View Full Version : How do you tell if your Revvy is Pre-BE?

02-01-2004, 09:47 PM
I was looking at my Revvy today that I got used and I was wondering how I can tell if it is a pre-BE revvy or not? Are there any tell-tale signs? It doesn't say Brass Eagle on it anywhere (on the outside, I haven't checked inside yet). Anyone?

02-01-2004, 09:55 PM
Throw it against the wall and see how the shell holds up.

02-01-2004, 09:58 PM
lol, definately, if it breaks then you'll know its not pre-BE. I loved those things.

02-01-2004, 09:59 PM
actually I had a pre-BE VL200 break from a paintball once.

02-01-2004, 10:07 PM
I was wondering how I can tell if it is a pre-BE revvy or not? hmmmm.... lets think about this one for a minuite.... hmmm.... ok, set the revvy on a table... take a big breath, and blow on the loader..... if the shell explodes, it's BE:p

Throw it against the wall and see how the shell holds up. that would work too, but it makes it harder to pick up the pieces;)

02-01-2004, 10:11 PM
Is it a piece of crap? If so, its not pre BE.

02-01-2004, 10:16 PM
I noticed that the shells themselves seem slightly rougher on the outside and VERY smooth on the outside. The part where the shells touch feels like it's smoothed down and the part where the feed neck opens up for the balls to come out is flat not curved or pointed.

If this isn't true for all of you with pre-BE shells, I guess I have post BE shells, but they are holding up FREAKING well to anything that I put them through.

P.S. My shells are clear if that helps you :confused:

02-01-2004, 10:19 PM
Haha, some of these replies are gold (Squids especially).

02-01-2004, 10:41 PM
if your running around and your hopper just plops onto the ground you know its BE cus the neck broke. neways thats what happens to most of them

02-01-2004, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Is it a piece of crap? If so, its not pre BE.
You beat me to it.
My first impression was to say "If it doesn't suck its preBE"

02-02-2004, 12:29 AM
the telling point is the VL logo.
on the older ones the vl logo those cartoonish eyes on it.
the newer ones have the newer cutting edge type look to it

Chojin Man
02-02-2004, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Bad_Dog
hmmmm.... lets think about this one for a minuite.... hmmm.... ok, set the revvy on a table... take a big breath, and blow on the loader..... if the shell explodes, it's BE:p

HAHA classic. I have a pre-BE shell. I put it through hell and back and it still holds up like a champ.

02-02-2004, 01:31 AM
theres a technical way to do this place it on a table then hit it with a hammer if it breaks it's either be or you hit it too hard keep buying new ones til you get one that doesn't break either it's really strong and pre be or you're just tired from hitting all those other ones

02-02-2004, 07:03 AM
I noticed that Pre BE have a very dark course serface...and feels like it gives a bit..(ive hade mine since 98 with no porblems what so ever)

post BE have a smoother serface and seem to have more of a "clear coat" on them...and the curve on top is a little diffrnt"

If you had a pre BE and a post BE you will see some major diffrances in the shells.

and the "throwing agenst the wall experament" is a perfect way to test if you have one or not.
;) :)

02-02-2004, 08:14 AM
It's not a total POS like newer ones? heheh...

When my 7yr old Revy finally did start breaking apart, i kept the lid, and put it on my new Revy... the newer lids are crap.


02-02-2004, 09:27 AM
the pre-BE shells are awesome! and I have 4 complete sets. In the event that hell freezes over and one breaks, I'll still be set.
the only thing the BE shells are good for is lookin pretty right before they break. I had one once, for about 3 days. I pulled it out on the third day to use it, put it on my poor unsuspecting JT and walked off to the go-box. The ref blew the whistle, I pulled up my marker to start shootin, and poof, my entire hopper (minus the neck which is STILL crammed in my feed) went sailing over my head. Yea, I put up some paint alright. About 200 balls in less than 2 seconds. Thats got to be some kinda record.
So now I have 4 very good pre-BE's and 1 BE, but uts green and it looks pretty. (CRACK) what was that?


02-02-2004, 11:46 AM
yeah i have 2 pre BE revies, and i hold on to them with a death grip. Like 10 people over the years have asked me how muc i want for one, im like $70, they gernerally laugh and say i can buy a new one for $45...i tell them go ahead, they do, it breaks i laugh at them!! They just are not worth selling...hell i use a halo, and rarly use them but i dont want to let them go. But yeah sadly one is in need of a new motor, does anyone know if BE screwed with the motors or are they the same as the old ones?

02-02-2004, 11:58 AM
the motors seem fine. Altough i prefer empire reload internals.

02-02-2004, 12:06 PM
I've heard there is a date on the back of the battery door, and if it before a certain date its pre-be and well, vice versa. I heard that from a VL rep somewhere.

02-02-2004, 12:38 PM
If it says viewloader with the eyes then it is a Pre-be and if the lid isn't clear sort of a musty color then it is Pre-BE.

My Pre-BE cracked at the feedneck so you have to be careful.

02-02-2004, 02:15 PM
LOL I think it's pre BE all right, I was noticiing that the thing was really tough and I was like "Wow, that's really tough!". Plus it's got a musty lid and the cartoonish eyes. I'll check the battery door thing tonight.

02-04-2004, 05:32 PM
the pre BE shells are alot softer then the BE pos, or jsut look at the asembly date on the inside. i think BE bought VL in 2002:confused:

02-04-2004, 06:47 PM
The pre-BE shells feel different (and mine has a translucent lid, not the transparent ones on the BEs). BTW my friend has a BE xboard revy, it has a crack in it. Mine is much older and is perfectly fine.

02-04-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Bad_Dog
hmmmm.... lets think about this one for a minuite.... hmmm.... ok, set the revvy on a table... take a big breath, and blow on the loader..... if the shell explodes, it's BE:p


02-16-2004, 04:57 AM
hey guys, I do have 4 sets of these. I would be silling to part with one. for say, a good set of internals? I have two empty sets, and one with a bad servo. Hook me up?


02-16-2004, 08:53 AM
I got 1 pre-be revvy and it rocks completely. Also ninja, you just missed out, I just sold a set of revvy internals.

Creative Mayhem
02-16-2004, 09:58 AM
If it doesn't break when you look at it, then it's pre BE.

You laugh...? I'm serious.

02-16-2004, 12:00 PM
i think there is a little skull icon on the inside of one of the shells