View Full Version : Why is a retro valve and hyper together hard to chrono??

09-15-2001, 08:36 PM
I have heard some people say that a hyperframe and retrovalve together are hard to chrono. I was just wanting to know why this is?? Thanks alot.

09-15-2001, 11:43 PM
My only giess would be that it would have to be chronoed like an RT, and you need a manual trigger to do that. You'd probably have to chrono after doing some major rapid fire.

Mind you I'm new to Mags and I may have this all wrong.

09-16-2001, 06:44 PM
Actually, I think that they are easier. A Retro valve is supposed to be chronoed by taking a few shots to seat the reg after any adjustemnts are made, then taking a shot and HOLDING the trigger back. They to actually chrono it, you release and quickly pull the trigger.

With an kind of electronic frame, the trigger pull is consistant, so you can't, at least in theory, vary velocity shot to shot either during the chrono procedure or during the game. So, in effect, the electronic frame cancels out the need for the chrono procedure.

Now I COULD be wrong on all this, but I doubt it.

09-16-2001, 07:19 PM
The reason why the RT chrono procedure has you hold the trigger down, quickly release and squeeze the trigger is because this simulates a rapid firing of the gun. Pressure is directly proportional to temperature, in other words, a gas which is compressed is always warmer, this is why the HPA tank is warmer after a fill. As a gas is cooled, the pressure reduces, an example of this is when you fill your HPA/N2 tank to its max fill then wait ten minutes, the pressure in the tank is less by around 500psi, this is because the gas has cooled.

By keeping the trigger squeezed, you are not allowing the valve to recharge. By quickly releasing and squeezing the trigger, you are not allowing the gas to cool down in the valve, and thusly, higher fps. If you use a regular chrono procedure, you are letting the gas in the valve cool down, reducing the ball speed, this does nothing more than fool the chrono and increase the safety risks to your opponents, because your fps will increase during a rapid firing, perhaps past the 300fps range that we adhere to.

Since the Hyper frame is completely electronic, it takes the need for the trigger return stroke out of your hands, as this is one of the things which slows down firing. Even the E-mag running in the E mode does this. Everytime you squeeze the trigger, the electronices will operate the gun through a full firing cycle, this allows for an extremely short "mouse click" trigger pull. When chronoing an E-mag, the procedure has you do it in manual mode, making the chrono procedure the same as a RT/RT Pro/Retro. The Hyper frame does not have a manual mode. The only thing there is left for you to do is turn your velocity down by around 25-50psi or even more just to be safe.

09-16-2001, 07:45 PM
it's very annoying to chrono with a Hyper RT, u'd have to waste quite amount of paint . . .

09-16-2001, 09:03 PM
Darkphoenix is correct on this one.
I'd just like to tell you an accurate way of chronographing a hyper RT
you need something pointy and hard to release the 'manual pull' of your sear.
with the hyperframe attached, behind the field strip screw is another empty hole.
If you stick something pointy in there it will release the sear and make your Mag fire. (i use and 1/8" allen key)
you need to fire it, hold it, bring it to the chrono, and then release and fire it in an instant. That would be the only way to chrono a RT/Retro with a hyperframe/elcd.