View Full Version : Need some ideas for a prank

02-02-2004, 05:35 PM
Living in a small town is getting REALLY boring. I need some ideas for some good pranks. Nothing like blowing up the school, but just little stuff thats realy funny.

And whoever said in that "stupidest thing youve ever done" thread, that they had "obtained a fire hydrant", PM me:p

02-02-2004, 05:56 PM
you already have my first suggestion in your sig, so ill skip a few.

shopping carts are always fun. steal (borrow) one and let your imagination take you from there.

also, ive found that going to toys R us and buying some ninja weapons or fake swords, etc; then going to a convenience store/grovery store and running around messing things up and attacking peolpe is a lot of fun

poop + fire = fun to the 13th power

ive got hundreds more, just ask

02-02-2004, 06:06 PM
Weve thought about the shopping cart thing before, weve just never done it.

Flaming poop sounds pretty fun, thats right up our alley. Ive got a few people who i would thoroughly enjoy watching as they found flaming poop on their front porch, or in their parking space after school.

Any other ideas? Im really intersted in the fire hydrant thing.

i like tictacs
02-02-2004, 06:06 PM
poop on fire in a bag is the best. no doubt.

02-02-2004, 06:10 PM
Roll shopping carts into the road :D
Better yet.. get an SUV or van and have one in the back and when there is no one around open the trunk and have someone roll it out oololol

02-02-2004, 06:35 PM
Wheres pyro when you need him?

02-02-2004, 06:50 PM
I played a joke on a friend by leaving a blurry polaroid picture of a little girl about 3 years old with the words "Happy Fathers Day" under his windshield wiper of his truck.. He didn't tell anybody about the picture for like a month and I didn't say anything.. then one day it was just hangin on his fridge.. i asked him about it and he told me where he found it and that he's going nuts callin every girl he ever slept with to find out more information on the little girl..

I filled the defroster in his truck with baby powder once...that was funny.. turned the radio all the way up and set his alarm to go off when he started the truck..set the defroster on full blast..

POOOOOOM ..covered in baby powder with wipers goin full blast when he started the truck and the radio blaring.. he jumped out and rolled on to the pavement.. he TRULY thought the truck had EXPLODED when he did that..

I wired his brake lights to his horn so each time he touched his brake pedal, the horn went off..

now THAT was funny, til i had to pay his ticket for causing a nuisance ($40) and a new horn ($20)..

or freeze a can of shaving cream...cut the can open and remove the frozen shaving cream...place frozen shaving cream into friend's glove box, desk, wherever...shaving cream thaws and expands...alot

02-02-2004, 06:56 PM
How about freezing a can of shaving creme, and then peel off the can and leave the frozen stick of shaving creme somewhere so that it expands like crazy. Heard about it and would like to try it at least once.

That baby picture one is cool, but bad at the same time.

i like tictacs
02-02-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by personman
Roll shopping carts into the road :D
Better yet.. get an SUV or van and have one in the back and when there is no one around open the trunk and have someone roll it out oololol

thats really great fun until someone swerves to avoid it and goes into a tree.

Lone Wolf2
02-02-2004, 08:11 PM
wherever there is a sign wit the changeable letters,go to one of those and let your minds go wild;) :p .

02-02-2004, 08:16 PM
im not going to read this other mumbo jumbo so ill say my suggestions.

1) Poobagging, of course (put poo in a bag and catch it on fire on someones doorstep, ring the doorbell, run, hide, videotape.

2) This only works around Christmas but you get those reindeers people put in their yard and make one of them hump the other.

3) Artillery Shells are always fun;)

4) Never tryed this and dont really understand the point but apparantly its funny... Wrap someones car in that clear plastic crap that I forgot the name of that you put on top of bowls with like pudding or something in them...its clear and stuff...

5)Egging is fun but can get you in trouble

6)Throw stink bombs in the school.

02-02-2004, 08:53 PM
Fire is your friend. You can borrow banners off fast food places, its particuarly funny if someone were to obtain the burger king flags they keep on the roof.
Did I mention fire is your friend?
Use your imagination.

02-02-2004, 09:45 PM
Here is a fun one:

Get to school early. Go to the boys or girls locker room, which ever one you can get in to. Remove all of the showerheads. Insert a chicken bullion cube into each shower head and then return them.

The first few groups to use them will smell like chicken soup for the rest of the day. Remember though it must be chicken bullion. They will see the beef bullion!

Good luck!

02-02-2004, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by i like tictacs

thats really great fun until someone swerves to avoid it and goes into a tree.
Well, assuming he puts it somewhere at like a stop light, I think it would be pretty funny. He did say he lived in a small town. It would be great if you put it in the turn lane or something :D

It would annoy the heck out of me if I was driving though :p

02-02-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by personman

Well, assuming he puts it somewhere at like a stop light, I think it would be pretty funny. He did say he lived in a small town. It would be great if you put it in the turn lane or something :D

It would annoy the heck out of me if I was driving though :p

In the middle of the intersection in front of walmart... that would create so much madness here.... Im definately gonna do that. Thanks.

02-02-2004, 10:45 PM
you could always stick a bunch of plastic silverware in people's yards.. not sure if it's cold/snowy/frozen where you're at, but you can just stick hundreds of them in someone's yard and take some pictures

basically.. flaming poop is good. If you have a truck, you can do what i have done a few times..

Line up behind a shopping cart at walmart.. and you can push it with your vehicle and get to like 40mph, then hit the brakes and the cart just goes flying.

I usually like to push them into the medians, so they flip over and go flying.

02-02-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Zumina
I played a joke on a friend by leaving a blurry polaroid picture of a little girl about 3 years old with the words "Happy Fathers Day" under his windshield wiper of his truck.. He didn't tell anybody about the picture for like a month and I didn't say anything.. then one day it was just hangin on his fridge.. i asked him about it and he told me where he found it and that he's going nuts callin every girl he ever slept with to find out more information on the little girl..

^^lmao that is by far the best prank ever...

02-02-2004, 11:01 PM
Get 4 RATS and label them.. 1..2..and 4. Let them loose in your school and they will find 1 2 and 4 and they will be looking all week for # 3

02-02-2004, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Lone Wolf2
wherever there is a sign wit the changeable letters,go to one of those and let your minds go wild;) :p .

Already done this with the biggest sign in the county. Homecoming night... everyone had to drive by it afterwards. I was awesome.

02-02-2004, 11:20 PM
Small town? Not much traffic at night?
This takes a couple of friends but build a line of swowmen across the road at a intersection (where you have to stop anyway) grab some lawn chairs, hide behind some bushes and don't laugh to hard.
For extra points dress them up like protesters with signs and everything.
Zumina, you are my hero:D

02-02-2004, 11:21 PM
Not many pranks ot share...at least sane ones that you would want to try. Most of what I may or may not do as pranks may or maynot involve fireworks and other paraphernalia of that sort. :D ;) If I recall my New Years (may or may not have) consisted of Saturn misiles and a 200 pack of firecrackers....around the city. Good times...(don't worry, we took most of our time planing out a hazzardless location).

-Most of the fun and time consuming stuff we do is small things such as:

-chunking a container of something over the railing of the stairs and walk away (not down the stairs of course).

-Chunking small objects over holes in the ceiling to another side of the wall (construction at my school).

-Theres always the ***** game. you see who can shout ***** out the loudest without getting into trouble.

-downing a bottle of Aunt jemima syrup

-the 6 zesta cracker challenge

-the ever popular milk chug.

-We also see who is the most willing to be the most complete and total idiot by walking up to people and freaking them out by saying the wierdest stuff.

I think im gonna have to remember that pic for fathers day thing, that is incredibly evil....I LIKE! Too bad all my friends couldn't talk a woman in the eye even if their sad lives depended on it....

P8ntBallaPro- THANK YOU!!!! you have given me the inspiration to go through with that plan of 1, 2 and 4 animals...was gonna do pigs. But that is lots cheaper, easier to do, and its my signature animal. :D YESH!!!!!

02-03-2004, 05:32 AM
fill things with bee's

02-03-2004, 06:40 AM
mix a lil cement and dump a glob in front of doors that open out, that way the door won't open. If all the doors to the building open like that than you can do them all. You don't need cement, you could morter a brick to the ground.

One time me and my friends made our own speedbump. You could do something like that.

View my sig to see how to beat bordom on a saterday night:D

02-03-2004, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by member#10,261
mix a lil cement and dump a glob in front of doors that open out, that way the door won't open. If all the doors to the building open like that than you can do them all. You don't need cement, you could morter a brick to the ground.

One time me and my friends made our own speedbump. You could do something like that.

View my sig to see how to beat bordom on a saterday night:D

More good ideas... Geniuses I say, geniuses.

02-03-2004, 04:59 PM
take a dump in the tank of someones toilet.

02-03-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by taylor492
take a dump in the tank of someones toilet.

Ah the good old upper decker! Always a hit at parties!:D

02-03-2004, 05:51 PM
i found the old plastic wrap under the toilet seat it fun, works best when some one has to go in the middle of the night and doesnt pay attention to much. another thing is about the chickin bullion or what veer, at camp, we took the shower head off and but read cool aid powder, many people were stupid enough to be int he shower when they turned it on, so many came out lookin very sunburned. good stuff.

02-03-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
Fire is your friend...
...Did I mention fire is your friend?
Poo everywhere(like on top of peoples cars, or on the hood).

Get some funny bumper stickers(like so (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1467&item=2984670743)) and put them on random cars.

Dress up in an Ape suit and run around like in Jackass

Just use your imagination

Fill peoples car's or w/e with packing peanuts(you can get like 30 cu. ft. fairly cheap off eBay)

Paint those ornge cones black and put them in the midle of a street.

Fireworks are fun.

Fold up ketchup(or mayo or w/e) and put them under toilet seats in like Wal-Mart so when somone sits down it pops all over them.

Water ballons can be fun.

Again, Use your imaginaion.

02-03-2004, 06:36 PM
Jackass stole the ape suit idea from us :(
I like the cone idea though. Also, go around collecting cones, find a road that has no turnoffs for atleast 1/8 miles, or atleast a section of road with no turnoffs, be sure that you cannot see the begining of the 1/8 from the end of the 1/8. Close off the end of the road, after the car comes down close off the begining. Police barricades and heavy cones with sandbags on them work even better, but they're slightly more illigle :)

Garbage night make tons of road blocks from garbage cans
Use caution tape to close off roads
Water ballon launchers are tons of fun

02-03-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Zumina

I wired his brake lights to his horn so each time he touched his brake pedal, the horn went off..

now THAT was funny, til i had to pay his ticket for causing a nuisance ($40) and a new horn ($20)..

wowowowowowowo that was u, no way, i saw a video of that exact thing, it has to be u, or u just saw the video too and said u did it.

02-03-2004, 08:21 PM
I dunno about where u guys live but where i used to, right around when the local elections took place all the candidates would put signs in everyones house who would let them. So we'd drive around at night and grab em, and the cool thing is you can get like 10-15 on each street.

So after we filled the back of someones truck we'd drive by someone's house we knew and dump them all on his lawn.

02-03-2004, 08:26 PM
You can take all the newspapers and dump them on one persons doorstep.
You can also grab things out of there yard and put it the someone elses across the street.

02-03-2004, 09:19 PM
Ya know when people leave their windows open a crack when its hot out?.....Buy a dozen or so crickets from a pet store and have fun! Another thing is getting those model rocket engines that are at walmart and strapping them to things. I'll try to think of some more...

02-04-2004, 04:50 PM
All great ideas... keep em coming. I went ahead and stole a shopping cart yesterday too.

02-04-2004, 05:01 PM
quickcrete is fun... lots of places to put it... like toilets and rain gutters;)

02-04-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
You can also grab things out of there yard and put it the someone elses across the street.

-for sale signs are always good.

02-04-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by JimmyDean

-for sale signs are always good.
Me and taylor492 would do that all the time back in the days. Realtor signs were never safe. We'd gather up like 10 or 15 and post them up in a friends lawn.

02-04-2004, 08:11 PM
ok I have been playing pranks for years, I have come up with the following things that were very funny and safe. Most of the following were done to my best friend.

1 deer sent pelletsn ya know the little glass things, tape them on the underside od a toilet seat. Pref in a place where there is a line waiting to use the rest rooms. If you can get a girlfriend to do it its even better.

2 My friend had a pick up with a sliding rear window, I got in and hooked a ratched tie down thru each arm rest and made it real tite, then climed out the rear window and shut it.

3 The big zip ties like are used for hvac work, put one one the drive shaft real tite, it makes and un godly sound everytime some one drives the car or truck but it only makes the sound when the truck is moving, do not cut the tail end off

4 ok did this one to my best friend, I told him that the girl that worked at a little store up the street from wher he lives asked me about him, she was hot, I told her that he had just gotten out of a halfway house and had been in jail before that. And that he was ok untill he thought people were not paying attention to them. SHe hung on his every word and he spent alot of money in the store justto talk to her.

same best friend, I told his mother he was gay...

cylume ya know the stuff that glows in the dark? it non toxic, we cut open about 10 of the sticks and broke the glass thing ontop of a bit of screen,mix the two and put it in your mouth, you can spit out like your puking, did that out side of a taco bell,

take the pins out of a door so that there is nothing holing it on, put pennies all around the door to wedge it in place, when someone tries to open the door it will act like its stuck, when they push hardd the whole thing will fall out

switch the signs on the mens and womans rest rooms at mcdonalds

02-04-2004, 08:33 PM
You can duct tape someones car to a tree :)
Make a solid wall of duct tape across the road
Go to the pet store, buy 500 crickets, have fun :)
Get a care bear, wire its arms behind its back, its legs together, tear it up, and burn it a bit, smear some red paint on it, then run through the mcdonalds drive through and smash it on someones windsheild.
epoxy in padlocks works wonders
Chain a toilet or other random thing to someones car who you know doesn't have anything to cut it off with
Start a Ford gas cap collection
Open up all the fire hydrents on a street one night when its really cold out :)

02-04-2004, 09:06 PM
I peed in my band storage locker room the other day... not sure if thats a prank, but it sure smelled bad (why? I have no idea, an impulse thing, someone said pee there so I did) lol

02-04-2004, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
You can duct tape someones car to a tree :)
Make a solid wall of duct tape across the road
Go to the pet store, buy 500 crickets, have fun :)
Get a care bear, wire its arms behind its back, its legs together, tear it up, and burn it a bit, smear some red paint on it, then run through the mcdonalds drive through and smash it on someones windsheild.
epoxy in padlocks works wonders
Chain a toilet or other random thing to someones car who you know doesn't have anything to cut it off with
Start a Ford gas cap collection
Open up all the fire hydrents on a street one night when its really cold out :)

Duct tape a car to a tree? Im not seein how that works, but ok, ill try it:)

02-05-2004, 01:46 AM
Duct tape fuz sticks to car paint BTW. Tape a trailor hitch or somthing to a tree... :)

Steel a car with a winch, throw the cable over one of those platforms the fire department uses to practice, hook the cable to itself, and see if you can winch the car into the air :)

02-05-2004, 04:41 PM
this one is great... go into mcdonalds with: a backpack, in the backpack have a tupper wear thing of chocolate syrup, and 2 medical gloves... then when your in the bathroom, quickly, take out the tupper wear and put on the gloves and go to work! smear it EVERYWHERE and make sure to leave nice hand prints get creative on the ceiling mirrors everything... walk out acting kinda winded with everything back in your backpack and then leave the place... unfortunatly you wont be able to see the look on the persons face but knowing what youve done its funny as hell... would probably work better if you had a friend who worked @ the mcdonalds or simalar fast-food joint

02-05-2004, 05:41 PM
One time taco bell shorted me a taco and refused to give it to me when I told them about it. So what I did was I took tons of the sauce napkins staws etc. When I was done eating I walked into the bathroom with my tray, and everything on it went right into the toilet, the I jammed it all down while flushing it with a broom. Then I held the handle untill it overflowed. That will teach them :)

02-05-2004, 06:07 PM
if you still go to school:
get a milk from the lunch room and put it under a heater
it will start to smell really fast.

02-05-2004, 06:11 PM
Throw things in the microwave and turn it on for half an hour when noone is going to be around to shut it off. The whole school smelled of burnt garlic butter :)