I know. I was just making a sugestion just in case no one else did ;)

see ya in a month, Rob.

01-26-2004, 05:47 PM
300FPS=200MPH, just an FYI.

01-26-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
300FPS=200MPH, just an FYI.

Almost, but not exactly. As Tyger correctly pointed out above, 300 fps = 204 mph.

What's even scarier is that they aren't using only paintballs, they're also using some kind of plastic bullet (though I'm thinking the reality is they just don't know what paintballs are made of.)

01-26-2004, 07:39 PM
Hmmm....I doubt they have insurance there. If someone were to go there and get hurt. Even if they do have it I think someone should give the insurance company a call... ;) :)

01-26-2004, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by billmi

Almost, but not exactly. As Tyger correctly pointed out above, 300 fps = 204 mph.

What's even scarier is that they aren't using only paintballs, they're also using some kind of plastic bullet (though I'm thinking the reality is they just don't know what paintballs are made of.) I stand corrected!:)

01-26-2004, 08:57 PM
Wow, I'm thourougly disgusted. They sound like a bunch of Crack-Addicted wannabe soldier army junkies. If they 'LOVE COMBAT' they should be over in Iraq and Afghanistan...not pretending to be soldiers.

They make me sick.

01-27-2004, 12:46 AM
hope they get good efficiency on those bricks they shoot.
oh yea, they're gonna be one of the people we hear about every day that brings down the image of the sport.

01-27-2004, 03:01 AM
Those games won't last long. It won't be fun anymore when a couple of those psychos get smacked in the nads with a real hot shot.