View Full Version : Drop Fowards

01-27-2004, 07:26 PM
What drop would you suggest i put on my rat impulse. I have a large shocktech, but it is BLUE and my gun is SILVER. Do you think i need on/off? I like my tank to sit pretty far up

01-27-2004, 08:37 PM
Get a chrome shocktech then. I personally like short or no drops. On/offs are good because you can turn your air off to yoru gun and still have the tank screwed in. Its all about your opinion.

01-27-2004, 08:38 PM
Black CP rail. Drops are so out.

01-27-2004, 08:52 PM
If you want something larger, then the shockteck would be a good choice. As far as color goes, that's just up to how picky your are about such things.

01-27-2004, 09:08 PM
Time to make another enemy.

Spongebob, you only dislike drops because the pros dont use them anymore. Kind of like everyone getting stupid headbands because it is cool, bending their mask bottoms up, not using knee/shin pads anymore, or even not wearing hats any longer. I have seen alot of people playing lately without drop, and I think it's gay. I also saw taht someon wrote how drops dont help you play tighter. What bs. Of course they do, by moving the tank further forward, you can make yourself a smaller target from the side, and it's easier to snap shoot.

I have a Dead-On drop, which is HUGE. it's great, it must put that tank like 5 inches or so forward and about 3 down. I love it.

01-27-2004, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Time to make another enemy.

Spongebob, you only dislike drops because the pros dont use them anymore. Kind of like everyone getting stupid headbands because it is cool, bending their mask bottoms up, not using knee/shin pads anymore, or even not wearing hats any longer. I have seen alot of people playing lately without drop, and I think it's gay. I also saw taht someon wrote how drops dont help you play tighter. What bs. Of course they do, by moving the tank further forward, you can make yourself a smaller target from the side, and it's easier to snap shoot.

I have a Dead-On drop, which is HUGE. it's great, it must put that tank like 5 inches or so forward and about 3 down. I love it.


ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
01-27-2004, 09:15 PM
Well put WarpedRT i also have the Dead on Bullet which length spans 7 inches horizontal and 3 down. Makes the gun very centered right where my handle is, more weight is actually in the foregrip than the handle so my shooting hand is not holding as much

01-27-2004, 09:28 PM
I completely, agree. Its all about how you like the tank postioned. I personally like my gun to have a little drop because i actually put the tank between my forearm and upper arm causing me to get really close to the gun as well. I also put the tank up against my uper chest causing the gun to be longer for x-ball and being able to push the bunkers easier. Just depends how you like your drop so go with a silver shocktech long with on.off.

01-27-2004, 09:45 PM
^^^^^ i looked for a silver st with on/off....couldnt find one anyone know where to find? Dead on Bullet was the other drop i was looking at one of my buddies has it and loves it. I was wondering why a silver Dead on bullet is 10 dollars more than the other colors though, anyone know what that is about?

01-27-2004, 09:45 PM
Ok, if you DO like drops, I WOULD highly recommend the Dead On Bullet. I used to have it with my mag, and its just...perfect with any tank. BUT I really disagree with the no drop statement. Im sure some people have gotten rid of a drop because the pros do it, but the "pros do it" cuz it works. Snap shooting is easier, and if you build your marker approriately it balances much better, and makes the hopper lower. You use it right, your a smaller target than even with a drop. As for being smaller with a drop..yes, your compact, and most people do control where their hopper is, but with a drop, snapping is unbalanced and uses a rotating motion, and your hopper generally floats there. JUST my opinion, I used to use an RT-Pro with a Dead On until I had to use an Imp with no dropforward at a tourny, the RT went into runaway. After that I was hooked, I would give it a try. :D As for all the other stuff...headbands, I use a tennis one, keeps the sweat outta my foam, after having a Raven Mask I understood how detrimental sweat can be. :p Rolling your mask up for some people helps with talking, when I was at our last tournament I had to roll it up some games because I would die coughing yelling otherwise, most "trends" really do help performance. All the other stuff is plain stupid, and you are 100% correct. Whew. :cool:

01-27-2004, 09:48 PM
Oh, did I say 5? sorry, it IS 7 inches!! drop, that is...the drop.

Yeah, I'm talking about the headbands that have these long tails on them. I hate them. I know someone who buys this stuff just because the pros do. It's sickening. And I will never play again without wearing knee/shin pads. I blew a hole in my Draxxus pants the first day I used them due to rocks, so I will be protecting them from now on.

Also, whats up with forarm pads. I thought that that kind of padding was illegal? That also seems to be a new trend. But I see that it does have a use. Next, not wearing gloves will be cool. Angel gloves, here I come.

01-27-2004, 10:57 PM
Yeah, having your face hit the back of your gun and having your hopper 10ft. above your head is definitely cool. Oh yeah, did I mention having to bend your wrist in odd positions to shoot the gun? Drops are so stupid its unbelievable. Maybe people setup there guns like the pros because duh, they know what they are doing. Do you think the pros are using rails for no reason? No, they are using them for a reason. Drops are completely out of date I don't are what you say. If you know how to use a rail or duckbill your gun will improve. Remember, having your hopper 10ft. above your head is not cool anymore.




Please, if you are still using drops its like you are still running windows 95 on your computer......

01-27-2004, 10:59 PM
I don't use a drop anymore cause mine snapped in half. I'll post a pic tomorrow.

50 cal
01-27-2004, 11:03 PM
I use a short drop. I like it.
Not using a drop improves your game? I've heard some crazy stuff before, but that takes the cake. I'm sorry.

Tony D.
01-27-2004, 11:08 PM
Drops are retarded and have absolutely no point to it. If you can't play as tight with a rail as you can with a drop your doing something wrong. I, like others, still don't see why you want your loader up that high just so you can have the tank pushed further out, and down. Makes no sence.

01-27-2004, 11:09 PM
definitely a new style CP rail.... they are teh hotnesszor.

01-27-2004, 11:09 PM
i have my word in this
warped seem to get crazy all of a sudden

1. i used a drop, PERSONALLY JUST ME, i shot like a box, making your body much wider, and it made my gun taller. making my hopper very vulnerable to hopper hits

2. i got my unimount, i started to have a much much easier time walking my emag. not to mention it cut off alot of height. the tank straightens out your body and lets you shoot w/ your body turned more, so you lose alot of possibly target area

3. anyone who uses a tank bigger than 70ci, should use a drop unless you have the arms of a basketball player ( just a stereotype, dont flame me )

4. its really just the player's preference

01-27-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Time to make another enemy.

by moving the tank further forward, you can make yourself a smaller target from the side, and it's easier to snap shoot.

Ever since I got rid of my drop I have been playing better. Snap shooting quicker. Elimination count has risen.

01-27-2004, 11:18 PM
Some of you people are so absorbed by what is considered cool now.

"Drops are so out"

"Go back to 99"

"Please, if you are still using drops its like you are still running windows 95 on your computer......" (I hope that wasnt a comment on my PC)

You people will let the industry tell you whats cool, and tell you where to put your dollars. Thats right, right now, it's a Viking. If you are using an Intimidaor, you are so last week! You people sound like cheer leaders.

Oh, so, I guess pros are ALWAYS right about everything, huh? Then what are all you mag people doing?!?! Get a Viking right now, because the Intimidator isnt cool anymore, and you better go back to 95, when mags were awesome!! Do you see what I mean? It's pretty dumb to say that things are too old to be cool. If you can play good with your set-up, and you can shut people's mouths when it counts, you are cool. I really have forgotten what it was like though. Always trying to be "cooler" than everyone else. That was the life back in 8th grade.

Yes, it is personal preference, but usning a drop isnt a bad thing. You have a brain, you can think for your self. I like using a drop,so I will continue to do so. Until I switch, I guess I'll be stale.

member#10,261, I never thought remotes were a bad idea, just too heavy.

Good point Mindflux, it's true, the hopper is no higher if you look down the barrel.

xXhAppyAznXx, I'm crazy 24/7! I told you I was about to make a few more enemies. No one likes to agree with me. For those that have on this, thank you.

01-27-2004, 11:18 PM
I got a crazy idea.Set up your gun so it feels most comfortable to you.Whether that means drop or not doesn't really matter.


01-27-2004, 11:18 PM
Realize also that what type of drop you use is highly dependent on how long/short your arms are in comparison to what size tank you use. You're going to use a shorter drop if you use a peanut, etc. I would recommend getting your stuff together and heading down to the nearest pro shop and trying them all out. I went through at least 3 before deciding what fit me (you know, the one that's going to be shooting the marker) best. Since the dude in the picture has a set up that makes a huge difference in my game, not.

01-27-2004, 11:20 PM
And technically, a rail is still a dropFORWARD isnt it? after all, it still brings the tank forward...

01-27-2004, 11:21 PM
Well put tony.

WarpedRT - if you are worried about your side profile your gonna get shot anyways, because if your side profile determines HIS Shot, hes likely bunkering you. Go back to 99', if all your gonna do is say how stupid this new stuff is.

The Action Figure
01-27-2004, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Time to make another enemy.

Spongebob, you only dislike drops because the pros dont use them anymore. Kind of like everyone getting stupid headbands because it is cool, bending their mask bottoms up, not using knee/shin pads anymore, or even not wearing hats any longer. I have seen alot of people playing lately without drop, and I think it's gay. I also saw taht someon wrote how drops dont help you play tighter. What bs. Of course they do, by moving the tank further forward, you can make yourself a smaller target from the side, and it's easier to snap shoot.

I have a Dead-On drop, which is HUGE. it's great, it must put that tank like 5 inches or so forward and about 3 down. I love it.

uh...................yeah what he said

The Action Figure
01-27-2004, 11:27 PM

01-27-2004, 11:29 PM
what about remotes!

01-27-2004, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by member#10,261
what about remotes! ack!. .... cant.... breath..... baaahh.....

01-27-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Tony D.
Drops are retarded and have absolutely no point to it. If you can't play as tight with a rail as you can with a drop your doing something wrong. I, like others, still don't see why you want your loader up that high just so you can have the tank pushed further out, and down. Makes no sence.

I don't see how your loader is up any higher with a drop than a rail, especially when most people take sight down the side of the marker and follow it out to the barrel.

So regardless if you're holding a marker with a rail or a drop.. the barrel is eye level to you.. the hopper is no higher.

01-28-2004, 12:27 AM
could someone post pics to compare a newer drop and a newer rail?

01-28-2004, 12:29 AM
Small Drop Forward:




01-28-2004, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
I got a crazy idea.Set up your gun so it feels most comfortable to you.Whether that means drop or not doesn't really matter.


Hey look, someone is actually thinking straight.

"Go back to 99"

"Please, if you are still using drops its like you are still running windows 95 on your computer......"

in responce to those, the AIR valve is still in use, and the automag RT's came out around 95 i think. Cockers can be considered old tecnology, but many tourney players still use them and swear by them. Same with pumps. It's all a matter of what you are comfortable with. I personally use a shocktech stubby drop which is perfect for me, however my friend uses a Kapp DZ3. We have the same markers, and same tanks.

01-28-2004, 01:43 AM

Drops are so out.

dumb statement

Tony D.

Drops are retarded and have absolutely no point to it

dumb statement

Originally posted by RRfireblade
I got a crazy idea.Set up your gun so it feels most comfortable to you.Whether that means drop or not doesn't really matter.

Finally something intelligent! Why would you tell someone what to get based on YOUR perference? You have no idea what another person would consider comfortable or not so don't go around saying moronic statements like drops are for noobs.

01-28-2004, 02:37 AM
I got a crazy idea.Set up your gun so it feels most comfortable to you.Whether that means drop or not doesn't really matter.

...cannot...make...decision...without advice from.....15 year old posers....who...can't....think for themselves!

01-28-2004, 04:55 AM
Oh god! is this AO or PBN? did i click on the wrong bookmark?

Anyway... setup what feels comfy. I use to sport the shocktech medium drop. Now rock no/micro drop cause its a lot easier and faster to shoulder, more stable while runnin' and gunnin, and its easier to snap with. Its comfy too.

01-28-2004, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by tony3
Please, if you are still using drops its like you are still running windows 95 on your computer......

Heh, were you even BORN in 1995? :rolleyes:

Use what feels comfortable to YOU, don't become a 'it must be cool because 'X' pro said so' lemming.

Sometimes I really wish there was a 'filter posts by people born before x' option in Vbulletin. :D

Personally I prefer rails or very short drops. I did have one of the CP rails but found that it made my marker back heavy. I now use this (very ghetto) rail from AGD-E: http://www.airgun.com/Europe/AirgunShop/shopimages/SlideRail.jpg

...but I recently spotted that you can buy the Conquest rail from Macdev separately, which looks like it would do the same job and also look a bit prettier ;)


01-28-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by SpecialBlend2786

Hey look, someone is actually thinking straight.

"Go back to 99"

"Please, if you are still using drops its like you are still running windows 95 on your computer......"

in responce to those, the AIR valve is still in use, and the automag RT's came out around 95 i think. Cockers can be considered old tecnology, but many tourney players still use them and swear by them. Same with pumps. It's all a matter of what you are comfortable with. I personally use a shocktech stubby drop which is perfect for me, however my friend uses a Kapp DZ3. We have the same markers, and same tanks. Yes, these guns and parts are still in use, but they have been IMPROVED! Rails are simply an improvement over long drops. Like RR said, use whats comfortable.

01-28-2004, 12:19 PM
remotes are the best, becasue some Pros on the Ironmen used them in the early mid 90's. Old school rocks new school. Don't worry boys and girls rails won't be the new fasionable thing on your Mac Dev Cyborg next year.

01-28-2004, 12:37 PM
On my old tippmann I had first, at first I used it with no drop at all. Then I got a Psycho BAllistics drop witch was 7 inches forward, 2 inches down. That was cool, until I couldn't hold a pencil to write anymore. I got my first mag, used a Kapp Dropzone for a while. Then ditched it for an angled Shocktech mini drop. On my second mag, I only used the mini CP rail.

Of all those, I like the rail the most. If anything, I'd like it one or 2 inches forward (but not angled down like the shocktech drops. I hate that!)

How long are those CP razor drops? I might want to try one...

BTW. Remotes suck!:p

01-28-2004, 01:30 PM
I second the dead on drop. I had a drop simmilar to that when i had my rat and it was awsome. I now use a dead on on my mag and its wonderfull.

01-28-2004, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by tony3
Yeah, having your face hit the back of your gun and having your hopper 10ft. above your head is definitely cool. Oh yeah, did I mention having to bend your wrist in odd positions to shoot the gun? Drops are so stupid its unbelievable. Maybe people setup there guns like the pros because duh, they know what they are doing. Do you think the pros are using rails for no reason? No, they are using them for a reason. Drops are completely out of date I don't are what you say. If you know how to use a rail or duckbill your gun will improve. Remember, having your hopper 10ft. above your head is not cool anymore.
Please, if you are still using drops its like you are still running windows 95 on your computer......

Yep Drops are old school now.... get a unimount!

01-28-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Cryer
How long are those CP razor drops? I might want to try one...

I believe they're a 4" drop.


01-28-2004, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Arawn

I believe they're a 4" drop.


Razors are like 2" forward and 1-2" down. I have one on my mag. It's a small drop.

01-28-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by SpecialBlend2786
in responce to those, the AIR valve is still in use, and the automag RT's came out around 95 i think. Cockers can be considered old tecnology, but many tourney players still use them and swear by them. Same with pumps. It's all a matter of what you are comfortable with. I personally use a shocktech stubby drop which is perfect for me, however my friend uses a Kapp DZ3. We have the same markers, and same tanks.

Know why people still use cockers? Because WGP stayed with the times and kept updating there cockers. AGD didn't start doing good things for mags until 1-2 years ago. Maybe if agd came out with ule bodies, xmags, and lvl 10 3-4 years ago mags would still be alittle more widely used.

A lot of people on this forum have followed agd, even if they don't shoot there guns anymore they are like agd in many ways. AGD didn't start catching up to the times until a few years ago. A lot of the people on this forum still aren't caught up with the times. Its my opinion. Drop forwards are stupid. They don't even make sense. Learn to shoot your gun without one, no one is going to die without a drop.

Why the hell do you think so many mag owners and people on this forum in general want all mech. tournies? You can say anything you want about blah blah we don't want people shooting 18 bps at us, but the truth comes down to it, agd isn't the top dog anymore. The only way for them to become the top dog again is to have a mech only tourney. Mags I think are the best non-electro gun. But the emag is probably one of the worst electro guns on the market.

I of course thought I couldn't live without drops and camo was cool. I wasn't afraid of change and just ran my gun on a duckbill for a few cases. And believe it or not it wasn't hard for me to shoot my gun, I was getting less hopper fits, and I wasn't turning my wrist in circles to fire my gun. I support the better idea, and no drops is a better idea. People just can't realize that.

P.S. Mindflux, razors come in 2 lengths a shorty and a long style;)

01-28-2004, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by tony3

P.S. Mindflux, razors come in 2 lengths a shorty and a long style;)

I think you are mistaking the CP Micro drop as a shorty Razor.

Custom Products only shows one size on their page, and a call to them just confirmed only one. So unless I spoke to someone who doesn't know anything about their own product..... well.. you'd be wrong ;)

It comes down to personal preference, again, I sight my marker down the barrel.. so the hopper is no higher or lower with a drop vs a uni / rail.

I guess if you butt the bottle up against your shoulder with a drop, of course it's going to be higher.. but then you'd look like a tool (Like the guy in the pic doing the same thing).

BTW: 2 inch drop does not make the hopper "10 feet above your head", it would raise the hopper two inches higher than you would have with a rail.

Quit being such a drama queen about everyones preference.

01-28-2004, 04:42 PM
who cares wat others think.

Your Gun, Your Decision.

if u like how ur gun feels with a drop, use a drop. if u like how it feels without a drop, dont use a drop. simple as that.

The Action Figure
01-28-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by tony3

Know why people still use cockers? Because WGP stayed with the times and kept updating there cockers. AGD didn't start doing good things for mags until 1-2 years ago. Maybe if agd came out with ule bodies, xmags, and lvl 10 3-4 years ago mags would still be alittle more widely used.

A lot of people on this forum have followed agd, even if they don't shoot there guns anymore they are like agd in many ways. AGD didn't start catching up to the times until a few years ago. A lot of the people on this forum still aren't caught up with the times. Its my opinion. Drop forwards are stupid. They don't even make sense. Learn to shoot your gun without one, no one is going to die without a drop.

Why the hell do you think so many mag owners and people on this forum in general want all mech. tournies? You can say anything you want about blah blah we don't want people shooting 18 bps at us, but the truth comes down to it, agd isn't the top dog anymore. The only way for them to become the top dog again is to have a mech only tourney. Mags I think are the best non-electro gun. But the emag is probably one of the worst electro guns on the market.

I of course thought I couldn't live without drops and camo was cool. I wasn't afraid of change and just ran my gun on a duckbill for a few cases. And believe it or not it wasn't hard for me to shoot my gun, I was getting less hopper fits, and I wasn't turning my wrist in circles to fire my gun. I support the better idea, and no drops is a better idea. People just can't realize that.

P.S. Mindflux, razors come in 2 lengths a shorty and a long style;)

um...... yeah, oh sorry, I just have a cough cough trash cough cough, cough cough lies cough cough

01-28-2004, 05:21 PM
i have narrowed it down to three possibilities. A Dead on Bullet, CP MICRO, or a CP rail. Im not sure if the rail fits my gun though anyone know what i would need to get to set up a rail? Yes i realize these are three very different items, but they all seem to sit nicely.

01-28-2004, 05:38 PM
Tony3 - you've got a lot of opinions for a 14 year old. How long have you been playing....1 year? 2...max?

I don't think you're even remotely qualified to discuss the relative merits of the business practices of AGD and WGP.

I couldn't live without drops and camo was cool.

Most people made their choices on that issue in 1995. As I'm yet to see a pre-school paintballer I'm guessing that you've just got an over-active imagination. ;)

01-28-2004, 06:05 PM
I have been playing for 3 years, started then I was 12, so well like 2 years 360 days. Got my first gun for my 12th bday. I think I should just take my age out of my profile. Whenever I make a good point, people always say, oh well, you are only a newbie teenager. Whatever, I'm done here.

01-28-2004, 06:46 PM
Yes, lets all agree that you can use whatever you want, because it's all personal preference. The only reason I jumped on someone was because they said something stupid. Lets face facts. When you go to a field, where there are players with $$$, you will see trends in full effect. Back 2 years ago, you had everyone buying sock hats (I bought mine almost 3 1/2 years ago) people turning up the bottoms of their masks, people wearing their straight-shots on lanyards (which did work, and yes, I did that because it had a purpose) and people wearing knee/shin pads. That was cool. Now, you cant really find anyone who wears pads like that, people with their masks bottoms up, or even now, people with a drop. This is all a reflection of what the pros do. They know what you are looking at when they play. They know how to appear when the cameras start flashing. They are in it to make $$$ off of you. Do any of you have a concept of how much whats his face Chris Lasoysauce is worth? Too much, and you people are the ones tossing money at him.

01-28-2004, 07:35 PM
Please guys.. stop babbling. The guy wants an opinion, not a battle about whats "cool" and whats not. Whatever lets you play to your full potential, and play comfortably, is what you need... its all preference.
Some people like being able to move, and stay tucked in tight, and have a setup that is compact, others prefer theirs to be 2' long.
Say you shoot a lot and have a 91 ci bottle, I don't know about you, but I don't need 12" extra sticking out the back of my marker.
Personally, I had a DZ2, Med Shocktech, and a KO Lady drop. I tried using a duckbill before, but after I had to try to get my arms around the gun to play, I went back to the DZ3 I had at the time. Just try them out before you buy them.

If you're trying to post pics to show a difference, show two people in the same position.

Now.. quotes, and summed up opinions:

"Learn to use the gun without one" Why would you when you've got a smaller, tighter setup with one..

"It makes the hopper two inches higher" Why don't you just stop crying and use a warp or qloader?

"I wasn't turning my wrist in circles to fire my gun" Its called the Y grip, Logic Vert, Tarantula vert, Space frame, Z grip...

"Many pros still use cockers" Well they shave weight off, put bandaid electro frames on, and we can put new internals in.. wow its "new and improved," so lets buy it!

"I don't like the gun in my face.. I want it 6" further in front" My answer, you must shoot a cocker, and you need a few inches for the 786 parts to finish moving, spurting air, and clanking about.

I guess no external moving parts isn't cool either (tippmann a5, angels, mags?)? Little maintenance is the same way?

I give up

01-28-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by tony3
I think I should just take my age out of my profile.

I'm not sure that's such a good idea.Your comments usually imply your much younger.;)

01-28-2004, 09:17 PM

01-28-2004, 10:09 PM
I use a rail with my 70/45 tank. Of course I just do it because the pros do it. There is no way I would do it because my tank is super short and I like the feel of it. I mean, why would a 17 year old be able to think for himself? I'm a child, and my job is to mindlessly follow the pros:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I wear a headband too. Never mind the fact that the rest of my team has matching headbands and jersies. We all know I am just copying the pros around me. Us "kids" are just mindless followers and are totally incapable of independent though.

My point here is that the people who overgeneralize all young players as followers and mindless drones are WRONG. This forum is notorious for this idea, that older people (and some of the younger ones) can bash on the rest of us for doing what we like with our markers. The best part is that they follow up with the statement "Do whatever works best on your marker" Godd advice, but why did you precede it with a good bashing of MY choices? An example of this is when tony3 presents a point and Gadget immediately dismisses it on the basis that tony is "too young" to have a valid opinion. Now that is a great sign of maturity... Overgeneralizing is just as dangerous from either side of the argument.

And th end this on a somewhat lighter note: Remember, I'll be responsible when you're old and weak:D

01-28-2004, 10:09 PM
i had to post some comparable pictures, but I was alone and all I had was my digi and timer. sorry for the poor quality control as well, but heres the difference with my 68ci tank, reg, and rail on my speed demon.
with dz2

with a rail mount

the lines are from my eye to the middle of the tip of the barrel, and the second is parallel to the first, and starting at the top of my hat. the box contains the extremes to each. you can see the hopper (where it says evlution 2) is actually lower with a drop.

but, its your choice.