View Full Version : My Zgrip RT with Warp Pics.

Bad Dave
09-14-2001, 10:17 AM
I picked up a warp feed off John Sosta at the campaign gup then added it to my Z grip RT, it worked fine straight away off the vibration sensor but i had to take things one step further and installed an interface kit and an on/off.

<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00038.jpg" width=300 height=200 border=0>

<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00059.jpg" width=300 height=200 border=0>

Both sides of the RT shown above with the warp, note that the warp feed cable runs up through the hopper creating a tighter profile and cutting down on hose it also works extremely well.

<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00047.jpg" width=300 height=200 border=0>

<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00042.jpg" width=300 height=200 border=0>

This is my barrel of choice, an armson stealth two piece barrel has three tips to make an 11" 13" and 16" barrel, the quality of these barrels is excellent and the back section is the optimum length for gas efficiency, lower pressure operation. Looks like someone has actually listened to Tom Kaye for a change.lol.

The steel back has two nubbins to work well with the warp feed and keep the ball positioned well it is also of a nice small ID 0.684 i think, to work well with the smaller paint on sale today.

Bad Dave
09-14-2001, 10:27 AM
<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00070.jpg" width=600 height=400 border=0>
A shot from the front, see how tight the profile is, also note the interface cable between grip and warp.
<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00077.jpg" width=300 height=200 border=0>
the interface cable plugs into the grip here where my fingers do not touch so it does not get into the way
<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00084.jpg" width=300 height=200 border=0>
wiring on the Z grip comes out the back runs round and then back into the grip. Note the socket is mounted in cardboard but today i made a mount out of plastic which is much sturdier.
<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00087.jpg" width=300 height=200 border=0>
the switch located inside the Z grip.
<img src="http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/BadDave/Rim00105.jpg" width=300 height=200 border=0>

Bad Dave himself.

I would like to thank:

Alex neil for photographs.

John and Jackie Sosta

Melvin from armson barrels www.armsonltd.co.uk

Ben Reed.

I will post in more detail in the tech room soon about how to do this and also the parts and numbers required.

any questions e mail [email protected]

09-14-2001, 12:00 PM
Where did you get that barrel? I've been looking for them and havn't been able to find them anywhere. They're not even on Armson's website (US or UK)


Bad Dave
09-14-2001, 12:14 PM
e mail melvin [email protected] and tell him Dave S from BC sent u. These barrels are new and i have one of the first ones but they are quality

09-14-2001, 02:46 PM
Cool gun....Very cool!!!!!!!:)

Bad Dave
09-14-2001, 04:29 PM
Cheers man I kinda like it lol.

09-14-2001, 11:35 PM
Dope gun, love the barrel and how slim it is with the warp.

09-14-2001, 11:44 PM
They had those at ZAP IAO..... I knew they had a nice long base (8" I think), but I didn't know that the tips were interchangable.... I also didn't know that it was rifled. I'm not sure it does much for accuracy, but it sure does make it hard to shoot through a break! :) Any idea on what they cost?

Bad Dave
09-15-2001, 03:34 AM
It is straight line rifled so it is quite easy to shoot through a break, spiral rifling is a pain to clean though.

I think it might be 90 bucks for one base and one back but don't quote me on that u r better off getting in touch with melvin from armson barrels he will know for sure.

I think it is a quality bit of kit overall.

Peanut The Paintballer
09-15-2001, 09:59 AM
Looks great. Good luck with it!

Bad Dave
09-15-2001, 04:21 PM
Watch out for news of an up and coming team called Enigma featuring two e mags and warps, my rt, a retro mag, and an angel and an eclipse impulse.

I have high hopes cos there is a real sense of camaraderie within the team.

I have left out my boomy, smart stainless, jj ceramic and stock rt barrel which gives me a very good selection of barrels and i feel no need for a freak or other kit.

09-15-2001, 05:37 PM
nice gun dave ......

09-15-2001, 09:50 PM
:cool: nice!! :cool: