View Full Version : Free Stuff, Take a look.

01-31-2004, 06:11 PM
Hey guys, ive seen this done on some other forums and i was just wondering if you all wanted to start it here?

This should help benefit our community


1. You must post why you need the piece.

2.Along with why you need it, you have to offer something up yourself to someone else that may need it.(example, I give you my Red ASA, you have to list something that you would give to someone for doing the same thing. like you give someone else a spare bolt because they bent theirs and the cycle continues.)

3. The person recieveing the piece must pay for the shipping, Usually cheap like 2-3 bucks for small pieces.

4. When you give something away, edit your post to say who it is given to.

5. if you REALLY need something and it is a relitivaly reasonable piece, you are allowed to post that at the bottom.(i may edit rules if this becomes a problem)

In order for you to recieve a free part that you might need, you have to have something that someone else might want. I hope this is all making since to everyone.

If anyone is greedy i will try and monitor and make a post asking them if they should give something a little bit more valuable away.

in other words, to access somebodys free stuff you have to give something up for grabs. If something is a larger item you may ask the recipient for shipping.

Don't flame me :D

01-31-2004, 06:19 PM
man i cant believe no one has though of this yet?


http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=121127 :p

01-31-2004, 06:24 PM

01-31-2004, 06:25 PM
Ok so now ya know!

Go there....
