View Full Version : *sigh* Here we go again, I need help on pickin out a gun...again

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-02-2004, 10:12 PM
Ok as all of you know i've been buying guns everywhere and having everything go wrong with them. I don't know if it's just me or if the guns actually came defective...
Anyways i plan on having $1,355 by the end of this week.

Here are my choices:
2004 Viking (milled of course) - obo $1,300
2003 Dragon Intimidator (WAS 2.7, WAS eyes, shocktech parts) - $900
2003 Angel Speed (Halo B, 68/45 Stubby, 10" CP 2 piece barrel included) - $900
2003 Eclipse E-Bladed Autococker (NEW) - $1,300
2003 ANS GX-4 Autococker (NEW) - $550

Now...i'm still afriad of cockers. That Psycho Ballistic piece of doo doo was bad....VERY BAD. i sold it in less than a week to a old man that liked to tinker with things *cough* cm *cough*.

But i'm now buying off a actual paintball site so these things are timed...i hope

Viking...i hear good and bad things about it...same with the timmy. imo the viking looks horrible unmilled but is VERY expensive when it is milled. But the dragon timmy looks nice...but it's been used....but has been upgraded...and i know the guy and he treats his equipment like his girlfriend...

Angel Speed...hmm...i heard it was fast but i don't need to be all that fast. I don't really like the design of the angels....they just look....too.."angely" (i know i'm an idiot)

But if there is anything about the following markers that i didn't mention that you think is important please by all means tell me. Cause with the way things are doing i plan on buying the timmy and the ans gx-4 (i know i'm a spoiled rich kid...not by my parents though...i just know how to get money :p)

With that all said....yea....just....critisize me and tell me about the following markers....lay off the timmy and the viking though..i don't need to hear more about those.

Here is the list now -

E-Bladed cocker

02-02-2004, 10:16 PM
03 shocker :))))

or get a emag with 3.2

other wise i would just say hand a lil more money then the 900 and get an A4

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-02-2004, 10:20 PM
lol you seem to have forgotten to read my sig. so NO SP PRODUCTS!

Angels don't appeal to me

02-02-2004, 10:24 PM
Personally, in general I haven't been af an of ANS cockers... actually, ANS parts in general. The thing holding me back from Angels is there's no real reliable form of anti-chop (no, Sensei isn't as reliable as an ACE). The Timmy is well... a timmy, which I'm sure you know the benefits / drawbacks of. From what I hear Vikings are supposed to be rather nice as well. Personally, I'd bring it down to a choice between an E-Cocker and Viking if I had to choose between those. If you *really* wanted to (though I doubt you do), you could probably put together a custom e-cocker better than the Eclipse and for a few hundred less.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-02-2004, 10:27 PM
I'm like...posessed...any gun i touch...something always goes wrong with it. Especially cockers (even when i don't touch em something still manages to go wrong)

So building a custom gun is completely out of the question

02-02-2004, 10:28 PM
I can tell you right now that that ANS (always needs service) will cause problems. Cross it off your list.
Intimidators are way overpriced, IMO, and personally I dont like the feel of them, but thats just me(dont get me wrong, I dont think they are bad). I would cross it off my list. Eblades are pretty silly IMO, I personally dont care for them, I'm not saying they are bad though. An electric pump though :p
I've heard great things about vikings but I've never shot one, so I cant say anything about them. I have seen a speed rip it up so that would be my choice out of that list right there.

I think it's mostly between the speed and viking.

I thought I should stick this in. Most of this is based on personal experiance, and is my oppinion, and I'm sure alot of you will disagree with me. MEh.

02-02-2004, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
Especially cockers (even when i don't touch em something still manages to go wrong)

Well, you probably forgot to feed the cocker gnomes man... gotta feed the gnomes....

As far as a custom cocker, you can always look at www.martinpaintball.com Not sure if you'll like the look of the halfblock, but he does make full cockers. Just a suggestion.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-02-2004, 10:41 PM
ok ans and eclipse cockers are off the list. (maybe i can like....find a cheap orracle somewhere)

02-02-2004, 10:42 PM
If you're looking for e-orracles, you can find em new for like.. 10 bills. Pretty sure mech orracles go for 6.

02-02-2004, 10:44 PM
Why in the world would you pay $1300 for a Viking?

02-02-2004, 10:46 PM
Also, if cockers are still an option, you can always look into a Freeflow. They're custom made to what you want and have a lifetime warrenty.

02-02-2004, 11:11 PM
You know my vote goes to the viking... in fact, didnt I point you in that direction?

02-02-2004, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
Why in the world would you pay $1300 for a Viking?


Why would you pay 1500 for an Intimidator?


RT pRo AuToMaG
02-02-2004, 11:15 PM
Matrix! you can get a milled out matrix!

-Used LCD Matrix $700
-Demon UL Milling (18oz lighter then stock, comes with eye covers if you have ace)$100 + Ano
-Evolve Bolt kit $135
-PBC LPR $40
-CCM No Rise $30
-Hybrid Trigger frame $129
-AKA sidewinder Reg $90

Total cost: $1219 + anno (probably will be even cheaper b/c most matrices already have sidewinder, lo rise, and LPR)

02-02-2004, 11:23 PM

02-02-2004, 11:26 PM
Omen. I would recommend an Evil Omen. They are EXTREMELY well priced. They perform excellently (25+ bps with the PDP Chip) and are simple and easy to maintain!

In terms of a 'cocker, I would recommend a Hybrid Paintball Quest Numatix. With great milling, super customer service and all the extra's you'd want, it's a steal!

I still recommend a Dragun TES, but you're not a fan of them.


02-02-2004, 11:32 PM
Viking, but wait until the detent issues are ironed out. AKA is trying out a new detent design with the 04s, and they had some initial problems with small bore paint. Cudos to AKA for trying something new. They have acknowledged the problem, and are working on a fix. In fact, I am a beta tester for the new bolt design they think will fix the problem. Once they implement the fix, they viking will be as good as any other gun out there, and probably better than any on the list. And very hassle free.

I also like the cockers, mainly eclipse, freeflow, and jackal. Just make sure you get an eblade, as that eliminates many of the timing issues. Still more work than a viking, but not too bad.

02-02-2004, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
Here are my choices:
2004 Viking (milled of course) - obo $1,300
2003 Dragon Intimidator (WAS 2.7, WAS eyes, shocktech parts) - $900
2003 Angel Speed (Halo B, 68/45 Stubby, 10" CP 2 piece barrel included) - $900
2003 Eclipse E-Bladed Autococker (NEW) - $1,300
2003 ANS GX-4 Autococker (NEW) - $550

The only one on that list I would go with is a viking. If you buy a cocker dont fall into the aftermarket cocker crap hyp, go with the superstock. stock 2k3 w/ an eblade for 650 from pbgear, or an emag. all that other stuff is just crap..

02-03-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi
If you buy a cocker dont fall into the aftermarket cocker crap hyp, go with the superstock.

Actually, it's not just hype. The last thing I want is an LPR and HPR that isn't externally adjustable and a ram with internal seals that have more drag than they need. Does this mean you should spend tons more for the milling of an orracle? Not unless you really want it. It doesn't mean there aren't better parts than stock though :rolleyes:

02-03-2004, 12:37 AM
Viking or e-cocker. We have had (and still do) several of both. The Eclipse was wonderful, I'd get a pink lady if I didn't feel hugely guilty about dropping $1600 on a cocker although if it was right in front of me I'd still probably buy it. If you haven't much mechanical luck go with the Viking. I have a featherlite and my husband a Crusader, I can work on and trouble shot them easily. They offer familiarity courses at the events they are at for free and their master tech is super helpful.

AS for the custom milling realize that almost all are done by one man (not just one shop but a one man shop) so you'll have a stupid long wait. But you're on AO and everyone here is used to that!

02-03-2004, 12:39 AM
On the other hand, there's only 24 Pink Ladies out there, making it even rarer than the SFL E-Mag :cool:

02-03-2004, 01:19 AM
Ummm I say go for the 2003 Eclipse E-Bladed Autococker cause there are so damn pretty and fairly easy to use. If you want something that will never mess up just get the angel. Get the A4 though. You can get em' for about 1099 now. Just flip a switch and ur ready to ball all day with no problems.;)

02-03-2004, 01:30 AM
I'd go with the Vikings. I've had nothing but good experiences with them. :)

02-03-2004, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Mindflux


Why would you pay 1500 for an Intimidator?

There is only one Viking that I know of over $1300 (Highlander I beleive), at which point you could by an Excalibur. Really no point to it IMO, especially when it's no better than any other custom Viking.

02-03-2004, 03:32 AM
Originally posted by FallNAngel
The thing holding me back from Angels is there's no real reliable form of anti-chop (no, Sensei isn't as reliable as an ACE)

warped sports installs ACE on angels

i have a speed and i love it(PLUS its for sale :D) so i'd suggest a speed or an a4 if you want to spend the extra money.

02-03-2004, 04:47 AM
Dark Cocker?
Nexus Cocker?

OR just pick up the Timmy.

02-03-2004, 08:17 AM
To work with your current list

Eblades? They'll shoot great but unless you intend to keep the cocker for more than 5yrs anyway its not going to be worth anything near the price you bought it at after a day (not to mention everyone has one)

Timmies? Shoot great, are light, and are super fast. Great resale pretty solid tournament level guns out of the box. Just don't get one if you want to be part of the pseudo intelligent "look I bought an underground marker" group. Notice people are already knocking them above.

Matrices? My personal choice. I’d have to really recommended a NYX or building one with a Tadao 4.0 board. Both the NYX and Tadao have debounce which make them WAYYY faster. Anyhow trixes are great and after a few well thought upgrades the pseudo intellects will let you in their club house.

Vikings? Eh? I like timmies more. Timmies have the same operating concept and are smaller and lighter. Besides Vikings were the underground hit from LAST year.

02-03-2004, 08:24 AM
wait for the half-milled 2k4 vikings to come out... and then buy one :p

02-03-2004, 08:27 AM
OK, I am going to say cocker, but look here www.endlesspaintball.com to find out how to time it, if you buy it off the net it probably won't be timed.

02-03-2004, 09:15 AM
Don't go for what someone else THINKS is best for you. The best approach to picking a marker YOU like and will be happy with is to handle and shoot them all if possible. Then and only then make a decision based on your own evaluation of each. Your the guy who has to be happy with your purchase. Not any of your buddies.

On another note, from my own personal experience I have found that the ANS series of Chaos cockers to be among the very best of the breed. I've owned several different brands of autocockers including high end WGP's and without a doubt the two ANS markers that I have are by far the best cockers I've ever owned. I currently have a GX-e and a GX-4. I'd also like to mention that ANS has perhaps the best customer service in the paintball world.

Don't let anyone else influence your decision. Handle the markers you are considering, shoot as many as you can and then and only then make up your own mind!

mxkop :D

02-03-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
warped sports installs ACE on angels

i have a speed and i love it(PLUS its for sale :D) so i'd suggest a speed or an a4 if you want to spend the extra money.

...which basically makes it a timmy with an angel body... Granted there's a bit less maintenance, but come on.

02-03-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

There is only one Viking that I know of over $1300 (Highlander I beleive), at which point you could by an Excalibur. Really no point to it IMO, especially when it's no better than any other custom Viking.

The Immortal viking is up there too.

With that respect, the Timmy is no better than a spyder other than speed. Same concept, same stacked tubed design. just tons of milling.

Why are people buying timmies when they can buy a inexpensive spyder that works on the same principals ? :P

Or a Dragun.

02-03-2004, 10:59 AM
Take a look at MacDevs new Cyborg. It really looks like a lot of bang for the buck. I'll know for sure when mine arrives tomorrow. I don't buy into a lot of hype and from what I have read they aren't slinging a whole lot. Check out some of the comments on PBNation.

02-03-2004, 02:01 PM
lol blatant plug here
1150.00 single color
1200.00 acids
1250 two color fades
1300.00 fade reverse, splashes ect
any questions email at [email protected]

02-03-2004, 05:38 PM
why dont i see a ff cocker in there?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-03-2004, 07:43 PM
Eclipse Cocker

are now the choices
(please i don't need another debate on the spyder and a timmy)

02-03-2004, 07:52 PM
Let me move you a bit more on trixes.

Me ripping the crap outa my NYX


02-03-2004, 09:16 PM
check out the new J2s from CCM

As for the Angel speed, i have never shot one but i hear all you need is the soft bolt and volumizers and the thing is awesome. then if you want, you can send it to HK and have was bored put it, and maybe eyes??? not sure about the eyes though.

so i would either go with the J2 from ccm, the speed or viking.

02-03-2004, 09:30 PM
speedyejl, that video makes me want an NYX!

damn you

02-03-2004, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux

The Immortal viking is up there too.

With that respect, the Timmy is no better than a spyder other than speed. Same concept, same stacked tubed design. just tons of milling.

Why are people buying timmies when they can buy a inexpensive spyder that works on the same principals ? :P

Or a Dragun.
Actually the Timmy and Spyder do work differently. Not only will a Timmy be faster, have less kick, and look prettier, but it's overral just a higher quality gun. Not to mention you also get the assurance of a quality anti-chop system, a company that fully backs it's product, and everything already put together in a nice neat package (as opposed to a Frankenstiened Spyder with 20,000 upgrades).

My personal choices would be:
Viking (which do you think looks best?)
Raced Cocker built around an RDL body

02-03-2004, 10:12 PM
I'd go with the speed.

02-03-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by mxkop
Don't go for what someone else THINKS is best for you. The best approach to picking a marker YOU like and will be happy with is to handle and shoot them all if possible. Then and only then make a decision based on your own evaluation of each. Your the guy who has to be happy with your purchase. Not any of your buddies.

Don't let anyone else influence your decision. Handle the markers you are considering, shoot as many as you can and then and only then make up your own mind!

Very well put. It's what you like. The feel of the trigger, the weight, MROF, etc. Don't be influenced by others as they may not have the same likes and dislikes in a gun as you do. For instance a lot of people do not like Angel LCD's but I personally love mine.

You could also think of it as how one likes their toast. Some like their's buttered whilst others may not, and some like their smothered in cinnamon sugar and butter. (mmmm....tasty) It's all just a matter of personal taste.

I'm craving some cinnamon-sugar toast now. :)

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-03-2004, 11:00 PM
i like the performance of the matrix (saw the vid :)) but is there any way to improve on the looks?

Viking i'm most likely going to test out in 2 weeks but same goes for the viking - is there anyway to get it to look better?

02-03-2004, 11:09 PM
The Matrix will always look to me like and alien head from behind, there's nothing you can do about it. The reason I shied away from them is the guys at our field (realize it's the field that Youngblood most of the field testing) had so many issues with them. They were only able to play for 50%of the day and I'd find that so frustrating. I'd have to hurt somebody.

As far as looks I have a few pics of some very sexy Vikings/Excals but I'm computer inept so if you want to see them pm me an e-mail address.

On a side note painball is right, go with your personal tastes, cinnamonsugar and butter toast, mmmmm

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-03-2004, 11:41 PM
i am going with my personal tastes :) - but i would like to learn about these markers before i shell out a grand.

02-04-2004, 12:22 AM
If you're getting a factory eclipse cocker, wait for the 2k4s to come out. It's a budget version of the Nexus from the looks of it, here's a pic:

02-04-2004, 12:47 AM
Out of the choices you gave, I would go with either the Speed or Electro Cocker. In my own opinion though I would get an ULE E-mag, just for the fact that there wont be 20 different versions of the gun in the next year that always has new upgrades you want, and spend lots of money for. But with the Mag your pretty much getting all you need right off the bat for the long run and not so many versions of it, that's why I chose a mag for. But you have to find your own prefence for true happiness.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-04-2004, 09:56 PM
hey i kinda like that cocker...

i already have a mag :) - that's why it wasnt listed as a choice

02-05-2004, 09:31 AM
I know it's not on your list, but did you consider a Bushy? I love mine (light, fast, and reliable), and there's a decent amount of aftermarket support for them. They're pretty efficient (as long as they're set up right), and you can get them with the PDS (Paint Detection System) and 'Cocker threading. Functionally speaking, they work the same as the Angel, Timmy, and Viking (ram driven hammer).

Best of all, they're not terribly expensive (IIRC, a 2K4 model with PDS is under $550).

No sKiLLz
02-05-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by MMM
The Matrix will always look to me like and alien head from behind, there's nothing you can do about it. The reason I shied away from them is the guys at our field (realize it's the field that Youngblood most of the field testing) had so many issues with them. They were only able to play for 50%of the day and I'd find that so frustrating. I'd have to hurt somebody.

As far as looks I have a few pics of some very sexy Vikings/Excals but I'm computer inept so if you want to see them pm me an e-mail address.

On a side note painball is right, go with your personal tastes, cinnamonsugar and butter toast, mmmmm

Yeah, I saw a Cadillac Escalade with a flat tire on the side of the road. Even though it was a 99 and had custom rims, it still made me want to steer clear of them.:rolleyes:

If you are worried about looks get a DM4. They go for as low as $1350. Although personally, I would rather be ripping an ugly marker on the field than holding a pretty one up in the air yelling "DEAD MAN!".

02-05-2004, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
i like the performance of the matrix (saw the vid :)) but is there any way to improve on the looks?

Viking i'm most likely going to test out in 2 weeks but same goes for the viking - is there anyway to get it to look better?

You can get a black/clear(white)/blue fade NYX for something like 1100 hundred new I think it was... I've seen them in person to, and there pretty sexy..

Personally I like the trauma matrix's though, they have a lifetime warrenty, and all the free upgrades from freeflow (I believe)..

I would take a matrix.. OR.. A cyborg.. I've never seen one shoot, but they look like they'd be hellla sweet..

DO NOT get a cocker if every gun you touch breaks.. Cockers are blah in my opinion.. Mech ones are cool, but I dunno, they always never work lol..

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-05-2004, 08:49 PM
i like cockers...until they start going blah...my first cocker worked fine...until i touched it.

My second cocker was blah...and i didnt touch it

If i do get a third cocker I will somewhat know what im doing now, and this one i will at least attempt to keep for more than a month

02-05-2004, 09:11 PM
Digits your reffering to a Trifade, they aren't produced anymore and they were around 1400. Solid colors are only produced at the moment and only one color is made at a time. They go for $1295 solid color at they moment.

Suicidal if you were reffering to my Trix as needing help in the looks department, well...

I just got a pair of DM4 grips for it and its sexiness in gun form, damn its hot.

No sKiLLz
02-05-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Digits

You can get a black/clear(white)/blue fade NYX for something like 1100 hundred new I think it was... I've seen them in person to, and there pretty sexy..

Personally I like the trauma matrix's though, they have a lifetime warrenty, and all the free upgrades from freeflow (I believe)..

If you don't know, don't post. NYX has superior boards/programming, and those "free" upgrades for the FF Matrix so far have only manifested in an eye system which was produced by Gen-E long ago and only recently been added to the FF markers after a solid year and 2 months of promises. The Free Flow Matrix was the LAST to be available with an eye, and if you think it was free, compare the cost of a FF and a DYE Matrix (non DM4).