View Full Version : ?trigger stop?

02-01-2004, 09:06 PM
i have some questions about a trigger stop. I have a benchmark double trigger frame and i want to take the slop out of it. How can i drill behind the trigger i cant get a bit into there. Should i just drill the trigger. I have the stuff and know how to do it. I just want to do it right and make it look like its supposed to be there. Can someone who has done this explain this or post some pics. thanks.

02-02-2004, 06:44 PM
the easiest way is to take off the trigger and drill and thread a hole into it. thats how mine was done.

02-02-2004, 08:53 PM
that is the direction i was heading in.

Is the hole all the way through your trigger, if so does it irritate your finger. I would assume it doesnt or you would have said something i think.

02-02-2004, 09:43 PM
yes it goes all the way through.it doesn't stick that far out it just feels like a small bump