View Full Version : The MicroE-Mag STILL doesn't Work!

09-15-2001, 07:09 PM
I just got it back from Pro-Team on Friday, who got it back from AGD after AGD "repaired" it. (R/A # 82656) I put 1000 balls thru it on Friday with absolutly no probs. Today I get home after work and fire the gun and CLICK, CLICK, CLICK goes the solenoid. The gun fails to fire in E mode! Oh man, I just can't stand it any more!


Note: I checked to see if the power tube was still welded, it is. I oiled 'er up (ACI oil) Battery read 17.32 volts. I put a little Shocker lube on the outside of the bolt, no go. I haven't adjusted the trigger, or anything else for that matter. AGD, why doesn't my gun work?

09-16-2001, 09:00 AM
go to WDP and buy a LCD Angel, dark, adreniline, cobra, C&C... they almost never fail

09-16-2001, 09:58 AM
yeah right man forget angels they are good guns and all, but get a regular e-mag they are so sweet and for some odd reason not trying to put all the weight on your shoulders but you are the only person i have heard of having a problem with a microe-ma or an e-mag and another thing is there anything you could have done to possibly mke it go click click click iam not sayign yuo broke it i was just wondering. oh yeah why do you put shocker lube on your bolt does it make it move faster cause if it does that is what i will be doing soon. :D

09-16-2001, 10:40 AM
Putting shocker lube on the bolt just puts shocker lube on the balls going into the barrel. Keep it dry.

09-16-2001, 11:53 AM
The gun, as it came back from AGD, had lube on the outside of the bolt. It appeared to be shocker lube. My guess it was to help the sear slip off the bolt easier, thus helping the gun to fire. The sear is binding on the bolt, just like it has been since I got the gun. For now the problem isn't grease on the balls, it's that the sear won't release the bolt.

09-16-2001, 02:52 PM
Get one with no problems. I'm sure even with the problem you're having, there would be ton's of people interested in buying it. I might. depends how much.

Anyway, good luck. Just a thought.


09-16-2001, 03:34 PM
was it gassed up. because if its not and its on fire u cant here the solenoid hitting. you can only tell when its gassed up

09-17-2001, 08:35 AM

I called PTP about getting a refund. I gotta call back on Thursday to speak with Tracy about the details.

I also called AGD, and told them what's going on. They offered to check the gun out again, and pay for return shipping! (PTP has me pay for shipping, poor form)

My guess is, and has been right along that the machining of the body is out of spec, and that's why the sear binds.

AGD, do a Green to Black fade E-Mag with a Black mainbody, If I get the refund...

09-17-2001, 10:39 AM
I'm sorry to hear about those problems. I hate that kinda stuff. Most people that buy guns can't afford to spend tons of money, they scrap until they get just enough and get the gun they want. imho, everygun should be tested, with paint, before it goes out the door.

09-17-2001, 02:38 PM
all angels like dark, andreniline, cobra, bonebrake... are shot, tested, look over again, cleaned, then y aget'em.
Also cockers like tthe SFL, evolution.. they're tested like angels.

So when ya get your gun, it works, none of this sending back to have fixed when ya just got it new

09-17-2001, 03:04 PM
It's the same for AGD... he's having a problem with Pro Team. Personally, after seeing this, I'll never buy one of their products.

Good luck with getting that refund! If you used a money order, inquire at the issuer and see if they have buyer protection or anything....

Johnny Bravo
09-17-2001, 03:12 PM
Man that really sucks... Cause I REALLY want a Micro E-mag, cause I've heard they're alot lighter and they look better (actually the have new cool colors for the regular ones...). Plus the neck feed is really low which I would like alot. The reagular E-mags I've heard are heavy as hell and the neck feeds are much higher. Hmmmmm.... I CANT DECIDE SOMEONE HELP!

09-17-2001, 03:18 PM
well if ya really want one, then get it, the guy prolly just got a crappy one, or the techs who'ev messed w/ it mess it up...

If i were going to get another mag, i'd get a Proteamproducts 2000 microRTmag, hyperframe...

09-17-2001, 03:50 PM
If the body is machined out of tolerance, there will most likely be little anyone, even AGD, can do to fix it permanently.

09-20-2001, 02:18 PM
Today was the day I was to speak with Tracy, a part owner of Pro-Team. I called 4 times, leaving messages each time. I "just missed her" twice. Could they be avoiding me? I hope not.

09-20-2001, 07:03 PM
Its an Emicro What do you expect.

Ask BlackVCG about MicroMags and eMicro :) We made him fix all of them at the Am Open this year :)

Just get a AGD Emag.


09-20-2001, 07:27 PM
I think you probably just got a defective gun. I do not own an E-mag but I do own 3 micromags and all 3 perform fine. Anytime I've had a problem with one of my guns or their service Proteam has been more than happy to work with me. I've always spoken with the same person and she was always very helpful. Her name is Linda and she's the one who usually answers the phone.
It sucks to get a bad product and it sucks even more to get bad service but be pesistent with them and ask for a credit on freight or ask for some free stuff to compensate for your exspenses. Don't wait for them to offer these things ask for them.
I hope you can get this resolved Good Luck