View Full Version : Q-Loader

02-03-2004, 07:30 AM
I was wondering if anyone here has actually seen the Q-loader in action. I would appreciate any firsthand knowledge of the system.

02-03-2004, 10:08 PM
... and lemme say, this thing is fast.

you can see 2 movies here ( http://www.qloader.com/movies/ ) the first one is of the Q in action, the second is a drop test, in which the hopper feeds the balls into mid air just too see its maximum speed.

100 balls in a little over a second.

*click* twist- *Splooooooooooooorp*.....


02-03-2004, 11:04 PM
I have a friend that got one and its badass. The only thing is that u have to get used to it. U can put it anywhere on ur gun basicly, as long as u got a smooth flow in the tube for the balls to go threw u got no problems. Its a nice design and much less bulkier then the warp. BTW its spring opperated and is about the same size as a pod. You can reload it faster then reloading a hopper and u wont need to worry about any spills.

02-05-2004, 02:51 AM
I heard the thing is really fast like everyone else said but I also heard it is made like crap and feels real cheap.

02-05-2004, 06:53 PM

I just watched the videos and I must say this thing looks awesome. Comparatively lightweight, low profile, and quiet.

I can see a couple of disadvantages though:

No bumming pods from buddies if you run out of paint!
No "topping off"
Lots more reloading with 100 rds/pod versus 140 rds/pod.
Lose/sit on/run over a pod? $25! Cha-ching!

Wild product, though. I can't wait to see these in person at my local field.

What do you guys think?

02-06-2004, 06:57 AM
I have been following the development of this thing for about 6 months now. I was all excited waiting for a release date. I figured it can't be that expensive because there are no electronic parts. Boy was I wrong!!!!

I think it's a great idea but for that kind of money I will just stick to my warp until I can see one in person.


02-06-2004, 04:56 PM
its to complicated along with the warp, IMO. you got hoses eveywhere and tubes here and there... i say just slap a hopper on and go. if you want to go real fast, get a halo b. i dont think you need to top 20bps in any game....

02-06-2004, 06:04 PM
In my opinion i dont think it is that complicated. It is much less complicated than having a warp on the marker. Plus it is not always the speed of the hopper as in making a lower profile for my marker. It really nice when you can pop out from any side of a bunker with you having much more than your barrel hanging out there. I think that it is a ground breaking product, because it has no gravity feed prat. One downside is the one hundred round is all they carry and that it is hard to get fill from others who don't have it. It is kind of expensivce at $139.95, but the warp is $85, 12 vlolt revy $45, egg $65, halo b $120, and ricochet $75.