View Full Version : What makes a Pro a Pro?

01-28-2004, 01:19 AM
...hopin to start a Good discussion here, so...

I was at my local PB store today and on the tube they were playin a DvD of a recent Las Vegas PB Tourny- not sure which one. It was the "Bob Long Ironmen" vs some other team.

Some things I noticed...
-Pro Gear: Typical Top of the Line Stuff- Timmies & the like...
-Pro Technique: :confused: Didnt see much of anything that impressed me(more on this inamoment)...
-Pro (athletic)Ability: :rolleyes: Again, Nothing special...
-Pro Attitude::( My momma woulda Slapped me Silly if I acted like that when I was a kid.

Now I read all the PB articles online & in print about technique & strategy & usually pick up some really good advice. I play mostly rec ball but have been thinkin of lookin into tournies just for fun.

Heres tha Dilema...

Behind those Maxed out Raceguns I saw a bunch of dudes with barely average athletic ability sportin some sorry attitudes using Little or NONE of the technique I frequently read about. They mostly stood in one spot, poked their boomstick outa one side of their bunker & hosed paint. The $2000 Raceguns were doin ALL the Work! The Knuckleheads behind em were just basically twitchin their digits!
Whats tha Deal?!?:confused:
Lookin forward to some interesting banter:D

01-28-2004, 01:27 AM
Its in the subtleties of the game.

There won't be athletic ability shown, because we've made the sport one of lockdown and control so people cannot move. If you cannot move, you don't show much athleticism.

Watch closer on how they tuck, how they communicate, how they snapshoot. At first glance it may look like your average rec baller, but in reality, the pros have the details down much better than your average player.

They have honed their specific skills to that specific style of play.

01-28-2004, 01:38 AM
Sorry to shoot you down so hard on this one,

Start playing tourney paintball and it will come together allot faster. Working as a team it takes a lot of talent to communicate and know where everyone else is on the field at the same time.

Off the break sweetspotting while keeping everyone’s guns up and keeping the paint flying in all the areas where it needs to is crucial. Laning similar to sweetspotting is also another skill which takes allot of skill and experience to get paint flying places where it will make a difference.

Front players are really the only players who need something resembling athletic ability then skills like snap shooting, and gunning while running come into play.

As far as markers go, speed just augments player skill, their are so many techniques that most rec ballers don’t remotely have because it doesn't matter. I'm amazed how many times I've handed my NYX to friends who have no idea to walk or rake decently. Staying tight is also passed over by recballers since getting out really doesn’t matter as much. Things like huge drops which just kill your profile, like drops, so many people think a DZ3 which feels comfy is a great thing. (not to mention I don't think that their are any pro teams using Race'd cockers at the moment ;) )

I'd add more but basically I'll just touch what you mentioned to defend.

Trust me once you get into the tournament scene you'll start to realize it. As someone who made the transition I realized how much my overall performance increased after practicing with NPPL Amateur teams just a few times. After a couple of real practices I went down to play some walk on games and there was such a huge difference skill difference that it wasn't even funny. Another teammate and myself could easily mow down all the recballers who came down for the day (and I'm not talking Tippmans, everyone over 14 around here has something decent). Yet I'm no where near a pro my team still goes down to the field Sunday mornings to practice with the NY Dogs and come home whooped, mind you the Dogs while a NPPL Amateur team are towards the bottom of their division.

When winning at all costs comes into the picture everything changes, live and learn.

edit: I'd also just like to add when Xball play comes into play everything changes again, much more athleticism is needed.

Chojin Man
01-28-2004, 03:17 AM
I think that good teamwork is another thing that makes a Pro a Pro. Covering eachother, communication, etc.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
01-28-2004, 03:44 AM
I think what makes a pro player a pro player is the fact that they play on a regular basis. By that I mean...at least once a week...more then likey several times a week. In doing so you build up your confidence...you begin to learn things...strategies etc. I know that since I've gone from playing monthly, to nearly playing weekly that my game has improved exponentially...and is still improving

01-28-2004, 11:41 AM
knowing when to move is a great advantage. I've never played in a tournament, but just playing i've noticed this.

01-28-2004, 11:47 AM
i recently played against some division 2 X-ballers at my local field. they may seem like the average baller, but theres lil things they do that make them really tough to play against. players in vid's may not seem so great, because pro ball is so much more like a chess game than your standard rec ball game. theres so much paint flying and every move could be crutial. everything is much more calculated than your usual though process of "well, i think i can make it there" its a whole different world

Deep Sixx
01-28-2004, 12:31 PM
What makes a "Pro" paintball player? Playing in the pro division. You wanna be a pro? Come up with the cash and register your team. There, you're a pro.


01-28-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Deep Sixx
What makes a "Pro" paintball player? Playing in the pro division. You wanna be a pro? Come up with the cash and register your team. There, you're a pro.


Not so anymore in US leagues, sorry

01-28-2004, 12:46 PM
If you watch videos of novice or am teams and tyen watch pro games you will see a big difference. Everyone is communicating more, not thinking, just doing, coordinated moves, etc. Just liek in many ohter psotrts, they make it look easy. But over the years they have developed an extreme level of skill and work. They know when and how to mave and what not. It may seem simple, but it's not.

01-28-2004, 12:50 PM
Go to a nice field and you'll see who is "good" fast. By the way they run,slid,shoot,tuck,scream (comm.), when to make a move, or when to just stay and lay paint.

01-28-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by bunkermaster10
Go to a nice field and you'll see who is "good" fast. By the way they run,slid,shoot,tuck,scream (comm.), when to make a move, or when to just stay and lay paint.

Dumbest thing ever posted. Ever. What makes a pro is the amount of money he spent on his paintball equipment... ;)

01-28-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by *captain_cox*37

Dumbest thing ever posted. Ever. What makes a pro is the amount of money he spent on his paintball equipment... ;)

thats why most pros have huge sponsors, and get their gear for free, right?

USAF-i play every weekend, both Sat and Sunday, and you're right, but i wouldn't think that would make you a pro, it depends on who you play WITH.

not 'one' person is a pro, its the group of people. you suck if you're alone

01-28-2004, 01:42 PM
Well technically anyone that is paid to do it is a Professional. No matter if he plays or acts like one. Professional is not a verb! ;)

Rocky Knuth
01-28-2004, 02:25 PM
Mostly experience. You can call yourself a "pro" but that really doesnt mean your a pro.

The NXL is a pro league and so is the NPPL. For 2005 season your team has to qualify for the PRO ranks (NPPL).

If you actually play agaist a season pro you will understand the difference.

Being athletic is a definantly plus, but also having the experience in a "situtation" is very important.
You can train to make a player a better shooter, laner ect.... BUT you cant train for experience.

Notice how many times I said experience :).


01-28-2004, 02:42 PM
And so say'eth the Dog! :D

I agree. There are subtle differences in how a pro team will look at and play a field opposed to how joe schmoe does.

01-28-2004, 03:14 PM
Yea, when you watch a good pro team play a good amatuer team, you can see the differences.

Pros seem to be a little cooler on the field. When something happens, they react in a more stable manner. They also tend to appear in charge. A good professional team won't hesitate to roll a lesser team.

I remember watching a much older video of Aftershock playing a team that while good, was not as good as 'shock. Predictably, Aftershock made all the moves and the other team was simple reacting. If someone on 'shock wanted a specific bunker(or tree in this case), they took it and the other team gave it to them.

Alot seems to be confidence too.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
01-28-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by rikkter

USAF-i play every weekend, both Sat and Sunday, and you're right, but i wouldn't think that would make you a pro, it depends on who you play WITH.

Of course it matters who you play against. If I want to improve my game...I'm going to play against people that I know would spank me big time.

01-28-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Well technically anyone that is paid to do it is a Professional. No matter if he plays or acts like one. Professional is not a verb! ;)

I thought that was fairly obvious as well.;) 'Cept I would add to that by saying your a Pro if you being paid to play is your primary source of income.Being Pro often has little to do with being a great player as being one, doesn't automatically make you the other.

01-28-2004, 04:54 PM
I know that there will be repercusions to this comment. I know that Pro players are really good, but the only difference Am and Pro is the Pros are better at cheating than the Ams.

Say whatever you like. There is definate truth behind it.

01-28-2004, 05:09 PM
Everybody says that much cheating goes on .... oh come yeah there is some is has to be taken care of. but not nearly as much as people say. personally i feel like people cheat ALOT more in recball, i swear i have to hit everyone atleast 10 times before they get out. the refs actaully do a decent job in tournaments. go watch a game between some real teams and you will notice that there is a big diffirence between the two divisions.

by the way i believe Lockout was shooting trixis and raced autocockers this season and the last( if the Video talked about bobs men .. then it was it was before the 2003 season)

i play against some really good AM and sometime Pro players every once a in a while. and they will roll you over.

that and being a pro is also having a really nice sponsership :)

oh Flyboy thanks for letting me shoot your Xmag over at NorCal Vs Socal. it was the fastest gun i have shoot ...ever!

it made my angels look like sloths.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
01-28-2004, 05:54 PM
nasty...no worries...Thank you for the compliment on my gun =)

01-28-2004, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by USAF-Flyboy with a Mag

Of course it matters who you play against. If I want to improve my game...I'm going to play against people that I know would spank me big time.

no no, i mean teammates wise, as in communication and such;)

01-28-2004, 09:47 PM
What makes a "pro"?
Being able to play good is only 1/4 of being a "pro" the rest is how you present yourself on the field, before the game, during, and after.
I have got to see alot of "pro" games and let me say that there is very little "pros" in the pro division.
When I see how many teams act on the field when they loose or get shot and start throwing a tantrum, sorry you are not a "pro", to me they are just like a 3 year old that can't have candy and throw a fit.
If I was a big sponser and seen my team act like that, you would be looking for another sponser.
Myself I am a pro at my job, I am required to drive safe and present myself in a profesional manner when I am with a customer, If I acted like a jackass on the road or with a customer the least that could happen is loose an account the worst is I could kill someone.
After all this rambling what I am saying is if your a "pro" act like a pro.

01-28-2004, 09:55 PM
What makes a pro? Lots and lots of cash and the ability to shoot that cash away in the form of 20+ pods a game.

Duke of Lawnchair
01-29-2004, 12:04 AM
What defines a "pro"???

Pros don't use drop forwards!!!!!!

They use rails! :p


I'm just poking fun at the "drop forwards" thread.


USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
01-29-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by Duke of Lawnchair
What defines a "pro"???

Pros don't use drop forwards!!!!!!

They use rails! :p


I'm just poking fun at the "drop forwards" thread.



I use a rail...guess I'm a pro then =X:D

Duke of Lawnchair
01-29-2004, 12:53 AM
So do I.

We're such pros!

01-29-2004, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by WenULiVeUdiE
If you watch videos of novice or am teams and tyen watch pro games you will see a big difference. Everyone is communicating more, not thinking, just doing, coordinated moves, etc.

I've just been sitting back watching the replies roll in:D

I hear what your sayin...the little things do make a hell of a difference & are hard to spot...some really good points made about game (tourny) experience & just playin alot- how it will make you more aware of what really goes on during games...makes sense.

Nobody quite covered the puss-boy attitudes but I can guess where that crap comes from.

...Still, I kinda got the feeling when watchin these guys that the technology has outclassed the talent. like there's a vacuum & the sport is waiting for someone to come along & bump it to the next level.

I'm really lookin forward to dippin my toes in the tourny scene.:)


USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
01-29-2004, 01:49 AM
On the attitude thing about pros...in all honesty...yes there are some dicks, but there are also guys that are pretty cool. Just like there is in every sport...there are some jerks and there are good people. People tend to remember the jerks before they remember the nice guys.

01-29-2004, 02:05 AM
Bumping it up to the next level?

While I don't agree on the vacuum between talent and technology I see the sport at the pro level going in two directions.

X-ball will take pros more towards a mainstream sport where being fit really counts. Pros will start realizing that drinking, eating pizza, and smoking blunts isn't going to help their game. There’s going to be a transition from skinny 19yr olds with born talent being able to own a circuit to a level where strength and speed play much larger factors in the game.

7man circuits on the other hand will become more technical games where playing certain positions and knowing how to work off angles will become the dominant factor for a team winning. Look theres already board games out for Super 7, Xball moves way to fast to plan so carefully.

Personally I think Bob Long is in the wrong league ;)

Duke of Lawnchair
01-29-2004, 02:06 AM
Martin, I agree with you.

We've met some GENUINELY nice players. On the other hand, I know that YOU witnessed first hand that brawl @ Velocity. Sure as heck didn't sound "professional".

The NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL have their rapists, wife beaters, junkies, thugs and whiners. Paintball is a sport and unfortunately, is just as susceptible to lowest 10% that society has to offer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the "pro" paintball teams are comprised of junkies, etc. etc. I'm just saying that all sports bring out the best AND worst in people.


01-29-2004, 02:54 AM
here's a pro

-good form
-knowing the boundries of your body compared to the angle of the opposing force
-giving the full scoop on where people move to, and clearly telling [something my team really, REALLY freaking lacks, and its making me really mad]
-well placed snap shooting, and actually getting the balls into the vacinity that the opponent is in
-quickly moving from bunker to bunker
-if there's a line coming at you, dont poke your head out and try to hit them.

if you almost master all that, you too could have a chance at pro's... i mean hell im not even am, but thats what i taught myself and i plan on improving it.

you have any idea how much it sucks when its 3v3 and your teammate yells out "he moved left!"
WHO THE HELL MOVED LEFT?!?! where was he before, what bunker, yard #. come on people dont be sucking like that.. geez

and if you have to crouch to be in your bunker, that means DONT STAND UP. my teammate does this. he doesn't get out when he does so i dont really care that much about it. he actually seems good when he does it lol

thats 3¢ and dont spend it all in one place ;)

01-29-2004, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by magking1971
What makes a "pro"?
Being able to play good is only 1/4 of being a "pro" the rest is how you present yourself on the field, before the game, during, and after.
I have got to see alot of "pro" games and let me say that there is very little "pros" in the pro division.
When I see how many teams act on the field when they loose or get shot and start throwing a tantrum, sorry you are not a "pro", to me they are just like a 3 year old that can't have candy and throw a fit.
If I was a big sponser and seen my team act like that, you would be looking for another sponser.
Myself I am a pro at my job, I am required to drive safe and present myself in a profesional manner when I am with a customer, If I acted like a jackass on the road or with a customer the least that could happen is loose an account the worst is I could kill someone.
After all this rambling what I am saying is if your a "pro" act like a pro.

This is the dumbest thing i've read in my life

01-29-2004, 11:42 AM
LMAO!! digits = so right

dude i cant stop laughing at that load of crap
you're pro because you're good, not because you act good.

01-29-2004, 02:42 PM
I dunno, there is some truth in it. When performing, you should always act in a professional manner. Sure, you have to perform well, but your actions can also show how disaplined and in control you are. At least thats what i've been told by my coaches. Acting professional gains you respect from your peirs and your audience.

01-29-2004, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by SpecialBlend2786
I dunno, there is some truth in it. When performing, you should always act in a professional manner. Sure, you have to perform well, but your actions can also show how disaplined and in control you are. At least thats what i've been told by my coaches. Acting professional gains you respect from your peirs and your audience.

Then how come the noob who always acts profesional and gives other people props isn't classified as a pro..

Being a pro has nothing to do with how you act in paintball.. It's about your skills.. But at the same time no one likes the kid that always whines, but thats sportsmanship.. Doesn't have much to do with a person being a pro..

Plus, I like it when they throw there little temper tantrums.. It's funny as hell..

01-29-2004, 03:00 PM
I never said skills were not involved. Being skilled is the biggest requirement for being Pro. I'm just saying that Pro's should ACT like professionals.