View Full Version : RT Ule Pro Broke ? Remember to try this kids.

02-03-2004, 07:03 PM
I got back from Hawaii last night at 11pm, found the package from agd on my doorstep. Despite devolping the flu and feeling like utter poo I just had to shoot it before I went to sleep.

I opened it up and screwed in a Pure Energy tank and a loud leaking noise came down the barrel and air was spewing from the screw in asa that it came with. As I cursed to myself about my horriable bad luck (2 of the most reliable guns coming messed up, a Viking (2 returns later I finally sent it back for a refund and now the RT) I figured I'd try my other pure energy tank for the heck of it. Nope. So I went out in the garage and found an old screw in asa that came with my old 98 cocker that I kept around all these years.

I Dusted it off and hooked it up, low and behold it worked. Yay I yelled to myself as I slumped on over to my bed and was out like a mouse.

02-03-2004, 08:15 PM

02-03-2004, 10:44 PM
Also I noticed my warped sports drop wont fit it bumps the foregrip. Would a Shocktech Long Drop Forward work ? Don't have the gun handy and would like to order a drop asap to play this weekend.

Overall length: 5"
* Drops your tank down: 1 5/8"
* Moves your tank forward approximately: 3"

Or any other recommendations.

02-03-2004, 10:57 PM
how was hawaii?? what island u go to?? what field u play at??

02-03-2004, 11:12 PM
Good, till I got sick on the last day. This is my 3rd time I've gone. I went to Maui. I always tend to get sick on vacations and when I get sick on vactions I get horriably Ill. It's just a give I get sick on Vacation and Thanksgiving about 3/4 the time and I don't get sick for the rest of the year. How much does paint go for over there ? I've heard about $75-80 for a box of Blaze. Hopefully thats exgerated. I normally play at my local airball field or a rec field we got set up.

02-04-2004, 03:14 AM
if your asa's were screw in you may of had the same problem my friend had... try putting an old asa in and set a oring in the asa to be used as a spacer and then screw in the tank... thats probably the only thing wrong with the asa's at least that is all it took for my friend

02-04-2004, 08:26 AM
I've had ASA that will cut the o-ring on one tank, but work fine on another tank. Lock 'o the draw I guess. I just keep a few diff ASA's around for diff tanks.

02-04-2004, 01:17 PM
Thanks for the advice that will probably work. I looked around and apparently Pure Energy tanks have the longest pin which has caused a few problems. I'm just gonna end up buying a drop anyways. I'm hoping the Shocktech long drop fits it's about 1/2 an inch too long but in the picture the lowered front looks like it just might clear the foregrip in front.

02-04-2004, 03:43 PM
Cool. yeah paint is a little high at about 50 to 60 for jt maxim 2.

02-05-2004, 02:06 AM
thats not bad at all

02-05-2004, 12:31 PM
Heh. My RT-Pro is like that. Will instantly slice the o-rings on a tank.

So, instead of using O-Rings, I use those 'black magic' Washers that go in the bottom.

No more replacing O-Rings! Yay!

And, I've got a Shocktech drop on my RTP, Manages to fit even with a Y-Grip (Mind you, I do have the older style grip)