View Full Version : 20,000 e-mag shots in 3 months

09-14-2001, 10:39 PM
is 20,000 shots on a e-mag alot in like 2 and a half to 3 months??? my friends e-mag is close to that if not over by now and was wondering if that's considered alot??? my friends angel has got like 30,000 total including the shots before rebiuld in like 11 months. and he shoots massive amounts of paint. i think my e-mag friend just shoots to feel the trigger operate sometimes.

09-15-2001, 11:57 AM
the first night my buddy got his angel we sat around firing it for hours, with and without paint, i think we got up to 2000 shots in a couple of hours, and if you shoot a case of paint a day, thats 2000 shots, so no i don't think thats much.

09-16-2001, 12:01 AM
no man thats not allot the first day my friend got his emag we put 15k shots on it, we would have done more but aparently the battery isn't fully charged when u get it. The next day we put another 7k shots on it. If this seems like it is exaggerated it isn't because me and my friend did a little test of our own. We called it the "How fast can we shoot a case of paint test". Aparently we went through 2500 balls in 5minutes 47 seconds. (That was in burst mode)We challenge anyone to beat us.