View Full Version : Tip Of The Day, part 1

09-15-2001, 11:21 AM
Ok here is my first part, care to reply with better tips or anything else in the matter

Ok, now im about to be technical for now on and in later posts to fit with being a true player.

These points are the most basic of tactical considerations when engaging the other team. Remember that tactics refers to the methods used to achieve an objective. Each method is a tactic, and the more tactics you can implement, the more you will be able to beat the other team.

Remember that tactics means thinking: run with your head thinking. Always ask yourself where everyone is/should be. Always prepare yourself for the unexpected. Try to outthink your opponent.

Learn tactics from others: focus on those players better than you. What are they doing? Do they have some cool tricks up their sleeves? What is your best tactic and what would they do against it?

Use everything available to you to win the game. Every other route you can take, is another tactic for you to gain the upper hand. Each route offers another possible advantage for you to defeat your opponent.

Consider your position in relation to an opponent: who has the superior positioning? Are you exposed/vulnerable if you do this? Do the risks outweigh the benefits?

*Tip of the day, part 1*


First off, never ever stop running. Ever. In the rare occasions when you want to reload your hopper, then it is ok. Otherwise, forget it. One of the easiest ways to get outflanked it is to simply walk or stand around. You must move decisively, even if you do not know where you next fight will take place.

While shooting and running forward are a difficult mix to accomplish successfully, it can be done, with a fair amount of strafing (moving at a sideways position), and a focused eye. Once you are moving forward, your focus will not move as much as it would for someone who is standing still and looking around. Use that to your advantage.

One of the best techniques for successfully planting a well aimed shot into your opponent's body is by strafing. Strafing is accomplished by walking left or right with your body at center. During this movement, your aiming is significantly tighter, and you can fire significantly more accurate. I highly recommend this maneuver in EVERY firefight if your advancing on the field.

When advancing, make sure that your aim is just a bit higher than dead on center.Essentially, the center of your shots should be aiming for the chest and up of an opponent--this guarantees the quickest hit possible, because in most cases thats the only part of the players body showing when moving up.

Next up .... COVER and KNOW YOUR Fields

*note this is for beginners and rec ball*