View Full Version : wot dumb stuff have you done

01-29-2004, 08:40 AM
lets hear what dumb stuff you lot get up to then

i will start

when i was 5 i tried to jump down a whole flight of stairs ( 14 altogether ) which had a glass door at the bottom. I ran as fast as i could along the hall and jumped making about 6 steps then OUCH!!! i rolled the rest of the way and straight through the glass door at the bottem. Luckily i only had a few small cuts and some bruising.

01-29-2004, 08:45 AM
I paid attention during Elementary Grammar :)

01-29-2004, 08:46 AM
when i was about 18, me and my friends tied a pallet up to the back of my cadillac, strapped 2 flares on the pallet, and i rode the pallet at 110 mph down the highway with the car lites off. pretty stupid thing to do now that i look back at it.

i have a few stories i could tell from out here in the middle east, but im not gonna get into that right now.

01-29-2004, 08:50 AM
when i was very young my old man was cleaning some motorcycle parts with gas. well thats back in the TALL glass pepsi bottle days so. He had some gas in the pepsi bottle and i got thirsty.

drank the whole dang bottle.
was taken to doctor, game me some stuff to make me puke well it worked up until last year when they replaced the carpet you could see the 4ft circle stain of my puke :)

01-29-2004, 09:19 AM
Too much to list :)

01-29-2004, 09:38 AM
Used to get shopping carts up to 50 and 60 mph in my buddies car and see what we could hit. Those little wheels aren't made to go that fast.

01-29-2004, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by argnot
Used to get shopping carts up to 50 and 60 mph in my buddies car and see what we could hit. Those little wheels aren't made to go that fast.

Thats what your supposed to do when your bored in the summer and you'll see the sparks FLY :). I've done a lot of crazy shiz also. Streaking is what me and my friends are pretty much into right now.

01-29-2004, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by bunkermaster10

Thats what your supposed to do when your bored in the summer and you'll see the sparks FLY :). I've done a lot of crazy shiz also. Streaking is what me and my friends are pretty much into right now. Thats getting big around here... and I think its gay. Not gay as in stupid, gay as in homosexual. Its sickening.

As for me? I cant think of anything right now. Gimme a minute... I will edit later. Well... I almost got hit by a train once, literally.

01-29-2004, 10:54 AM
Lol its koo, I understand why you could think that. But its fun as hell.

01-29-2004, 11:32 AM
Streaking is gay...
Unless a hot girl does it, then its encouraged, but how often does that happen.
I don't do the shopping cart thing anymore because I care about this car, I miss my POS :(

01-29-2004, 11:36 AM
streaking only means that you are secure about your manhood.

and it usually means your hung :p

01-29-2004, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by fire1811
and it usually means your hung :p

For those of you that were at AOSE... "CHECK HIS JUNK!!!" :p

01-29-2004, 01:48 PM
i started this thread.....oh wait, that was you

01-29-2004, 02:00 PM
I chased a cop.

01-29-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by fire1811
streaking only means that you are secure about your manhood.

and it usually means your hung :p

:D :D :D :D

Thats all I have to say, lol

01-29-2004, 02:15 PM
Well I didn't actualy do it but I ALMOST did....

I almost shot a Snake that landed in the bottom of my boat at my feet. I grabbed my pistol and cocked it and was about to let him have it...

Needless to say I realized I was miles from anywhere and a hole in the bottom of the boat was more of a theat than the snake was. I regained my composure and got the paddle and flicked him out.

Back water creek of Boggy Bayou, North West Florida around 1968.

01-29-2004, 02:26 PM
I go streaking regularly.

Last night I made smoe nude snow angels and did some some flips off a snow bank.

DAMN that was cold. Not to mention an hour away from home.

Occasionally we raid the local pool store, and jump off the railings by the road nude... into the pool of course.. Its fun and once in a while you get some really wierd looks. Then we use the hot tub display thats outside. Lots of fun stuff around here. All naked.

usually theres a girl that joins me, and the other two girls just watch. Not a problem with me :)

Seems I have grown extremely comfortable with myself, which could be a bad thing, wait till I get charged with some lewd conduct or somthing... ahhh

./end incriminating fun

01-29-2004, 02:37 PM
We found a shopping cart in school once.. need I say more?

01-29-2004, 05:26 PM
Started playing paintball, never had money since ;):p.. I miss money:( .

01-29-2004, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
We found a shopping cart in school once.. need I say more? Holy crap! That happened to us! It was behind the band room, and man we had some fun with that thing!

01-29-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Holy crap! That happened to us! It was behind the band room, and man we had some fun with that thing!
Thats so crazy, thats where we found ours too... they move it like every day now though :rolleyes:

01-29-2004, 06:46 PM
I found this burrowing bees nest and I was like wouldnt it be cool if i poured rubbing alcohol down the hole and lit it on fire. Well it worked and all the bees flew out but then the leaves around it caught on fire, followed by about 10 yards of the woods and it wouldnt go out and it kept spreading so finally we gave up and called the fire department. I only got a warning and the little turd who did it with me told the cops it was all my idea. But it was his idea to play with fire in the firts place.

edit: oh i got a new one-For dinner tonight we had this briscuit with really spicy barbecue sauce. So spicy that my tongue is still burning except for one part. And heres the reason that one part isnt burning. I decided that the only way to stop the burning was to put my tongue on one of the shelves in the freezer. Needless to say I realized my mistake as soon as I touch the shelf. My tongue was stuck. So I tried to pull it off gently a couple of times. This didnt work so I yanked it off. But I think I left all my tastebuds and a layer of skin on the freezer shelf and now my tongue hurts.

01-29-2004, 07:27 PM
Not so much stupid, but this wednesday I started an ex-lax war at our high school. I put powdered ex-lax in some guy's coke, and then he got someone else, and so on... Today another 3-4 guys definately are going to be having fun:D If you go to San Marcos High School, I'd recommend not leaving your drinks untended for a few weeks...

01-29-2004, 08:19 PM
*sigh* where to begin...

Breaking into prison? Not too bad... Getting chased by the cops while there? Meh... doing it AGAIN?!? Yeah, we're getting somwhere now.

Anything imaginable in a shopping cart.

Doint donuts at a school. pshh who needs parking lots, the field out back covered in snow worked nicely...

Did you know that the cigarette ligthers in cars get hot EVEN WHEN the car's not on?? The left side of my face found that it does in fact get hot...

Umm... convincing my friend to lick a propane tank COVERED in frost/snow/ice after it had been sitting outside for 24 hours in the frost/snow/ice... hmm, I wonder if that piece of his tongue is still on the tank...

So that covers about the past 6 months... Oh man can't forget about me and this other kid squirting bike lube at eachother... wait, that's right, we were both standing next to the oil fire we had just started... wonder if his leg hairs ever grew back...

Damn, I'm done... enough talking for me!! Ever!!! :o

01-29-2004, 08:21 PM
Urm, I might have burnt down Grand Canyon's forest. Something about... a Coleman portable stove... and urm... excess propane.

01-29-2004, 08:24 PM
The two posts above this one are just further proof: Propane is the DEVIL!! White gas forEVER!!


01-29-2004, 08:38 PM
doing donuts in school parking lot(my dad was ok with it, it was his idea)
shooting roman candles at people
lighting one of my friends on fire
lighting my yard on fire
almost got in a fight with a fat lady
electrocuted myself
started a huge fight at a school dance

more stuff i cant remember

01-29-2004, 08:39 PM
man thats a impressive list ryan when you really add it all up :)

01-29-2004, 08:39 PM
let me see here....

well theres beating up leaf bags with a hockey stick-and then theres doing it while the people who own them are staring at you through the window...

and then theres *deficating* on someones doorstep-TWICE!

oh yeah, theres also that one time that a friend of mine AND me both *deficated* in a shopping bag, and then proceeded to light it on fire.... then threw it off his roof, landing next to the OCCUPIED hot tub

of course i cant forget that time we hid *feces* in not 1, not 2, but 3 different people's cars

i must also note that time when rollerblading inside the school seemed like such a good idea... and rollerblade racing inside the school was an even better one. running from the janitor left me with a sprained wrist and a really cut up face

EDIT! thought of something else.

back when 'razor' scooters were all the rage, we dedided to put the handlebars all the way down and go down a MONSTER hill midget style. i fell down, breaking one and spraining another finger, while my friend turned around to laugh, he fell and hurt his knee.

Lone Wolf2
01-29-2004, 09:08 PM
Pissing off all teachers at school
skateboarding in pac-sun
terrorizing workers in a sport store called hibbets
screwing wit ppl at Mickeys,wendys and wally world
giving telemarketers hell.
Riding fourwheelers on the road with a cop near me
excessive fireworks abuse

...the list goes on and on.Im only 14 2.

01-29-2004, 09:24 PM
I live in between houses in LA and Orange County. Well once in OC (since they have national forests and stuff where as LA does NOT) me and my buddies had this potato launcher. We had gotten it to shoot to its full potential and we decided there was no way we could make it go farther. So outcame the idea to light the potato on fire. So we soaked the potato in some kind of grease, I cant remember exactly, and maybe it was motor oil also, and of course a little gasoline. Someone lit a torch thing and held it in front of the barrel. Weather that step was necessary or not im not sure. We shot the thing up onto this hill preserve thing.

It was way tight too. It was like a fireball. We were pretty proud of ourselves for it too untill the hill cuahgt on fire. It burned 100 and some odd acres before it got put out. They never found out who did it.

Is it the worst thing ive ever done? Not by a long shot. Ill say its the stupidest because I shouldnt have shot the fireball at a dry hillside. O well nobody died.

01-29-2004, 09:28 PM
The best I have done was on a highway, There is a road that goes across the highway right at a corner well highway corners are banked, and we learned if you get a good run at it say around 60+ you can get some massive air and distance.
The poor mustang was only good for 3 jumps;) :p
Another was making a AMC pacer a convertable.(cutting torch)
Car+snow+sled and rope+high speeds=FUN!
Riding a 3 wheeler, cops showing up, chasing me and following me across a field, cop getting stuck.
A night with Everclear.(need I say more?)

01-29-2004, 09:52 PM
A long list. The first thing that comes to mind is attempting to shoot homemade napalm out of a potatogun.

01-29-2004, 10:06 PM
one time when i was a little kid i jumped through a glass coffee table just cause my sister told me not to.... 14 stiches in ur foot isnt fun

i jumped down my entire stairway once and landed perfectly

theres other stuff to, including much fun with laser pointers

me n my friend (rumble) cut the cord off a vcr and plugged it in, then tryed to melt an army man with it, but it didnt work so i touched it to a thumb tack and it made this huge spark and blew the fuse, and my friend thought he went blind for a minute cause the whole room went dark

01-29-2004, 10:07 PM
Driving way to fast
Attempting to take a camaro offroading several times
Driving on a golf course
Taking the jeep offroading where I shouldn't be many times
Shoping carts in the car
Hitting garbage cans in a camaro
Rolling tires down a hill then running them over as they're rolling
Starting a huge gasoline fire to kill a stuffed animal on many seperate occasions
Pouring gas out of a can into a fire
Breaking into lots of places
Blowing up a toilet
Tearing down an old greenhouse
Lighting lots of things on fire
Driving down a bad road going way too fast
Getting my car airborn then locking the wheels while in the air
Obtaining a fire hydrant
Bed-Bed jumps in pickup trucks
Towing a kyack behind a hummer with someone in it

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head

01-29-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Cheeseball24
me n my friend (rumble) cut the ord off a vcr and plugged it in, then tryed to melt an army man with it, but it didnt work so i touched it to a thumb tack and it made this huge spark and blew the fuse, and my friend thought we went blind for a minute cause the whole room went dark
lmao!!! i remember that, too hilarious
how bout the time when we had the laser pointer, and we shined it on the stopsign at the end of the street. Some guy came out and started yelling at us! it was crazy! "You kids stop playing with that ******* lazer pointer!" lmao
dont think it really stopped us, we went inside and ran some ppl over in GTA 3 tho lol

01-29-2004, 10:11 PM
Homemade Naepolm that reminds me =D

Ok We gett gellied naepolm **** (homemade). In the ice, our roads were ice completly over. so im like OMG LETS SET THE ROAD ON FIRE and we did, we set a big line of fire across the street. then we decide hey lets geta piece of carboard make a fire were cold. So we get a piece of carboard and make a teepe like structure throw paper inside, drench it with gasoline, so we could funnel the heat to make a handwarmer right? Alrite so yay hands are warm, my dumbass friends like look its fire! and he sticks his head in...

And that was dandy.

So we just put it out and through the cardboad in the front yard. 2 hours later a neighbor runs into our house and alerts us a yard is on fire...

01-30-2004, 01:08 AM
Hmm. We were at Pac-Sun a couple of years ago. I was in the changing room trying on a pair of pants, and my frined trying to screw with me throws a little tiny girl's tank top over the wall and say, "Hey, dude try this on!" So, I'm there in my underwaer in the changing booth trying to figure out how to top him... Then it hit me, I yell at the top of my lungs "Dude! The bench won't flush!" After that you do not hear anything in the store but my friend laughing.

01-30-2004, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
man thats a impressive list ryan when you really add it all up :) haha I know, I've never actually tried to compile my stupid/fun days on paper... I should just dedicate an hour sometime to thinking of everything... wow... :)

01-30-2004, 08:28 AM
In metals class, I welded myself in a box and have to use a plasma cutter to get out.

01-30-2004, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by PyRo
...Obtaining a fire hydrant...

That just about brought tears of laughter to my eyes!:p

01-30-2004, 11:23 AM
some of you guys are totally nuts!!! LOL

ok another dumb thing i did: when i was 5 i bought a chemistry set and thougt it would be a good idea to melt this special wax stuff with the bunsen burner. Ok so it wasn't too hot WRONG!!! as i stuck my finger into it i realised it was hot which was too late ( it was all the way up my finger ) so i stuck my hand and the wax under cold water therfore cooling down the wax ( externally ) and getting it stuck on my finger whilst still burning. The only way to get it off was to heat it up again therefore burning my finger even more


so keep em comin lets see what other dum stuff youve done

01-30-2004, 11:39 AM
wicked wayz... assuming thats true, I dont know how smart it is or was to post that on an ONLINE FORUM. Wow, you guys are all insane.

01-31-2004, 01:11 AM
Made it in the paper.
And before you think I'm a little hoodlum most of it is exaggerated, but i still made it in the paper. Come on guys we need proof of your stupid stuff pics would be awesome!

01-31-2004, 01:30 AM

in ur link they complain about "going to the bathroom wherever they feel like it"- public pooping is so funny

oh yea, i light stuff on fire!

01-31-2004, 03:32 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
wicked wayz... assuming thats true, I dont know how smart it is or was to post that on an ONLINE FORUM. Wow, you guys are all insane.

ya I dont really care. It takes a lot more than a post on an internet forum to convict someone, they have to find me first. :)

01-31-2004, 08:47 AM
besides arson is the hardest crime to prove you basically have to have someone see you light the match and walk away. and then its still tough

team unwanted
01-31-2004, 03:40 PM
i once shot a man for looking at me funny;)

01-31-2004, 04:33 PM
"These things are all over town," the man said. "They don’t pay any attention to traffic, they shoot out of alleys and streets, they’re in the middle of the roads – somebody is going to get killed and then the poor guy who hits them is going to get sued."

So the dead guy is going to sue him?

01-31-2004, 04:36 PM
Theres a big sign at my city park (a really little town also), its kinda like the Hollywood sign. Well, anyway, it says "Oneida City Park", and we got bored at a homecoming game one night. So we changed it to "No Idea City Park" and everybody that left the game had to drive by it.

01-31-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Oh_Davey
Come on guys we need proof of your stupid stuff pics would be awesome! You asked for it...

I'm the tool on the left. Yes, that's lorton prison. No, *cough* pyro *cough* it's not photoshopped... I'm too much of a retard to be able to edit anything.

Crime Dog
01-31-2004, 10:28 PM
In college, I jumped into a 39 degree lake.


"WHY" you may ask?

Well, at the time I was the General Manager of our campus radio station. We had a big contest going on, and we needed to shoot a video for it. Without going into details, part of the video involved a massive group of girls chasing me around campus. One of our campus rules was "no jumping in the lake". So to get away from them...I jumped into the lake.

We got permission beforehand from Campus Safety...they had an officer there on hand in case I went into shock.

THe producer of the video had his truck running, heat blasting, and plenty of blankets for me, ready to take me back to the dorms ASAP and into a hot shower...

I told him, "You get ONE take." Well, I thought he yelled "Shooting!" and so I took off and jumped in. But I misheard him.

Well, due to the shock of the water, my adrenaline started pumping, and I did it AGAIN, this time with film actually rolling.

Stupidest (and funnest) thing I've ever done in my life. And yes...it was FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZING! And no, I didn't go into shock. Shoot...I didn't even get a cold after that! I was pretty surprised.

After that video was shown campus wide, I was fairly well known. Heh.

01-31-2004, 11:23 PM
Shoot son, Have you ever had to jump through the ice to get into a pool to retreive your pants and wallet(meaning you are just in a t-shirt and boxers)?

I did it, THREE TIMES!

The pool water temp. sensor said it was 35*...with almost 3/4" of ice on top. First I got my pants but then realized my wallet was at the bottom too so I went back down to get them. Then I went down a third time for fun. My skin was blue, and not that bluish white that you see most people. I WAS A SMURF!

I got my wallet and pants though, which is good.

01-31-2004, 11:24 PM
Um...I kinda electricuted myself once, I had a plugged in light with no bulb and touched the place where the bulb goes and ZAP!!! Um...me and my friend were down by the river near my house once and just decided to go swimming with our shorts on...yea...Im a law abiding loser...

02-01-2004, 12:25 AM
I once set a camping stove alight and placed a gas cylinder on expecting it to launch upwards...wrong! It blew up and destroyed the stove aswell I found parts about 50 metres away...pretty obvious really but didn't think it would happen that way. Nearly cut my little finger off with a hacksaw oh and fell out of a tree when I was younger but I was lucky as a barbed wire fence broke my fall :eek: but honest that was lucky as I only had the one hole in my leg. I have done plenty of dumb things involving electricity but only dumb as when something goes wrong it is because I had left the power on or I had to have the whatever live and my finger slipped off the insulation on to the screwdriver.

Crime Dog
02-01-2004, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by Python14
Shoot son, Have you ever had to jump through the ice to get into a pool to retreive your pants and wallet(meaning you are just in a t-shirt and boxers)?

I did it, THREE TIMES!

The pool water temp. sensor said it was 35*...with almost 3/4" of ice on top. First I got my pants but then realized my wallet was at the bottom too so I went back down to get them. Then I went down a third time for fun. My skin was blue, and not that bluish white that you see most people. I WAS A SMURF!

I got my wallet and pants though, which is good.

Heh. Ok. Maybe ya got me there...but still...MINE is on video! ;)

And only call me "son" if you know for sure you're older than me. ;) *laughs*