View Full Version : Apparently I don't have a right to my opinion......

01-26-2004, 08:38 PM
I went to Paintball review and wrote a review about a field, New Generation in Easley, SC, on January 18 and I'm now getting blasted for my review. This guy has never written a review but feels he is capable of saying my review is questionable. Enigma was there with me that same day and wrote a review simular to mine. I am just so pissed about this idiot questioning my review. It's like excuse me I have a right to an opinion of what I saw and heard. Do I not?

You can read my review at http://www.pbreview.com/fields/reviews/157/

I'm Paintball Girl.

Thanks for letting me vent.

01-26-2004, 08:48 PM
I think you were completely right in writing a review like that so that people with half a brain will know not to go their anymore. Kids playing games without masks, not adhering to the safety rules, and freezing paint is completely insane and should not be allowed. That Don guy is a complete moron and has no clue as to what he is talking about. Just ignore him theres no point in arguing.

01-26-2004, 08:48 PM
I dont think you can really "freeze paint" Whenever I do it it just become brittle.

01-26-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by 845
I dont think you can really "freeze paint" Whenever I do it it just become brittle.

I know it's hard, tho i've never tried to do it nor would I. But there was condistation (sp) on the ball and it was extremely cold.

Enigma can back me up on that, he saw it also.

01-26-2004, 08:56 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. It seems like there is a safety issue at that field, and it was right to make people aware of the problem even if some unkind people feel they have to pick on you because you spoke your mind.

My son lives with his dad in a different state than me...while he is just starting to play, his dad does not. For that reason, I make a point to read reviews of the fields in his area and make him and his father aware of places to be wary of. If he lived near this field and I had read your review (as well as many others) that indicate their inability or unwillingness to enforce basic safety rules, you can be sure that he wouldn't be playing there....So if there's another mom like me that reads what you wrote, you did good!

And hopefully the field owner will take your input and put it to some good use.

01-26-2004, 09:00 PM
condensation** ;)

01-26-2004, 09:02 PM
Thank You Melissa

I'm very safty minded and I have 3 kids to take care of. I don't have a choice and I would feel very bad if I just let it go and someone, adult or child, was harmed due to the safty issues at this field.

Enigma and I, along with my kids, have been to this field before and we loved it. The kids had a ball, Enigma had a great time playing and I enjoyed myself watching all the people play. I really liked this field until that Sunday when all of this happened. I don't want the field shut down. They have a wonderful set up, all I want is the safty issues to be addressed and resolved. This place could be the bomb IF they fix the issues.

What I don't get, is why he is picking on me and not the other 2 reviews that have problems with the safty issues.

01-26-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by sslecyk03
condensation** ;)

HAHAHA I never said I could spell :) :p

01-26-2004, 09:34 PM
He has now posted comment to every review that give this field a low rating...omg..this is now funny.

01-26-2004, 10:09 PM
Can you tell who the guy is? I might know who it is. And its one reason I do not go over there. Otherwise the people are nice. But they got this one dude... who most likely is your culprit and he does not like the others to know what he is doing when they not around. And he is not the owner but he is an employee of thiers. But I do not think they know what he is up to. And if it's this same guy then this would be the issue. He will resort to lying if need be. I seen it and my kid was the recipient of it. And the thing he was lying about I was there the whole time as well as many others and all of us know he was lying. We do not know why. Perhaps its because the kids team won we think. And his group didn't. But that is the kind of person you dealing with here. Stay away. Now you know. I not going to mention names but keep putting out the truth. Some day they will find out and realize all the rumors they heard and accusations they couldn't believe were true. Time always outs the rat. Patience and fortitude will win every time. The truth always wins in the end.

01-26-2004, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Can you tell who the guy is? I might know who it is. And its one reason I do not go over there. Otherwise the people are nice. But they got this one dude... who most likely is your culprit and he does not like the others to know what he is doing when they not around. And he is not the owner but he is an employee of thiers. But I do not think they know what he is up to. And if it's this same guy then this would be the issue. He will resort to lying if need be. I seen it and my kid was the recipient of it. And the thing he was lying about I was there the whole time as well as many others and all of us know he was lying. We do not know why. Perhaps its because the kids team won we think. And his group didn't. But that is the kind of person you dealing with here. Stay away. Now you know. I not going to mention names but keep putting out the truth. Some day they will find out and realize all the rumors they heard and accusations they couldn't believe were true. Time always outs the rat. Patience and fortitude will win every time. The truth always wins in the end.

Phil all i know is the name he uses on pbreview, Dan Parsons. His profile has him being older than me. I can't remember the day of his birthday. If you go, I believe you can click on his name and get to his profile.

01-26-2004, 10:17 PM
I'm trying to clean up that review for you, Missy/Emily. I agree, it was obviously written by someone either working there or with a serious intrest in that field.


01-26-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Halliday
I'm trying to clean up that review for you, Missy/Emily. I agree, it was obviously written by someone either working there or with a serious intrest in that field.


Thank you, I'm sure Missy will appreciat that but i'm PaintBall Girl on pbreview.

01-26-2004, 10:29 PM
No comment then Emily.... ;)

Shame though. Nice facilities and no one responsible running it. I think the main employee manager is a relative. So its hard to get the owners to do anything. Alot of the other reviews are from people that go there and know them and from some who just never played much places and are overly impressed with the indoor and air ball. Thats all they see is that. The rest they feel is supposed to be that way. Little do they know.

01-26-2004, 10:29 PM
Nutz. I'm terrible with names.

01-26-2004, 10:33 PM
...and one other thing I can tell you... I have fixed several markers thier supposed techs have worked on. And so have many others in the area. Everyone knows about that. The whole area around here has had to fix thier mistakes. Its legendary. Duct tape and lock tight fixes. Cobbled to make it get by a day. And stripped parts afterwards too. No one should let them touch thier marker.

01-26-2004, 10:35 PM
Well Phil, I think the people that read the reviews will be able to decide for themselves. It's possible that I'll go back and see if anything has changed and if it has then i'll add that to my review and change my rating. I'm all for improvement and helping businesses out with reviews. It's just sad that this business has to resort to reviews that are bias.

I did report him for his comments, after he commented to every review that gave low ratings. Hopefully they will do something about it.

01-26-2004, 11:17 PM
Emily, i wrote a followup to his remarks on your behalf. I've been to that field and seen quite a few bad things myself. Now warrented it wasn't too long after they had moved to Easly, but it still doesn't excuse what we saw.

01-26-2004, 11:25 PM
Thank you Adam

They were somewhere else?

01-26-2004, 11:27 PM
They used to have just a store somewhere else. If i had a map i could tell you. But, i think they moved all their paintball stuff to there now and left the other store for skateboarding and surfing.

01-26-2004, 11:31 PM
They have a pro shop in Easley seperate from the field. It's big and nice, lots of items in it and there is a section for skateboarding. Where they work on skateboards, sell them and etc.

01-26-2004, 11:34 PM
It was in Spartansburg. And its called New Generation instead of New Gen.

01-26-2004, 11:35 PM
ahhh, ok, i had no idea that they use to be in Spartanburg.