View Full Version : ender's game, pball style !

01-29-2004, 01:42 AM
hey yal have read Ender's Game, right? remember how they would play laser tag in a no grav enviroment, with bunkers floating around? Think how badass that would be with paintball ... well, it would make the flatline barrel useless, due to the fact that the paintballs wouldnt arc anyway, but ohh well :)

Think! ! When trying to bunker someone, instead of going around their cover and shooting em point blank, you could go sraight at their bunker. When you hit it, the energy of u moving would transfer into the bunker, and it would then transfer from the bunker into the person on the other side. Simple physics here. So, you would stop, safe right behind your new cover, and the guy you are trying to bunker would be hurled across the room. Now that they are out in the middle of no where, spinning around completly dissoriented, ur team can light em up. Teehehee, sounds like a ton of fun to me. Hoards of pball players bouncing off the walls, pools of paint floating in the air ... *GRIN*

Its the future of pball ! just u wait <>

01-29-2004, 01:59 AM
i LOVED that book

01-29-2004, 02:00 AM
ahhh yes enders game i had to read that book back in high school.
but i dont think its the future of paintball.

01-29-2004, 08:09 AM
T'was indeed an excellent book. However, it is not the future of paintball...

01-29-2004, 08:40 AM
heh for one thing every shot would send you flying backwards. :p

01-29-2004, 10:09 AM
You can still bump people out of there bunkers, but its illegal to do, I forgot what its called.

01-29-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag
heh for one thing every shot would send you flying backwards. :p

Exactly! That would be some gay shiite.

01-29-2004, 12:58 PM
Sounds fun to me, but just to make it practical , you'd have to give every player some jet packs or those things that use compressed air they give to astronauts to counteract the whole shots throwing you back thing. Or you could put handles on the bunkers...

01-29-2004, 01:17 PM
1) Ender's Game was one of the best Sci-Fi books ever written
2) You could easily learn how to deal with the push of the gun. Simply only shoot when your feet are on the wall or you've given your self a good launch etc. In fact, I'd bet the good players would use the gun push in some way.
3) Unfortunately it wouldn't work. Think of all the paint and shell that would be floating around. Every bit of spray (not to mention balls that didn't break) would be in the air. It wouldn't take long for the air to be actually dangerous to breathe.

yellow dart
01-29-2004, 04:49 PM
Anyone seen Starship Troopers? The laser tag scene. It would be impossible to cheat if you were paralyzed. I'm not big fan of lazer tag but that would be awesome!

01-29-2004, 05:12 PM
That movie was based on the book of the same name by Robert Heinlein.

Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game) used Heinlein’s idea and had a similar effect in his game where the armor would freeze up where hit so eventually the person couldn’t move at all.

01-29-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp
That movie was based on the book of the same name by Robert Heinlein.

very very loosely.

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01-29-2004, 05:25 PM
"Then too bad. Look, Ender, I'm sorry if you're lonely and afraid. But the buggers are out there. Ten billion, a hundred billion, a million billion of them, for all we know. With as many ships, for all we know. With weapons we can't understand. And a willingness to use those weapons to wipe us out. It isn't the world at sake, Ender. Just us. Just humankind. As far as the rest of the bioshpehere is concerned, we could be wiped out and it would adjust, it would get on with the next step in evolution. But humanity dosen't want to die. As a species, we have evolved to survive. And the way we do it is by straining and strainging and, at last every ffew generations, giving birth to genius. The one who invents the wheel. And Light . And flight. The one who builds a city, a nation, an empire. Do you understand any of this?"
Ender thought he did, but wasn't sure, and so said nothing.
"No. Of course not. So I'll put it bluntly. Human beings are free except when humanity needs them. Maybe humanity needs you. To do something. Maybe humanity needs me-- to find out what you're good for. We might both do despicable things, Ender, but if humankind survives, then we were good tools."

01-29-2004, 05:30 PM
taht would be cool

01-29-2004, 05:30 PM
That was the only sci-fi book i liked. And why would that be the future of paintball, when playing it like it is would be so much more fun

01-29-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag

very very loosely.

Unfortunaly you're very right.

It would make an INCREDABLE movie if done true to the book.

They didn’t even have the powered armor for goodness sake!

01-29-2004, 06:21 PM
ok lol first of all i wasnt serious about it being the future of pball :P but i do think it would be tons of fun !

and i am also happy now cause this is my first sucessfull thread ( 15 replys is alot for meh on any forums :) )
