View Full Version : AOers rockin the Alamo!

02-01-2004, 05:59 PM
The kid and one of his team mates met up with a couple other AOers over at Alamo in Greenville SC today. Sounds like they had fun to me. Calebs third team mate couldn't make it as he has some other engagement.

The Kid was telling me a few things but had to leave to take his team mate home before the Super Bowl gets going. But hopefully the rest of them will fill in the blanks later.

I think the other AOers were Paintmagnet and Barberjohn.

I think they had to enlist a fifth to finish out the five man roster.

But from what little I hear they did alright. Didn't win much but they held thier own. Pretty good competition out there as its team practice day. Barberjohn was shooting his new Logic frame so I want to hear how he liked it.

One incident that the Kid was telling me about sounded pretty funny. He says in one game they were trading fire with another team when the other teams dead men started entering the field bringing the live members pods of paint! So Paintmagnet just shrugs and starts lighting them up! And then they COMPLAINED! "Hey we were only carrying pods out! Why are you shooting us?" LOL!!!!! Stoopid kids.... I wish I could have seen that. Chris the owner was like "what are you kids doing! You can't do that! You can't carry paint on to the field from the dead box (or something to that effect)". :D

The Action Figure
02-01-2004, 06:32 PM
man I was there yesterday with paintmagnet, wanted to come today but i slept

02-01-2004, 06:47 PM
Gideon, you should've come out today, then we would've had a full five of AOers. But we'll hit you up in several weeks when we head up that way again. ;) You definitely missed out on some fun.

Steve (my teammate) and I were several of the first people at the field this morning and therefore, I got a chance to speak to the owner at Alamo. He saw Gold Dragon Paintball on our jerseys and instantly started asking questions about what we were playing and what guns we were using. When we told him we had an all mag team, he said, "Well, we'll see how you do today. They play for keeps on Sundays and there definitely isn't any love for mags out there." I thought that was really funny that there wasn't any love for mags.

We played well, I think we showed them that mags can hold their own... especially when Steve bunkered three of them in a 7-man game. Barberjohn played well, man... that guy can run. I hope he will accept my invitation to get on my all mag team. Nice guy too, definitely someone who is a good sport and can play some ball. Paint magnet, definitely the man, now that I look back at it, I should've shot the guys carrying in paint too. Freaking idiots. Anyways, great guys and great players.

I really enjoy getting together with AOers, they seem to be some of the last paintball players on earth left with some sense in their heads. Thanks so much guys for making this little "mini-meet", if you will, such a fun day and we will have to do it again soon. And next time, Gideon will have to come play too. :D

By the way, should have pictures up very soon... A.K.A... as soon I get uploaded. Or maybe dad will get them up for me. :D

Again, thanks for a fantastic day, guys. Much love to all the AOers!

02-02-2004, 12:03 AM
Nothing from Paint nor barberjohn? Slackers!!!!

paint magnet
02-02-2004, 10:35 AM
Hey guys, sorry I'm late :)

Cphillip - One of the fools that was harassing/threatening/cursing/accusing/otherwise being an *** and showing how immature he was happened to be the same guy that threw his gun at AO 2! I don't think he or his teammate has a single word in his vocabulary other than ****. He also made some B.S. claim about how Tom Kaye ripped the design of the Automag off of a Hitachi nail gun :confused: But anyways, I figure if their team can bring them paint out of the dead box (and thereby assist their team) then I see no reason why I should not be able to help my team out while I'm in the dead box. I only shot the guy bringing paint, so it's not like it made a difference in the outcome of the game.

But other than that it was a great day, I really enjoyed playing with some fellow AO'ers. The SCXmag was just as sweet as I remembered, judging by my numerous welts it was shooting well too :D

EDIT- I find it rather ironic that the game in which the aforementioned 'incident' occured was the first game when Caleb let me use his Halo - with the "Satan told me to overshoot you" sticker on the side :)

paint magnet
02-02-2004, 10:37 AM
By the way, I'm loving the DVD so far. Haven't had a chance to watch the whole thing yet but hopefully I will soon.

We should do this more often, maybe we can get some NC and GA AO'ers to come down to Gold Dragon or something for a mini AO day in the near future.

02-02-2004, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by paint magnet
Hey guys, sorry I'm late :)

Cphillip - One of the fools that was harassing/threatening/cursing/accusing/otherwise being an *** and showing how immature he was happened to be the same guy that threw his gun at AO 2! I don't think he or his teammate has a single word in his vocabulary other than ****.

Well this is the second time that fool has been taken to school by mags. He just doesn't get it does he? Supposedly he is still pissed because I threw him out of finals for throwing his marker. It's a shame because I talked to him a lot after that and he seemed contrite and sorry for it. Now it seems not at all. Oh well. I am glad he doesn't shoot a mag! :D

The Action Figure
02-02-2004, 03:45 PM
we need to make a seven man team!!!!!!

paint magnet
02-02-2004, 03:49 PM
I'm already on a team, and I believe Caleb is heading up a 5 man team to play CFOA this year as well.

But maybe we could get up an informal 5 man team to play a local tourney or something :)

02-02-2004, 03:55 PM
uhhh, i know im late. anyway, it was great fun playing at my home field of alamo, and im sorry for the incident that occured, but that was only a small part of the long day of sweet paintballin that we had. the logic frame was sooooo nice, along with the ult and x-valve, it made for some fast shooting and not so much chopping, but i still have some tuning to do. i do believe that we held more than our own out there, especially when playing dark carnival. im suprised we didnt get lit up right from the start, especailly when it was five guys that had never played together before. as usual, paint's viking shot sweet, and the xmag was awesome. it was the first time i had actually seen one in real life, and i was like :eek: . oh, and of course i accept the invite for the team, and thanks caleb for all the kind words. man, steve and caleb also played a great day, especially steve's bunkering of 3 of the Assault 80 team, and pretty much turning around that game for us. i had a great time at the mini ao day, and hope we can do it again sometime, maybe even getting personman up here with us, if he can take the 2 and a half hour drive:D .

02-02-2004, 03:56 PM
Sounds good. I will see if I can score you other three some AGD patches for the jersies.

Where is barberjohn on this? I wanted to hear how he liked his LOgic frame. He played with it this weekend right?

02-02-2004, 03:57 PM
hehe, we posted at like the same exact time, thats funny. check again phil!

02-02-2004, 03:58 PM
Uh... posted while I was! Sounds good barberjohn. Sounds good. When did yours arrive?

02-02-2004, 04:03 PM
same day yours did, saturday. i had a hard time finding it though, the stupid fedex people left it like in this nook behind my garage door, and my mom said that they came while she was home, and didnt bother ringing the doorbell!

02-02-2004, 04:07 PM
Well... not that it matters but mine showed on Friday! I know it was a suprise to me too. I was not expecting it until Saturday.

02-02-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Gideon1331
we need to make a seven man team!!!!!!

Dude, I am all up for playing some seven man if we can get seven guys together. That would rock majorly. We played a couple seven man games on Sunday and I LOVED it. It was the most fun I had had playing paintball in awhile. We'll have to keep our eyes open.

I know Steve is up for it as well. I gotta get that lazy boy to start posting on the forums. He reads all the time... I'll fuss at him tonight.

Gideon, if you have AIM, send me an IM... AquilusViator is my SN.

The Action Figure
02-02-2004, 04:31 PM
sorry no aim will try to get though

02-02-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Well... not that it matters but mine showed on Friday!
im sorry, i meant friday! i was just thinking saturday since that was when fedex said it was going to get here.

Passed Out Pimp
02-02-2004, 07:15 PM
All in All we had a good day. I was glad to have Caleb, barberjohn, and paint on my side.

To make things better...The fool we were having a problem with was the first guy I bunkered on my run...:D

I would LOVE to play some 7 man.

02-02-2004, 07:18 PM
hey! Welcome to the forums Passed out.

02-02-2004, 07:22 PM
Dad, Passed Out Pimp is Steve. lol He's just a funny little guy. I want to play some seven man! Mrs. Coxon doesn't think paintball is a sport. Grrr... We need to take her to Alamo and let them shoot at her!

02-02-2004, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by ccaleb
Dad, Passed Out Pimp is Steve. lol He's just a funny little guy. I want to play some seven man! Mrs. Coxon doesn't think paintball is a sport. Grrr... We need to take her to Alamo and let them shoot at her!

Ah! Hey Steve.

Its up to you guys to provide your teacher with all the metrics she needs to convince her that its a sport. There are plenty of them out there. Make it brief and full of statistics. They love that! When their eyes glaze over then ya got em! :D

Passed Out Pimp
02-02-2004, 08:20 PM
I took Mrs. Coxon to the deep blue one day when we were in the lab...since then she hasn't asked any questions. Thanks AO'ers.

02-02-2004, 08:33 PM
We need to get our whole five man team (maybe one day seven) to come for our senior project presentation. I can see it now, AO SE School Day 1! Yeah! That's it! :D

Get them to help us present our senior project portfolio. Hehe