View Full Version : For your all's enjoyment...

09-14-2001, 11:37 PM
I made a Automag animation in Flash. It dosen't show the reg like the one in the AGD video, but hey, it only took me an hour or so.....


(Well...vBulletin dosen't like my animated gif, so I replaced it with a link to an HTML file where it is)

09-15-2001, 01:08 AM
it didnt work for me...

09-15-2001, 10:01 AM
Grrr....Freeservers is being evil again.


09-15-2001, 11:51 AM
I really like it, Damn computer science majors.... This is the stuff i want to do but im not sure if i want to take all of the programming, im an ME dont konw for how long though.

09-15-2001, 01:37 PM
Naw, flash isn't something you learn in CSC...... It dosen't take any programming skill at all. You could download a demo and check it out. Someone on morpheus prolly has it, but that would be illegal :cool: It's pretty easy to learn; I picked it up in a few hours.....

09-15-2001, 02:08 PM
yeah i know, ive learned a bit of flash its just this: last year in a lot of my classes we had to make web pages for reports and stuff. and i thought i did pretty well, until i saw all of these computer science majors and their pages!!! oh well, i like making pages its just that im not very good at it and id like to take a few classes about web design. check out my profile, those are all the pages ive done.

09-15-2001, 04:48 PM
not bad, now tha i can see it

09-15-2001, 07:59 PM
CS majors don't have to take web design stuff... but a high percentage has at least dabbled in it.

What most take (schools vary) is: a lot of math, eng. physics, elec. eng., formal logic... along with all the CS courses like systems programming, algorithm analysis, automata/compiler, image processing, OSs... etc. In a couple of them, you do not even use a computer, it's pencil/paper stuff.

Contrary to popular belief... the heart of CS is not programming, but rather you learn how the stuff all works... the 'science' behind it. You do the programming (and lots of it) because you must - to learn and understand it.

If anybody is going to the ACM programming contest in Riverside... see ya there!

09-15-2001, 09:36 PM
thats awsome how much is the flash program you have

09-16-2001, 12:10 AM
Miscue is right, CS is mostly learning how to think, and how to solve a problem. My AP CS teacher in high school would make us write down a complete algorithem for every project we had before he would even let us TOUCH a computer.

PAINTBALLA: I don't remember. You can find it at CompUSA or Best Buy even. There are also other places *CAUGHMORPHEUSCAUGH* to get it.

Oh, and for those interested: I'm working on a 3D animation of an autococker.