View Full Version : HPA tank safety

01-26-2004, 10:50 PM
I just purchesed a new 68/4500 from crossfire. When I recieved it I was surprised to find it had some small scratches that were kind of deep in the outermost layer of the carbon fiber. There was also a part under the label which just dropped from the current layer to the next one like it had been cut or something. I'm just wondering if this should be something I should worry about. I'm mostly concerned about it failing a hydro, but theres the possible safety issue as well.

BTW, are new carbon fiber tanks still 3-year hydro?

01-26-2004, 11:11 PM
If I were you I would send it back. Even if it's not enough to fail a hydro, nobody wants to pay for a new tank with scratches in the fiber wrap.

01-27-2004, 01:13 AM
eww, yeah, send it back.

01-27-2004, 02:09 AM
DOT Rules are a scratch deep enough to penetrate or expose the fibers is an automatic fail for hydro or visual inspection. They don't even test it.

Send it back and make them get you a new one. Should be no big deal, they'll just send it back to the manufacture for replacement.


01-27-2004, 09:06 AM
Like everyone else said, send it back! :)

And to answer your other question, if it is a new 4500PSI tank from Crossfire, it should have a 5 year bottle on it. It should say on the tank. If not, I will include a link for the DOT Hazmat Safety Exemption Numbers.


Later ~ Dave

01-27-2004, 07:19 PM
I'm not sure whether or not the scratches are deep enough to fail a hydro or cause a problem. Anyone have pics or something I could refer to to tell?

01-27-2004, 07:33 PM
Excerpt from Structural Composite's website:

3.1.1 Level One Damage
Level 1 damage is light cuts or abrasion that do not cause
damage to the glass layer. This level is typical of cylinders used regularly and does not require any repair or immediate refurbishment.

3.1.2 Level Two Damage
Scuffs and abrasions that penetrate the glass layer but do
not damage the carbon layer are considered Level 2
damage. Cylinders exhibiting this level of damage can be
field refurbished. If the inspector is unsure if the carbon
layer has been damaged, the cylinder should be returned to
SCI for evaluation.

3.1.3 Level Three Damage
Damage that penetrates through the glass layer and into the
carbon layer is considered Level 3 damage.

CAUTION: Cylinders that exhibit Level 3 damage are to be condemned!

Same Standards apply to Luxfer cylinders.

Here's a great link to pic's



01-27-2004, 09:33 PM
Thanks! :)

I think my tank has type 1 or possibly even type 2 damage...and it is brand NEW from the factory! There are tiny dents in the coating and theres a few semi-deep dents in it. Should I contact crossfire directly or send it back to the store? Bah, after waiting a month for this I gotta send it back again and wait longer. :rolleyes:

01-27-2004, 10:53 PM
call Crossfire. Don't know what happened, but a NEW product should be just that: NEW!