View Full Version : Bonus Ball Question...Somethin to think about

01-29-2004, 08:08 PM
Heres a question for you AO'ers that occurred to me while reading the DMW thread...

I play paintball for fun, I wanna have fun & I want the people I play with (wether I know em or not) to have fun to. I'm out there for a good time.

Call me intuitive but one thing I've noticed is that when people are mad they usually aint havin a good time.

For the record I wanna say I consider myself a Very even-tempered guy, calm under pressure, laid-back, etc...

Now, with all these advances in ROF & the understandable trend towards Soft, Baggy, Billowing clothing to "catch" or bounce paint, I've come apon a problem...

Ive encountered the situation a buncha times where a "target" pops out (usually one or both of us is moving), we exchange paint (usually lots), one or both gets lit, They(not me) get MAD.:mad:

Personal experience has shown that now more than ever the paint is just as likely to bounce as it is break. Plus, the natural tendency when you have a "Machine-Gun" in your hands is to use it.

So I ask: WHY, if
-The gun wants to shoot,
-the Paint wants to Bounce &
-The Clothes want to "Catch"
are people gettin so pissed off when the actually have 5 or 6 balls thump 'em in the chest?

If I KNEW that ONE ball I just threw at you WOULD break if I hit you square, I would'nt bother sending five more.

I dont enjoy gettin lit, but I wear that same kinda baggy outfit for the sole purpose of bouncin your well-placed shot(s), so I understand the "why" of it.

I just think its funny the same people that pay big bucks for higher ROF & baggy paint bouncin clothes get PO'ed when they get lit OUT OF NECESSITY.


01-29-2004, 08:14 PM
You're right, that is something to think about. You make a good point, but I don't see how we can change another person's attitude when they get hit. It hurts, pain is not always necessary so they get mad. Human nature is to not always think about "why" but the "what" and "how".

01-29-2004, 08:17 PM
Good points, and the fact is as long as I am sure the overshooting was not malicious. I dont get pissed.

My last incidence of overshooting occured in a rec game where i was making a crazy run through (bored) and ended up catching a string of about 20 balls that he just followed me perfectly with.

Do I blame the kid...yes.. But the fact is he didn't mean to lay that many on me, it was just a panic response.

I did give this kid a hard time, everytime I see him. And plan on getting him back eventually, but nothing malicious just a nice bunker move.

01-29-2004, 08:23 PM
yes great point. I really dont like getting lit up with extra balls either.. in fact i think im safe to say no one does.. but it doesnt bother me unless i know there lighting me up on purpose when the extra shots can be avoided. I try not to shoot to many extra bonus balls.. but if im bunkering or someone pops out of no where and im in danger of getting hit.. i let a rip untill i know for certain their out. Its just the nature of the sport.. and really i see no reason to get upset about it. But there are a lot of people out there with crappy attitudes and it sucks.

01-29-2004, 09:12 PM
Acropilot: some good points regarding baggy clothes and bouncy paint. But, i think its as simple as people not realizing or not willing to accept the fact the more ya shoot(higher rof), the more your gonna get hit. Unfortunately folks eventually "settle" knowing theyre gonna get hit a whole buncha times. Even if its cleary visible your OTW to the dead box.

I myself and some people get pissed/bummed out when i get hit. Not because i got hit, but because i wasnt quick enough or i feel i played sloppily.

01-29-2004, 09:23 PM
I got it one time (many times) where the kid hit me with at least a dozen balls. I do not wear baggy clothing (jeans and a t-shirt) and they all bounced. And I was ready to get upset over overshooting LOL

01-29-2004, 09:46 PM
How many breaks/bounces is considered overshooting? Isn't it three?

My friend at my field moved to bunker me, and when he came past the bunker, I had a four - five round burst layed right on 'em, but only three broke. Would that be considered overshooting?

01-29-2004, 10:12 PM
No one likes overshooting, that's why all tourney rules, and most rec rules define what clothing your allowed to wear.

While not gaining you the "edge" of bounces, does keep the likelihood of a break higher, thus your going to get shot less.

Problem is, we forgot how to enforce those rules.....

01-29-2004, 10:32 PM
ok, first off, i have been overshot many times (one time in excess of over 20 balls from one guy with a tippy, but most of the time just 5-10 shots) i have ony gotten upset on one occasion, it was when, in a tourney, i was the last guy in a 3v1, well, i got shot out, the ref called me out, lowdly, but one kid from the other team snaps and hits me 5 more times, i let that one go, figuring he didnt hear the ref, but then he calls out my position (walking to dead box) to his team mates, and the one who shot me first starts screaming at them, as the other two both put 5-10 more balls a piece on me. (keep in mind, i had been called out, and was walking to the deadbox with marker in the air.) i got preety upset, i asked teh one guyer i was out..twice)(one who called my position out aft what his problem was, and to my dismay, his reply was "thats what u get for bunkering me" (referring to an earlier game) i thought that was absoultely rediculious, and unacceptable...and now i forgot my point :confused: oh yea, thats an example of why aperson would get mad :p anyway, the most balls i have stacked on a guy at one time was 4, i think im preety god about overshooting (even lil punks)

01-29-2004, 10:38 PM
A lot of people havent figured out that its part of the game. You eventually learn to get over it. I always laugh at the dude that thinks the two balls he took as he walked off was completely uncalled for, and he feels the need to swear or yell about it. Get over it. You play a game where people shoot at you. :rolleyes:

Tourney ball is extremely fun, but you reach a point where to be good, it has to be business. Nothing personal. If I run past you, I'm putting 5 or 6 on you. I'd rather have you couring behind your bunker praying, then to have you cheat and shoot me AFTER I already shot you. Sorry.

01-29-2004, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by MayAMonkeyBeYourPinata
Good points, and the fact is as long as I am sure the overshooting was not malicious. I dont get pissed.

My last incidence of overshooting occured in a rec game where i was making a crazy run through (bored) and ended up catching a string of about 20 balls that he just followed me perfectly with.

Do I blame the kid...yes.. But the fact is he didn't mean to lay that many on me, it was just a panic response.

I did give this kid a hard time, everytime I see him. And plan on getting him back eventually, but nothing malicious just a nice bunker move.

16 welts haha

01-29-2004, 11:18 PM
tourney ball ill unload recball 2 balls on a bunker move is good I have been forced to sit out of a game because I shot a guy twice though and that was whack I think only one broke any ways

01-30-2004, 09:26 AM
The only time I was rather ticked off was when I had my back turned a guy flanked me and somehow I had 5-6 brakes and a couple more bounce. Nether of us was moving and this was in rec game with a bunch of first timers. I had been in the same situation earlier that day and had hit the person once in the bottom of the shoe, while being ready to shoot again if that one bounced/missed. If someone is running I must admit I will shoot until I see one break. Unfortunately, a couple more may be on the way.:cool:

01-30-2004, 09:34 AM
As far as I'm concerned, 2 or 3 is expected. 20 I take exception to...

01-30-2004, 11:07 AM
i think most people would agree with me when i say, that in a tourny i keep shoting till they are walking off the field, i don't care if they are naked or covered in pillows.

but as for rec ball, where there are no 2000 plus dollars entry fees, i pick my shots and do not shot once i see the first break on them, besides i ussually use my pump on rec ball

in any case, i still use discretion and good judgement.


01-30-2004, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by azzkikr
i think most people would agree with me when i say, that in a tourny i keep shoting till they are walking off the field, i don't care if they are naked or covered in pillows.

but as for rec ball, where there are no 2000 plus dollars entry fees, i pick my shots and do not shot once i see the first break on them, besides i ussually use my pump on rec ball

I total agree with you.

I also agree with the people who have mentioned clothing specificly designed to cause bounces.

I was playing rec. and had flanked all the way around the other team. When I came out shooting I had them but I was a good 15 yards away so surender wasn't an option for them. I shot one guy with probably a 10 round string most of wich hit. He was PISSED. He's screaming and ranting and threatening me (he was in his late 30's and I was in my mid 20's so we weren't kids). I pretty calmly asked the ref to check and see if there were more than 3 broken balls on him. Guess what....there weren't. He was so padded that I had to shoot him at least 10 times to get those 3 breaks.

He kept screaming and I just kept saying "Show me more than 3 breaks and I'll say I'm sorry."

01-30-2004, 11:53 AM
great topic, first and formost, at my field overshooting is stated as such.

Overshooting a player is: Shooting AFTER you see paint BREAK on the player. Shooting AFTER a ref calls him OUT. Shooting after the player GIVES UP. Shooting a player while he is walking OFF the field. Shooting a player while he is out of bounds.

Which for the most part people just call that "bonus balling"

My personally the only time I really get mad at a player shooting me is shooting me after a ref is over head and pointing me out of the game. everything else is more less myself being pissed at myself for a dumb move.

but you also have to keep in mine the player in which you are playing with. If I'm playing with noobs I'm not going to put a string of 20 in the air first time I see him poke, or move. What's the point. I work on one balling when playing with noobs.

01-30-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by boomerfoxtrot

but you also have to keep in mine the player in which you are playing with. If I'm playing with noobs I'm not going to put a string of 20 in the air first time I see him poke, or move. What's the point. I work on one balling when playing with noobs.

This is a very good point also. Is it really that important to guaranty an elimination against these kids? You’ll have another shot at them...come on, there noobs.

01-30-2004, 01:02 PM
The trick to being bonused balled is when you are walking off and get shot in the back not to flinch. It makes you look bad ***.

01-30-2004, 01:16 PM
I never bonus ball, no matter what the circumstances.
Nor will I start.

Paintball is a sport, and thus, by (my) definition of "sport", an affair of mutual integrity, honor, trust, and respect.
Besides, it's just a game. What does it matter?

Finally, remember that you, as an individual can and potentially will be held accountable for your own actions.
Be a role model.

01-30-2004, 02:30 PM
Playing rec I got torched from 15 feet away. When they finally let off the trigger, I looked with at them and said "You know, ONE would have done it." They didn't want to make eye contact with me, becasue hey knew I was right.

Problem is that right now, everyone assumes that you need 10. I played stock class for long enough to know that you can do the job with ONE ball just as effectively. MY mistake is that I expect people I play against to ALSO know this. I forget that not everyone has done what I have.

Some people it's just overkill. They don't understand the concept of fire control at all. I get pissed off when they refuse to believe the opponent when they yell "hit". Last weekend I was in the STAGING AREA and had to yell "HE'S OUT!" at another player. The hit guy yelled "hit" 5 times, the dude on the trigger wouldn't let him out of his bunker to leave the field.

Too many people put the addage "Goggles on, brains off" to heart. Hey, If you're sweetspotting me, fine. I take that as a compliment. I've got you SO WORRIED you need to spend $10 to shoot me. Once the gun goes in the air, tho, get off the trigger.

Oh, IMHO, if I've got the drop on someone, I'm shooting them in the pack, the gun, or the shoes. I know those will break with one ball. It's the Stock Class player in me. Now if there's a group of players, I'll dominate the zone, but not concentrate on any one person. Zone shooting isn't the ball "with your name on it", it's the other dozen or two marked "occupant".


01-30-2004, 02:46 PM
am i the only one here who finds getting hit by a few paintballs a strangly weird but very relaxed good fealing? almost erotic in a way? wow im getting flamed for that but yeah when i get hit its like im releasing (my anger and what not) right as im getting hit and for some reason it feals strangly good...

but yeah like tyger said 1 shot does it :) unless they dont want to call out or they cheat then i let them know they should leave the feild :)

Off Center
01-30-2004, 02:58 PM
This is exactly why I prefer to wear spandex.

01-30-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by 845
The trick to being bonused balled is when you are walking off and get shot in the back not to flinch. It makes you look bad ***.

Exactly my opinion... act like you could care less... They'll get theres! :D

01-30-2004, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by JEDI

Exactly my opinion... act like you could care less... They'll get theres! :D

Also if you watch the pros they rarely flinch when they get bonused balled. So it makes you pro too! :)

The only time bonus balling is annoying is when you are playing a big game and your walking off the field out of bounds and you walk by someone bunker and the moron turns and shoots like 15 freaking times. And then are like I am sorry I though you were coming to bunker me. Even though you are walking out of bounds and you have the little barrel condom/arm band in your barrel. This happens all the time at Liberty Big Games. But its still important not to flinch. :)

01-30-2004, 05:55 PM
i only got pissed off once at a rec game. my fault, my marker was crapping out on me all day so i needed to vent my anger on something and that one guy got to me. it was only like one or two bonus balls but that cause me to snap. i swore so dam loud and with my mom, dad and little kids around i felt so imbareissed(spelling) not worth it.

01-30-2004, 06:47 PM
Gun shoots 25/bps;
Hopper feeds 25/bps;
Adrenalin coarsing through trigger finger;

Exactly how many balls are considered 'extra' when you get hit?

I don't like it anymore than any of you, but unfortunatley its part of the game these days. I don't have the time to waste getting mad about it anymore. Im there to have fun.

01-30-2004, 06:52 PM
If I put my hand up, yell hit, and am still getting shot, then either the user needs talking to about his behaviour.


The marker needs to replaced with one that the user can safely control.

50 cal
01-31-2004, 12:53 AM
It's usually the habitual overshooter that complains the most when they are the one who gets overshot.
Played a tourney once, the team we were playing had a guy that wouldn't let up on the trigger when the game start sounded. I hit him in the back as I ran by on my way to another bunker. I hit him 2x at pretty close range. You would have thought I caved his back in.
He whined and cried after the game till one of the refs told him to quit his bellyaching or go home.

01-31-2004, 01:18 AM
I personally don't mind being bonus balled. :eek: Occasionaly I'll accidentaly go trigger happy on someone way across the field that is hard to see. I usually will stop when they start yellin. Sometimes not... ;) :p

01-31-2004, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by acropilot19
Heres a question for you AO'ers that occurred to me while reading the DMW thread...

I play paintball for fun, I wanna have fun & I want the people I play with (wether I know em or not) to have fun to. I'm out there for a good time.

Call me intuitive but one thing I've noticed is that when people are mad they usually aint havin a good time.

For the record I wanna say I consider myself a Very even-tempered guy, calm under pressure, laid-back, etc...

Now, with all these advances in ROF & the understandable trend towards Soft, Baggy, Billowing clothing to "catch" or bounce paint, I've come apon a problem...

Ive encountered the situation a buncha times where a "target" pops out (usually one or both of us is moving), we exchange paint (usually lots), one or both gets lit, They(not me) get MAD.:mad:

Personal experience has shown that now more than ever the paint is just as likely to bounce as it is break. Plus, the natural tendency when you have a "Machine-Gun" in your hands is to use it.

So I ask: WHY, if
-The gun wants to shoot,
-the Paint wants to Bounce &
-The Clothes want to "Catch"
are people gettin so pissed off when the actually have 5 or 6 balls thump 'em in the chest?

If I KNEW that ONE ball I just threw at you WOULD break if I hit you square, I would'nt bother sending five more.

I dont enjoy gettin lit, but I wear that same kinda baggy outfit for the sole purpose of bouncin your well-placed shot(s), so I understand the "why" of it.

I just think its funny the same people that pay big bucks for higher ROF & baggy paint bouncin clothes get PO'ed when they get lit OUT OF NECESSITY.


This part is great

So I ask: WHY, if
-The gun wants to shoot,
-the Paint wants to Bounce &
-The Clothes want to "Catch"
are people gettin so pissed off when the actually have 5 or 6 balls thump 'em in the chest?

I know theres at least 5 more coming so it dont bother me unless you follow me , then I will say something.

Paint that breaks and clothes that dont catch, that would be PaintBall.

The marker needs to replaced with one that the user can safely control.


01-31-2004, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by fallout11
I never bonus ball, no matter what the circumstances.
Nor will I start.

Paintball is a sport, and thus, by (my) definition of "sport", an affair of mutual integrity, honor, trust, and respect.
Besides, it's just a game. What does it matter?

Finally, remember that you, as an individual can and potentially will be held accountable for your own actions.
Be a role model.

up for that

RT pRo AuToMaG
01-31-2004, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by fallout11
I never bonus ball, no matter what the circumstances.
Nor will I start.

Paintball is a sport, and thus, by (my) definition of "sport", an affair of mutual integrity, honor, trust, and respect.
Besides, it's just a game. What does it matter?

Finally, remember that you, as an individual can and potentially will be held accountable for your own actions.
Be a role model.

I take it that you are a rec baller? There is nothing wrong with being a rec baller, but you have to look at it through the tourney players eyes. I'd rather put 10 balls on someone and make them pissed then put 1 ball on someone and then they either wipe or the ball ends up bouncing (this is in tournaments, not rec ball).

When I'm out there playing for fun or with n00bs, then yes, I get pissed to get overshot. The only time overshooting is justifible is if you are in a tournament and you are not sure you hit the guy or if he isn't getting out of the game after he got an obvious hit or when you are practicing with your team, but even then you shouldn't get overshot. And honestly, most of the time if I do overshoot someone, it is an accident. If I am laying a string of paint down, and you walk into it or if you stick your head out, I can't pull the paint out the air. If you shoot 20 bps, and someone sticks their head out for 1 sec, I can almost guarentee that more then one will hit them, and I can be almost 100% sure that if more then one hits the person, one of them will bounce. When I spend the money it takes to play a tournament, I'm playing to win, and if I'm uncertain if you got hit or not, I will keep shooting at you until I KNOW for certain that you are out. If your gun is over your head, and you called yourself out or if a ref pulled you out, then I will stop shooting, but as long as you are behind a bunker or have a gun that doesn't have a barrel condom/plug in it, it's fair gain.

01-31-2004, 02:13 AM
I play pump, in fact, the only semi gun i own is a sidekick, so i dont need to shoot more than one ball at a time, because i know if i see your hopper, i hit it, and it will break. if i see your head, guess what, someone just got gogged. I EXPECT other players (rec ball here) to follow the same personal rules. its a matter of respect for other players. I know it only takes one break to constitute an elimination, so i make those hits count. its just more fun.

i was playing at an indoor field where mostly tourney type players played and i carried my rec ball attitude with me in there, even though it was a "tournament" type atmosphere. I let people know that if i hit them, they'd better walk, just as if they hit me, i walk. maybe its just me. but i dont play to win necessarily, i play to have fun, and if i can win and have fun at the same time, then great, but i've had just as much fun getting my butt handed to me on a silver platter.

Over shooting is completely unneccessary. its the attitude that says that its ok in tourneys that kinda gets on my nerves. because a lot of tourney players practice at the fields i play, and that attitude gets passed on to the other rec ballers.

as a ref, if someone shoots someone and three break (rec or not) i'll punch their tag. it deters newer players to the sport. (overshooting)
as a player, if i have been hit and i dont know if it broke, i'll take cover and call a ref over, thats what they are for, if it broke, nice shot, i take the walk, if it didnt, nice shot no break, and i shoot back. thats the way it works.

so i suppose the best way to sum it up would be to say this: Play as if your integrety were on the line, even if it isn't. people dont like whiners, people dont like cheaters. so lets get rid of the mentality that this kind of behavior is acceptable.

there is no question to whether or not it broke when they can see my paint between their eyes. thats how i operate. head shots. (plus medics cant heal head shots in scenario play)

01-31-2004, 02:50 AM
Originally posted by RT pRo AuToMaG

I take it that you are a rec baller? There is nothing wrong with being a rec baller, but you have to look at it through the tourney players eyes. I'd rather put 10 balls on someone and make them pissed then put 1 ball on someone and then they either wipe or the ball ends up bouncing (this is in tournaments, not rec ball).

When I'm out there playing for fun or with n00bs, then yes, I get pissed to get overshot. The only time overshooting is justifible is if you are in a tournament and you are not sure you hit the guy or if he isn't getting out of the game after he got an obvious hit or when you are practicing with your team, but even then you shouldn't get overshot. And honestly, most of the time if I do overshoot someone, it is an accident. If I am laying a string of paint down, and you walk into it or if you stick your head out, I can't pull the paint out the air. If you shoot 20 bps, and someone sticks their head out for 1 sec, I can almost guarentee that more then one will hit them, and I can be almost 100% sure that if more then one hits the person, one of them will bounce. When I spend the money it takes to play a tournament, I'm playing to win, and if I'm uncertain if you got hit or not, I will keep shooting at you until I KNOW for certain that you are out. If your gun is over your head, and you called yourself out or if a ref pulled you out, then I will stop shooting, but as long as you are behind a bunker or have a gun that doesn't have a barrel condom/plug in it, it's fair gain.
The words of a serious tourney player. Live with it.

01-31-2004, 03:22 AM
More hits are harder to wipe. :p

I'll shoot until: They have a gun raised and are walking off the field... or I've obviously broke paint on him a few times. Gogged once = money. If I just see one on the body, I keep shooting. Wiping prevention and makes extra sure he realizes he got hit so he won't play on accidentally or whatever.

I expect others who don't know me, to do the same to me. 10+ breaks is what I start to consider excessive... situationally of course... and taking free shots while on the way to the dead box is not right. I also expect people to hustle off the field. If they're slow, I'll take shots at them to prevent dead man walks. There's no reason to be slow about it.

RT pRo AuToMaG
01-31-2004, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by BlueFish28
I play pump, in fact, the only semi gun i own is a sidekick, so i dont need to shoot more than one ball at a time, because i know if i see your hopper, i hit it, and it will break. if i see your head, guess what, someone just got gogged. I EXPECT other players (rec ball here) to follow the same personal rules. its a matter of respect for other players. I know it only takes one break to constitute an elimination, so i make those hits count. its just more fun.

You are wrong. I have had balls bounce off my mask as well as my hopper. The thing about paintballs are that they aren't like bullets. When you get hit with one, expect it not to break, because half of the time, it doesn't (of course this greatly depends on what type of paint you are using)

i was playing at an indoor field where mostly tourney type players played and i carried my rec ball attitude with me in there, even though it was a "tournament" type atmosphere. I let people know that if i hit them, they'd better walk, just as if they hit me, i walk. maybe its just me. but i dont play to win necessarily, i play to have fun, and if i can win and have fun at the same time, then great, but i've had just as much fun getting my butt handed to me on a silver platter.

Again, as I said in my post above, if it is rec ball, I'm out to have fun, if it is a tourney or team practice, then I'm out to accomplish something. If you were playing with a tourney team while they are practicing, be prepared to get bonus balled. If you are playing a rec game with them, talk to them before the game telling them to tone down a little bit. When playing in a tournament type atmosphere, I assume most people were using electronic guns and were dumping a considerable amount of paint. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that under the given circumstances, at least one person got overshot per game, correct? Of the people who got bonus balled, how much of it was intentional and what was on purpose? Electronic guns + fast fingers=overshooting. I don't care if you are the most controlled player in the world, if you are laying 20 bps and someone walks into it, they are getting more then 1 ball put on them unless they react really fast, and that rarely happens.

Over shooting is completely unneccessary. its the attitude that says that its ok in tourneys that kinda gets on my nerves. because a lot of tourney players practice at the fields i play, and that attitude gets passed on to the other rec ballers.

Rec ballers shouldn't play when a tournament team is practicing unless they are willing to accept the fact they might get overshot. I don't overshoot people in tournaments to 'teach them a lesson' or just to show off, I do it to make sure that they are out, and most of the time on accident too. If 10 paintballs on one guy can win me a game, then that guy is getting 10 paintballs put on him. If you spend 1000's of dollars on your gear, practice, and pay to play a tournament, maybe you will understand that people are not honest. They wipe, they play on, they wear pads. I myself don't cheat, but I see it everytime I step on the field. If I put 1 ball on someone, they will wipe it. If I put 10 on them, lets say 7 break, try wiping that without a ref noticing. If the 'overshooting is ok' attitude gets passed on to rec ballers, don't blame tournament players. There is a huge difference between rec and tourney, and if they use a tourney playing style on a rec field, well maybe they belong in the tourney scene instead. Instead of blaming tournament players for rec players overshooting, maybe you should talk to the rec players that are doing the overshooting.

as a ref, if someone shoots someone and three break (rec or not) i'll punch their tag. it deters newer players to the sport. (overshooting)

I don't want to play at the field where you ref. That is rediculous. They walk into my string of balls, it's not my fault. When you come up with something that pulls paintballs out of the air, call me, I have beachfront property in Denver to sell you.

as a player, if i have been hit and i dont know if it broke, i'll take cover and call a ref over, thats what they are for, if it broke, nice shot, i take the walk, if it didnt, nice shot no break, and i shoot back. thats the way it works.

THAT IS THE STUPIDEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD! You are telling me that instead of me giving you 2 extra balls and getting the elimination to win a game, I should just put 1 on you and have it bounce? Another thing is that you may be honest, but most players are not. You shot them, but they wipe it. Also, and I don't know about you, but I rarely see someone call a paintcheck on themself.

so i suppose the best way to sum it up would be to say this: Play as if your integrety were on the line, even if it isn't. people dont like whiners, people dont like cheaters. so lets get rid of the mentality that this kind of behavior is acceptable.

If people don't like whiners, then quit whining. If nobody cheated, bounusballing wouldn't be a part of the game. The thing is, no matter how honest you play, someone else WILL be dishonest. I may not wipe, but maybe my teammate does, or maybe the guys on the other team do. I will not let them win the game by cheating. I'd rather empty my hopper on them from a foot away then for them to beat me just because they make the decision to wipe off a hit. This behavior is not acceptable, and I by no means cheat or whine. The fact is, no matter what YOU do, somebody else will do something that they shouldn't.

there is no question to whether or not it broke when they can see my paint between their eyes. thats how i operate. head shots. (plus medics cant heal head shots in scenario play)

People wipe headshots too, especially if it gets in your hair, you can't see it anyway. I don't play scenaios, we are talking tourneys here. People don't wipe and play on because they think its a splatter or they think it bounced. They do it to win! I play honestly, and I know many people who play honestly as well, and it is a great quality. Unfortunately, for every honest player, there is a dishonest one. What to do about it is ultimately your choice, but I know when a tourney is on the line, 5 shots to get a person out is better then 1 shot to lose the game.

01-31-2004, 06:05 AM
personally, i think alot depends on the format.

rec w/ kids and noobs = chill. no need to rip them. show them what the game is about and lend them a hand with thier issues and answer questions etc. i would not dump a halo on a kid with a rental that wasn't coming out. hell, i don't blame him for staying put. he's probably a little confused as to what happened. i call a ref over for him.
i've come out of games to help kids and newbies. rec has nothing at stake, it's just fun.
anyone that overshoots a little kid or a noob (no matter the noobs age) because he thinks he's a badass gets to hear from me.

i've lit up and been lit up. i've been bonused running the sideline to the dead box with my hand and marker up.
sometimes chit happens, take it in context. i'm not saying i have never yelled or griped about it but if i do, i make a point to apologize if it was an accident. but sometimes you never know and fortunately it hasn't happened to me a whole lot.

tourney or practice = play hard, fast, fair and with out mercy. you'll get none from the other team.

dead man walk = that guys getting a new orifice shot in his body. i hate the walk, it's cheating in my opinion. i got banned from a field once for expressing my opinion on that issue. doens't mater though, that field sucked anyway.

yes, i'm an old schooler playing in a new school world.

01-31-2004, 08:27 AM
I one time whined about being hit in a single game repeatedly - if I recall I counted 19 sepereate breaks. There was a long story behind it, and once I paused and thought about it, each hit was justified. Needless to say, I felt rather stupid about whining, and resolved not to do that again.

01-31-2004, 03:10 PM
I admit to not playing in many tournaments, and the ones that i did play in, i had to overshoot once. but due to my lack of tournament experience, i'll argue on the rec ball side, thats what i know best.

You are wrong. I have had balls bounce off my mask as well as my hopper. The thing about paintballs are that they aren't like bullets. When you get hit with one, expect it not to break, because half of the time, it doesn't (of course this greatly depends on what type of paint you are using)

We've all experienced bounces in hard spots and it does depend on the paint, i tend to use more thinly shelled paint, so i can be almost 100% sure it will break.

Electronic guns + fast fingers=overshooting. I don't care if you are the most controlled player in the world, if you are laying 20 bps and someone walks into it, they are getting more then 1 ball put on them unless they react really fast, and that rarely happens.

But why do you need to fire that much paint? its a waste of money. I am just as effective with my 2-3bps as some people are with there 12-13bps, there's just more space between my balls in the air. in rec ball, it just isnt necessary.

don't blame tournament players. There is a huge difference between rec and tourney, and if they use a tourney playing style on a rec field, well maybe they belong in the tourney scene instead. Instead of blaming tournament players for rec players overshooting, maybe you should talk to the rec players that are doing the overshooting.

im sorry, i did not mean to imply that i blamed tournament players for rec ballers overshooting. Some local tournament teams practice during regular rec ball games, and if they newer players see that they are over shooting players, they may try to emulate that behavior. i suppose in this instance, they should be on seperate fields, but what do i know.

I don't want to play at the field where you ref. That is rediculous. They walk into my string of balls, it's not my fault. When you come up with something that pulls paintballs out of the air, call me, I have beachfront property in Denver to sell you.

Another misunderstanding, i did not mean accidental overshooting, i meant malicious overshooting (what i call bonus balling) it is unsportsman like in rec ball.

now if someone is accidentally lit up with a large number of breaks, that player will recieve a verbal warning.

You must not like to play at safe fields, there has never been any kind of injury or ill event happen while i was on the field. I run a tight shift.
but again, its recball, i uphold three main rules: play safe, be good sportsmen, and have fun. all of the other rules will fit under one of those.

THAT IS THE STUPIDEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD! You are telling me that instead of me giving you 2 extra balls and getting the elimination to win a game, I should just put 1 on you and have it bounce? Another thing is that you may be honest, but most players are not. You shot them, but they wipe it. Also, and I don't know about you, but I rarely see someone call a paintcheck on themself.

no, im saying that i dont generally give the other person a chance to lay more than a couple on me before i duck behind cover. if i know it broke i'll call myself out, if i am not sure, then i'll call a ref over. its what they are for.
most tourney players arent honest? or most rec players arent? because in all my years of playing and reffing, i do not see many dishonest players (in rec ball) even though rec ballers make up probably 80% of the paintballing population.

I may not wipe, but maybe my teammate does
so if your teammate wipes and you see them, you wont say anything? that in my mind is almost worse than wiping itself
if anyone on any of my teams had been caught cheating then they'd be off the team. I do not tolerate it. if I see someone wipe on my team, I tell them flat out, that wiping is not acceptable and they have two choices, they can take the walk, or I'll call an on duty ref to take care of things. They almost always take the walk.

people may wipe headshots, but i was refering to a goggle shot, much harder to wipe clean.
i suppose the most we can do at this point is agree to disagree. Since you dont play much rec ball, and i dont play much tournament ball, we both seem to be clashing on the differences in playing style between the two aspects of this sport.

I play to have fun, i dont play to win. winning is just an extra in my mind. I think if more players (both rec and tourney) had that in their minds, cheating would go down. maybe.

what ever happened to tournaments being about playing skill? if they were still people wouldnt feel the need to cheat.

i suppose its a good thing i dont play tournaments. I think id have a brain aneurysm.

01-31-2004, 04:15 PM
Usually when I get bonused balled I only feel like the first 2 shots maybe, out of the five, because I get hit and I'm like DAMN WTF $*&*$SCREWU*$$*U (I get pissed when I get shot out usually :)) and don't feel the pain after, so I hardly notice.

But there is no such thing as bonus balling really for me because I keep shooting untill they raise there hand or I hear them yell I'm out clearly.;)

01-31-2004, 06:19 PM
With my first big tourney team, they put me through kind of a reconstruction of my playing, and one of the things stressed was that you ALWAYS send a few extra balls over there.

As a result of that, I will shoot you until you turn your back to walk off, then I'll stop.

I don't like getting bonused either but it happens in tourney play, because teams do it as force of necessity due to all the wiping and playing on. Its the jerks in the sport who brought this on, now they can take the paint back.

01-31-2004, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by epterry
The only time I was rather ticked off was when I had my back turned a guy flanked me and somehow I had 5-6 brakes and a couple more bounce. Nether of us was moving and this was in rec game with a bunch of first timers. I had been in the same situation earlier that day and had hit the person once in the bottom of the shoe, while being ready to shoot again if that one bounced/missed. If someone is running I must admit I will shoot until I see one break. Unfortunately, a couple more may be on the way.:cool:

You should run to the deadbox if your still getting shot at.. Chances are none of them heard the ref call you out.. I know I don't hear much when playing in tourny's as im so concentrated on the oponents..

It is a little excessive though if you were in plain sight and just walking to the deadbox with your gun in the air.. They should have a bit of a brain and know that your hit

And I usually expect getting hit 5-10 times, anymore and thats getting a little high

RT pRo AuToMaG
02-01-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by BlueFish28 But why do you need to fire that much paint? its a waste of money. I am just as effective with my 2-3bps as some people are with there 12-13bps, there's just more space between my balls in the air. in rec ball, it just isnt necessary.

Exacty, there is more space inbetween the balls. people generally don't sustain a consistant rate of fire due to the fact that it is very hard to do so. I'm not saying that you can't be effective with a slower rate of fire, but it makes it much easier. And please, don't tell me I use ROF to compensate for skill. I've played with Shockers, tippmanns, spyders, and extremely slow mech cockers. I've owned a shocker and a tippmann, which were extremely slow (shocker probably hit around 7bps, tippmann around 4 or 5). I could still hang with those guns, but when I got my first matrix (this was a while back), it enhanced my game so much I can't begin to put it into words.

im sorry, i did not mean to imply that i blamed tournament players for rec ballers overshooting. Some local tournament teams practice during regular rec ball games, and if they newer players see that they are over shooting players, they may try to emulate that behavior. i suppose in this instance, they should be on seperate fields, but what do i know.

Ok, I didn't quite understand what you were saying at first. Yes I do agree with that. Overshooting in practice is unacceptable to a certain extent. 1 or 2 extra is ok, but 5+ i tend to get pissed during a practice. But yes, I do agree with that.

Another misunderstanding, i did not mean accidental overshooting, i meant malicious overshooting (what i call bonus balling) it is unsportsman like in rec ball.

Ahh, I thought you just pulled whenever you san more then 2 shots or whatever. Yes, overshooting should DEFIANTLY come with a penalty in rec ball. Tourney ball, that's a different story.

now if someone is accidentally lit up with a large number of breaks, that player will recieve a verbal warning.

I agree with that.

You must not like to play at safe fields, there has never been any kind of injury or ill event happen while i was on the field. I run a tight shift.
but again, its recball, i uphold three main rules: play safe, be good sportsmen, and have fun. all of the other rules will fit under one of those.

I never had any injury or heard of any injury at the field where I play besides one guy dislocating his kneecap b/c he tripped while running on the field. I do not take pleasure in overshooting other players, nor do I like to get overshot, but if I have to do it, I'll do it. There are too many cheaters out there. I'd rather be safe then sorry.

most tourney players arent honest? or most rec players arent? because in all my years of playing and reffing, i do not see many dishonest players (in rec ball) even though rec ballers make up probably 80% of the paintballing population.

Players in general are dishonest. Most people in the world are dishonest. Mostly tourney players are the ones cheating, but it does happen all the time in rec ball too.

so if your teammate wipes and you see them, you wont say anything? that in my mind is almost worse than wiping itself
if anyone on any of my teams had been caught cheating then they'd be off the team. I do not tolerate it. if I see someone wipe on my team, I tell them flat out, that wiping is not acceptable and they have two choices, they can take the walk, or I'll call an on duty ref to take care of things. They almost always take the walk.

I'm not proud of having teammates that wipe (most of them don't, only 2 or 3 of them), but that is their buisness. As long as they don't get caught, I'm fine with it. I am not the team captain, it is not my duty to correct them. If that is how they choose to ball, then they can do it. I would never tell a ref one of my own players was wiping, it would probably cost us the tourny, or at least a game. Wiping is a practice that needs to be stopped, but it is a part of the game, unfortunately. Don't come back and tell me that its not, if you mainly play recball,then it is a whole different world. What is normal play for me may be unacceptable for you. Tourney players have to deal with wipers, overshooters, and bad tempers. It does disappoint me, but it has worked itself into the game, and until refs start giving a ****, I won't stop. (most refs really don't care, some refs will even wipe hits for you)

people may wipe headshots, but i was refering to a goggle shot, much harder to wipe clean.

Spray rain-x on your goggles, and the paint just slides off

I play to have fun, i dont play to win. winning is just an extra in my mind. I think if more players (both rec and tourney) had that in their minds, cheating would go down. maybe.

Again, words from a true rec player. Tournaments are fun, but winning is a large part of it. I don't think there is anything you can do to stop cheaters, they will always exist, weather it's wiping or modifying your gun to have trigger bounce or shoot hot, someone will always do it.

what ever happened to tournaments being about playing skill? if they were still people wouldnt feel the need to cheat.

Tournaments are about skill. I believe people have always cheated, this isn't anything new. As long as there is a winner and a loser, someone will cheat, weather it be for a prize or just bragging rights.

i suppose its a good thing i dont play tournaments. I think id have a brain aneurysm.

Watching a pro tourney is enough to give you one. ;) :eek:

02-01-2004, 01:17 PM
i personall make sure i hhit the opponet as much as i can in .5 second unless im bunkering them then i double tap it.and sometimes you acnt help giving someone 5-12 shots to the face... you see themyou want them out for someone like me i walk the trigger fast as i can.

all though if im PO'ed at you your gettin a full 16 bps for 1 second (16 shots on you) a little much no. i dont get pissed easy so if you get bonused balled by me its if you deserved or if it was a accident thats my oppinion

02-01-2004, 03:52 PM
Good Post BlueFish28

i uphold three main rules: play safe, be good sportsmen, and have fun. all of the other rules will fit under one of those.

i suppose its a good thing i dont play tournaments. I think id have a brain aneurysm.

Watching a pro tourney is enough to give you one.

As long as they don't get caught, I'm fine with it. I am not the team captain, it is not my duty to correct them. If that is how they choose to ball, then they can do it. I would never tell a ref one of my own players was wiping,

Wow!! whos duty is it if not the player?

RT pRo AuToMaG, I just wonder how old you are, how long you been playing, and how Fast are you Really.

10 yrs on the tourny circuit so I know what ya mean.

Wes Janson
02-01-2004, 05:59 PM
I've seen 8-10 year-old newbies, with rental guns, in the very back of the field, get lit up pretty badly. It's things like that which make one desire very strongly to beat the crap out of unsportmanlike players. I've seen people on my own team continue firing well after someone is out, and has called themselves out, and been called out by refs. Just too damned stupid to figure it out.

02-02-2004, 09:55 AM
I bunkered a guy this weekend and when he slid out to take a shot I nailed him 3 times and saw all 3 break on him. He tucked back in and when he poked his head back out amazingly all 3 hits were gone.I was like WTF? "ref was out of position" had ref do a paint check on him and ref called him clean. I am not a fan of overshooting but in some cases I think it is justified. if your gonna cheat then be prepared to pay the price for it.

02-02-2004, 11:14 AM
This post, and the one on DMW (among others), have enlightened me a bit as of late.

As with all of us, our own personal experiences shape who we are.
But based on what I see posted here on AO, I'm a little dissappointed in the attitudes, values, and morals of many players.

Most players are dishonest?
Two (or more) wrongs make it right?
Everything is okay as long as it serves your purpose?
Whatever you can get away with is okay?
Everyone else is doing it?
Winning is everything?

It may finally be time for this old timer to hang up the guns.