View Full Version : Need some help with ELCD frame for my mag

02-01-2004, 05:43 PM
Hey, I need some help with setting up my ELCD Mako/Boo-yaah (not sure which) on my Mag. I got it used with a new on/off thing but I'm not sure how to put it on there the right way. It seems to be a LOT shorter than the regular on/off assembly and looks like it'd slide around in there a whole lot. It looks to be about the length of the on/off top (I think I'm saying that right; it's the half that goes into the body first). It didn't have any threads on it or anything so I know I can't screw it onto the rest of the on/off. Do I just stick it in the hole or what? Also, when I first got it, I misunderstood some instructions (I think) and just swapped out the on/off pin and the tiny oring on the inside. I was wondering if any of you had the measurements to let me see which one is the right one, since I'm not real sure about it. Pics would help GREATLY in this cause I've heard it in words but they just don't really connect with my mental image. Any help would be GREAT.

Question 2-
Much simpler so don't worry. My queation is will the frame eat my sears and/or bolt? If so how quickly will I need to replace them? If you say it won't if set up properly then how do I set it up properly? If it eats sears then that's OK since they're pretty cheap. If it eats bolts then I'm up a creek, cause a new LX every 3 months is gonna cost me a fortune.
I'm running a ReTro mag with no ULT, but with a LX.

Question 3-
When I hold down both buttons to get to that menu with pulse settings or something like that (can't remember the name, no batts handy)- what does that setting do? What will tweaking it do?
All right, thanks in advance for any help. Yes I have read the FAQ by Hostage, but I'm still kinda confused. Thanks

02-02-2004, 02:16 PM
Anyone? I didn't think this was that hard...

02-02-2004, 07:00 PM
Actually if you have the RT on/off it is better to use that than the on/off Mako/Booh-Yah provided with their grips. The M/B on/off is designed for the classic only. I actually used the RT on/off with my classic and it shot fine. But I do have some bad news. You may not be able to use the Boooh-Yah with the Level X. I installed my lvl X and my Booh-Yah wouldn't work anymore. I've been told by many people that installing the ULT will fix this problem.

First just bolt the frame on and see if you can get it to work. It might, but if it doesn't you'll pull the trigger and it will do nothing. The way to test the frame is to put a battery in it then take an allen key and push the solinoid pusher (thing that pushes the sear) all the way in. Then pull the trigger. It should push your allen key back. If it is doing that then the frame is working properly, and to get it to work you'll need to get the ULT kit. This is the kit that Centerflag recommends with all their frames now and the Booh-Yah is basically a centerflag made by another company.

Good luck.

02-02-2004, 09:07 PM
That stinks. I have a ULT in my other mag but I don't wanna get one in this one. It's a Retro so I'd have to get it drilled out, which costs $$$. So you're saying just to use the on/off that was already in the retro? Or do I need to get the original RT's on off? Thanks for your help

02-02-2004, 09:45 PM
Try it with the one you currently have installed. It may work.