View Full Version : World War Iii ?!?!

09-13-2001, 04:35 PM
I think we will be going to war.

Many of my friends had theorys of why they think the bombings occurd but we found out that they were not true.

Now, I think there will be war because Even Bush said and I quote ''What they have done are ''Acts of War'' he also said that '' Any Country harbouring them will be punished ''

I was also watching fox 5 news and it said

'' China: ATTACK '' Challenges the World ''

Now I honestly think if Bush does get a Decloration of War against afganistan if they dont give the USA. Ben Lahdin then they should, go to war, but if they do get a Decloration of War, It Could Start a chain reaction much like '' The Great War '' Afganistan will get 3rd world countrys to back them up while the US is still ''reeling'' from the attack on the pentagon it even said Afganistan is preparing for WAR.

The Great War started almost the same way; with a terrorist group doing something horrific and ending in war.

Now I honestly cant say this for sure but If Afganistan does get Japan, Or Germany you can bet this will end with a World War.
I think Germany or Japan or Even Russia may help afganistan because maybe they want power.. which I honeslty think might happen. USA has the greatest army and one of those countrys could be figuring they oculd win this war.

USA and NATO countrys will stick together but some countrys may decide to change sides depending on what happens. But I myself HIGHLY DOUBT this will end in another world war.
Bush is trying his hardest to get most of the world leaders to support him to end the war if it starts asap and I hope this is what happens.

But I have no doubt in my mind there will be war.

Anyone else have any comments on this?

P.S. In most cases world war wont happen but you never know this is a really extreme thing that happend and there is a lot of anger from people to the people who are responsable to it could happen but like I said its unlikly.

09-13-2001, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by AGDRules

Now I honestly cant say this for sure but If Afganistan does get Japan, Or Germany you can bet this will end with a World War.
I think Germany or Japan or Even Russia may help afganistan because maybe they want power.. which I honeslty think might happen. USA has the greatest army and one of those countrys could be figuring they oculd win this war.

Germany is on our side...

Japan doesnt have an army and they are on our side...

Russia has so many problems they wouldnt even begin to imagine taking us on, and they are probably on our side...

09-13-2001, 04:42 PM
well, even though it's not a war between countries, it's going to be tough because i dun think anyone knows where these terrorist are hiding and they can attack suicidely anytime.

09-13-2001, 05:35 PM
Tose countries(Japan, russia, germany...) are our allies. Even if they got all the 3rd world countries us and our allies would beat them the way we did desertstorm.
USA and its allies together have never lost a war, and we probably won't.

09-13-2001, 05:38 PM
Well we're alright as of now. Yesterday Bush spoke with the leaders of Russia and China and they both agreed to side with us against terrorists.

Oh and by the way, Germany has been our allie since the end of WWII. And it doesnt matter who gets russia right now. They are still in a HUGE amount of turmoil from trying to start a democracy.

09-13-2001, 05:57 PM
I wonder if RAINBOW is real . ...

09-13-2001, 06:13 PM
first off: Germany makes automobiles not war anymore
second: Russia couldn't fight its way out of a paper bag conventionally(I don't think they have enough to pay their soldiers, and besides we give them money), and they aren't going to nuke anyone
third: china said they would support us( I couldn't believe it but terrorism isn't their style)
fourth: most people want to be on the victorious side and that is sooo obviously going to be the US.
I personally think that if we deploy ground soldiers to afghanistan that it will turn into a bloody mess, but if we really want to kill the perceived terrorists we will.

09-13-2001, 06:30 PM
No way is Germany or Japan going to back Afganistan. Japan had twenty-three companies offices in one of the towers, so I'm pretty sure they're not to happy with Afganistan either.

09-13-2001, 07:00 PM
Japan - It's almost ridiculous to the extent in which the the people of this country are pacifists. The thought of even changing their constitution to allow for military build up is unthinkinkable to the people of this nation. When the hardliners and the right-wing political members of this country brought up the thought, it was made a spectacle of in the media and the rest of the country pretty much ignored it.

Believe me, I'd praise and give my heart out in admiration to such a country that teaches and walks the road of peace... But for so much of Japan, it's for the reasons of blocking out memories, rather than engaging them... The horrific crimes against humanity which they commited against others... Which makes it so sad.

Germany - The government and many of their people there are so sensitive and fearful of any kind of reminder, of what their nation was once guilty of in WWII... Put it this way - movies were banned featuring actors that were members of the scientology community. Why? The German officials said, that the belief system of Scientology to them were in the same clout as what the Nazi's once marched for.

That, and in the wildest scenario, say the current Nazi movement were to take control of their government? you really think, they would work in conjunction with Moslems?

Russia - Err... Anything is possible, but their government is still in a transition of power; and by no means do they have the political clout with their own people to declare war without repercussions. Their military is in shambles and the soldiers even months ago, went without pay. They have also been at odd with terrorists for several years now, reasons they were so quick to send a message of condemnation to the horrific acts.

Also... Guess what their war against the Afghani, years ago, are known to be the U.S equivalent of? It's known as their Vietnam. Osama Bin Laden, supposidly trained and backed by the U.S goverment, even faught in the war against the former U.S.S.R.

It's been year's since I've written any paper, especially since I failed the last year's of my high school, in complete misery. Parents have yet to get over the fact I haven't gotten into one of the Ivy's. :rolleyes: Also, in recent year's I've.. stopped caring? Call it laziness or being burnt out... And I apologize of the lack of clarity in the writing, as well as the tone of it that may be misleading.

So, I'm sure someone with the political knowledge or education, and stays up to date with current events, can rip through what's been written. You get an idea though, and hopefully has convinced you those three countries won't be in anytime be siding with whoever our 'enemy' may be.

Oh and Germany, as well as Japan are our staunch allies.

Is WWIII possible? Yes. Is anything possible? Yes. Likely those three nations will side with the opposition? The chances of that, are next to 'nil'. Especially Germany and Japan.

09-13-2001, 07:50 PM
I think it will be war, but I dont think it will be a world war. There are only a very few countrys that might side with Afghanistan against us. Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq come to mind. Only the most insane governments would side with the knowing that the rest of the world is on our side in this and tat we are enraged and are not goin to let this pass easily.

My fear is that we will become involved in a ground war in Afghanistan. These people are experienced guerilla fighters who will not be the easy target that Iraqs poorly trained military was. The countrys hilly terrain will limit the effectiveness of our airforces and they wont just be sitting around in rusty tanks waiting for an A10 to blow the crap out of them.

I hope that Afghanistan comes to its senses and turns Bin Laden and his suppoters over to us. I know that his has not been proven in the media to be his responsibility yet, But I believe that it will be, and that may not matter. He is allready the number one most wanted by the FBI and Bush has stated that we will go after all terrorists no matter who or where they are.

09-13-2001, 09:42 PM
....but there is the SAS (Special Air Service) which is basically what Rainbow is, in the book anyway.

09-13-2001, 10:30 PM
I saw something interesting on the news yesterday. Putin (russia's leader) said he would offer the U.S. all intelligence on afgahnastan and any military support the U.S. needed to attack, and if you don't know russia has about three major bases along the afgahn border, and Putin said we could use those as bases of operation. Also today Russia had it's official minute of mourning for the victims, something about that seems wrong to me, a Foreign country that has huge problems, beat us to the punch for an official time of mourning.

On tuesday I caught another interesting snipit of news, the leader of Iran was sedning his condolences to the people of the U.S. and said he would try to help us find Bin Laden in any way he could, now if that isn't bringing the world together I don't know what is.

Iraq isn't much of a threat, we already have a huge military presence over Iraq (you've heard of the no fly zones right?) and we have been destroying any militaristic build up in Iraq for the past 10 years, if they even tried to fight us, we would probably just destroy there military, occupy the country and take all the oil.

I seriously doubt China would ever attack us, they have to many business interests in the U.S. (how many things say "Made in China") and the U.S. has to many business interests in China

Like it was said before, Japan has no millitary, they depend on the U.S. to defend them.

Germany is a very stong ally of the U.S. and has been involved with just about every U.S. conflict since the end WW2 on our side, plus H&K is in germany and they make a lot of U.S. military weapons, so there's business interest there too.

Canada (don't laugh) has actually been involved in more foriegn conflicts than the U.S. and will for sure support the US in any search for Bin Laden. Canada is actually first in the world for giving military support to foriegn countries, Australia is second, then the U.S. and the UK.

Pakistan, not much of a threat to the U.S. though they do have nuclear power, they have no ranged weapons, they may however use this conflict as an excuse to attack India (or vise versa) who also has Nuclear power, which may lead to a nuclear war, which damages everyone on the planet, and just about every country in the world would have to step in and stop both of them, which would be considered WW3

3rd world countries really have no interest in our conflict unless it is directly related to that thrid world country it self, they have plenty of there own problems and can't afford to have a war.

Most of the world is expecting the U.S. to retailiate, and will either help us, or stay out of the way.

Really the biggest problem I see is not the U.S. invading what ever country Bin Laden is in, or the US getting support (or the country Bin laden is in), it's going to be between Pakistan and India, they've been iching for an excuse for war for years, and this may be just what they wanted.

09-14-2001, 07:10 AM
HOLY COW - sorry - I see alot of people have already posted to reply to this - but what the HECK do people teach you kids in school today??

When someone makes a statement like this "I think Germany or Japan or Even Russia may help afganistan because maybe they want power.. "

I am HONESTLY dismayed at a statement like that. Unless you are in like third grade and then I appologize...

Japan hasn't had an army since after WWII! The USA is its primary meathod of defence.

Germany, since its reunification, is now whole democratic and a completely different nation than the one ran by the Nazis in 1938.

And Russia - RUSSIA WAS AT WAR WITH AFGANISTAN from like 1979 to 1989!! They are probably the last people to come to thier aid!!!

Hey - Im sorry if this if this is a flame - its more just my utter dismay at the lack of understanding for what I consider BASIC world history!

09-14-2001, 07:28 AM
Agreed, Webby...

Japan will support the coalition politically and possibly with financial support, but their military is very keyed towards defense only, which was a stipulation of the surrender agreement at the end of WWII.

Germany's part of NATO. NATO has invoked the mutual defense clause that basically says "you attack one of our nations, and we will all rise to fight against you." And I know at least one German special forces trooper who's eager to get in that fight.

Russia has big issues with Afghanistan, and while they may not have the forces in place to cross the border, they have a ton of intelligence and experienced officers, as well as staging areas that the coalition can take advantage of.

China and India won't intercede. They know better.

And we will certainly see support from friendly Middle Eastern nations. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Kuwait will back us, Israel will (hopefully) sit quietly and not piss off Syria and Lebanon, who I imagine will not be happy but also not intercede, and Iraq...well, they might get kicked in the teeth.

09-14-2001, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Jeb_Hoge
Agreed, Webby...

And we will certainly see support from friendly Middle Eastern nations. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Kuwait will back us, Israel will (hopefully) sit quietly and not piss off Syria and Lebanon, who I imagine will not be happy but also not intercede, and Iraq...well, they might get kicked in the teeth.

In addition to those aleady mentioned we might expect possibly Pakistan, Iran, Palestine and North Korea also to side with Afganistan. However they will less likely do so if there is an International force used. I don't belive even these countries, along with any additional Middle Eastern support, will take the tactic of direct, in place, troop support. More likely the support will be in the form of distractive and self serving acts such as attacking their own neigbors. India, South Korea, Israel, and Saudi Arabia etc. With that in mind the US and NATO are now probably making sure these "Neigbors" are ready as well to curb this so we can concentrate on the task at hand. Getting Bin Lauden out of Afganistan. Dead or alive.

09-14-2001, 08:07 AM
You said that NATO would stand by us but you weren't sure about Germany? GERMANY IS PART OF NATO! Both Germany and Japan have been our allies sinse the end of WW2. Russia has pledged thier support, I think that they are itching for some payback after the Mugaheddin (the same group that WE supported against the Soviets and eventually evolved intothe Taliban) handed them their assesin the late 70s and 80s.

09-14-2001, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Jeb_Hoge

And we will certainly see support from friendly Middle Eastern nations. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Kuwait will back us, Israel will (hopefully) sit quietly and not piss off Syria and Lebanon, who I imagine will not be happy but also not intercede, and Iraq...well, they might get kicked in the teeth.

Kuwait is almost as bad of an Islamic fundamentalist government as Afghanistan, but they are so tiny that militarily they are worthless. They produce a lot of oil, and have a lot of money, and thats just about it.

Jordan is on our side, they have aided us against terrorism in the past. (I believe it was them in 1999 who informed us of a terrorist plot they had uncovered.)

I would not be so sure of Saudi Arabia. They allowed us to use thier country as a staging area during Desert Storm, but in general our governments aren't too friendly. It has been the belief for a long time that a large chunk of Bin Ladens money comes from the Saudi royal family. They are one country I am personally rather wary of. I'm sure there are many many Saudi's who abhor the attacks in the US, but the position of thier government may not be the same. This is not saying that they are a terrorist state, it is just a cautionary statement that perhaps we shoudn't trust them completely.

As for Egypt, they try to be more wordly than many other Middle Eastern countries, so they have very little to gain in aiding afghanistan or Bin Laden, and VERY much to lose.

09-14-2001, 08:54 AM
Agreed Thordic! A lot of "ifs" with some of those countries.

09-14-2001, 11:51 AM
I think you guys are missnig something here. The day so f WWII are long gone.

Technology and tactical training will see to that. The wars of today are mostly sporadic, starting quickly and ending quicker.

That is one of the reasons Rumsfield wants to redesign the army but that is a discussion for another time.

What most lkely will happen is either the President or the Copngress will move to recind Gerald Fords 1976 Executive Order which basiclly states that no American can take place in or know about an assassination or something to that effect.

Then we send in a small, mobile and fast as lightening assault force and take out Osama Bin Laden (Correct spelling for those who care) and his followers.

And if Saddam Hussein so much as makes a peep the do him too.

09-14-2001, 12:02 PM
Well I don't know which "guys" you are talking about. But preparing for a durational conflict is the proper and prudent thing to do reguardless of the times.

It is assumed that the President can recind an executive order with another executive order doing so at any time. But in the advent of a delaration of war that existing order is nul and void for that situation anyway. Only if we chose to send in an Assasination team would it be illegal. If he is killed in as an act of war it's just too bad. Personaly? I want him alive... :mad:

Sgt Carnage
09-14-2001, 02:36 PM
There are very few countries (3rd world) that would join Afghanistan and would want to get in the way of what is coming. Osama Bin Ladin is calling on all Muslim Arab Nation to unite and fight us Americans. Personally I hope SADAM joins in so we can finish that job like we should have.

JAPAN - since the end of WWII has only been "allowed a small defense force "JDF" mostly made up of older US Military hardware. ABSOLUTELY no offensive capabiltieS!
As well as being an ally and defended by the US.

RUSSIA - ALOT OF IRONY HERE! When Russia was fighting the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan in the early 80's. The US supported the "rebels" with such as the Stinger Missiles, training -CIA and supposably "we" built many mountain tunnel systems for them.......The irony here is that the Russians have been supporting the rebels now fighting the Taliban. Needless to say Russia will stand with us. But don't step on anyones toes, "it is their neck of the woods not ours"
Also - there are no soviet block countries and no more warsaw pact to my knowledge.

China - Untrustworthy, but will just quietly "watch and learn"! "beware the red dragon". China is regarded as the biggest threat to the US since the break-up of the Soviet Union.

Germany - obviously is an ally, Germany has only been re-unified for about a decade

AHHH, I dont have time to finish this, suddenly must go.
Finish later.

09-14-2001, 03:00 PM
Maybe but I doubt it. I don't really think it is gonna to happen another world war.

09-14-2001, 03:14 PM
i think we will go to war. Nostradomis predicted the plane hitting the buildings and he said there was gonna be a 3rd big war.

09-14-2001, 03:33 PM
Snap go read the Thread in Friedly Corner about that topic. :)

I think you will see it is not quite that simple. :)

09-14-2001, 05:19 PM
im just trying to look smart

09-14-2001, 06:49 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I think all fears the U.S. has about China are unfounded, they are our largest business parnter! And as most people know, politics are run by big business, I agree china will not help us, (though they did say they hope we get the people who did this) but that doesn't mean they are an enemy.

thordic, I noticed you said you thought Bin Laden was getting support from the Saudi Arabian royal family, I thought I would point out that Bin Laden was exiled from Saudi Arabia, and i think if the royal family was supporting him they would remove his exiled status.

Iraq is the only country in the world that has not sent it's condolences to the U.S. if there was any country involved with this attack it would be Iraq

I don't think any devoloped countries will side with afgahnastan, devoloped countries mean order, and terrorism is the opposite of order, so I don't think North Korea, which is a 2nd world country, will even have any part of this batle.

India has no grudge or any other problems with the U.S. they only have problems with Pakistan (another country offering the U.S. places to place bases) I don't think the governments of Pakistan or India are going to intintianally interfere with the U.S. involvement in Afgahnastan, they may however start attacking each other, which could cause some major problems.