View Full Version : Are YOU Prepaired to get DRAFTED???

09-16-2001, 10:02 AM

Many of the members on this board are at draft age. Getting drafted was a big thing on our minds when we were in high school, are you thinking about it? The last 10 years have not exactly been tough for America's youth, a ground war could change that.


09-16-2001, 10:09 AM
Well lets see as i recall the draft proceedure to get to me they would start at about 17yrs I think, so there would be a extended period of time before they got to 39yrs.

09-16-2001, 10:15 AM
Will they draft you if your in college?

09-16-2001, 10:16 AM
Good question! But I don’t really think that will be an issue. I think the reverse would be…. TOO many volunteers.

I for one would go again if asked.

09-16-2001, 10:37 AM
Tom you scared the ba-jesus outta me. I read the title of this thread and i was like holy .... stuff theres a draft or something.

But to ansewer the question you really asked, no im not ready to be drafted. And i wouldnt go if i was, seeing as my mother would go through great lengths to keep me out. She says that if any of us got drafted (me or my brother) we would use our italian mafia connections to keep us out. (i dont know if that really makes any sense though.)

So to make a long story short, no i'm not ready to be drafted.

09-16-2001, 11:07 AM
If I had no choice... I wouldn't run from it, but I wouldn't be happy about it either.

Evil Bob
09-16-2001, 11:07 AM
I believe the draft is a complete non issue here. We had a draft for Vietnam, simply because it was a very unpopular war and the volunteer rate was almost non existant as well as the standing army at the time was next to non existant. The recent attack is being compared to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. When Pearl was bombed, people got mad and volumteered in record numbers, we're seeing the same thing happening this week. Recruiters, before the attack, were reporting an average of 3-4 recruits a day. This past week, recruitment has been between 30-50 people a day, just like after Pearl. That, partnered with our current standing armed services and reserve components, means that the odds of there being a draft is pretty non existant.

I commend all those who have chosen to serve their country, its something I think every young person should do right out of high school. It gives you some valuable skills, some much needed discipline, and plenty of time to figure out what you really want to do. Those of who are entering the armed services at this time in the hopes to be in on the attack on the terrorists, will more then likely not be through with your training in time. US Army basic training is 8 weeks long, the Marines' is 12 weeks long, this is just your basic soldier skills training. From there, you go to AIT (advanced individual training), which can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 years depending upon the MOS (military occupational skill) you have chosen. I'm more then confident with the current resources engaged in locating those responsible, the US willl be doing something within the next 3-4 weeks.

Evil Bob

09-16-2001, 11:15 AM
yes, but I might not go if we entered a policy of mass extermination of the afghanistan people. Short of genocide my signature says it all

09-16-2001, 11:24 AM
Evil Bob,Just a correction, Army Basic training is now 9 weeks long. I am a Drill Sergeant and we are also capable of cutting Basic down to 7 weeks to produce troops faster without a loss of quality.
MaGSkEr, <B>You should be more patriotic!</B> How can you not be willing to defend the country that has given you so much! Mom will not always be around to bail you out. Be a Man!
To the moderator who edited my post(see bold above), thanx. The kid got me hot under the coller.

<I>No prob... :) -Miscue</I>

09-16-2001, 11:37 AM
Im 16 so I dont have much to worry about....But if there was a draft, I would be willing to fight them.

09-16-2001, 11:40 AM
this is the 21st century. we dont fight wars like we used to. there probably wont be many if any ground troops. i think that the war between us will only be us bombing the hell out of the country who did it. this seems to be what everone i have talked to about this issue is telling me. why would we send in ground troops if we can just fly over the country and bomb them. i think this isnt gonna be a long war after we find out who did it. we have 2 of the most sopisticated airforces because i heard that russia is also backing us in this whole ordeal. just my 2 cents

09-16-2001, 11:41 AM
I doubt it's going to come down to a draft... Either way, I'm enlisting in the Air Force before it comes down to that.

09-16-2001, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by jah871
this is the 20th century. we dont fight wars like we used to. there probably wont be many if any ground troops. i think that the war between us will only be us bombing the hell out of the country who did it. this seems to be what everone i have talked to about this issue is telling me. why would we send in ground troops if we can just fly over the country and bomb them. i think this isnt gonna be a long war after we find out who did it. we have 2 of the most sopisticated airforces because i heard that russia is also backing us in this whole ordeal. just my 2 cents

It's the 21st century now.

09-16-2001, 11:49 AM
im only 13 so i dont have to worry about anything but my mom said if my brother was going to be drafted she would break his arms so he wouldnt be able to go

09-16-2001, 12:01 PM
To be perfectly honest, i don't know how quick i would be to sign up if i had the choice.

I have contemplated joining many timeS, especially when my brother enlisted.

However, i would not be allowed, (not by today?s standards) due to my asthma and bad knee.

I just really pray that it does not come to that. I do pray that our men and women over the next months, years or whatever it takes stay safe and keep their faith.

This attack was blatant and unwarranted and needs to be avenged.


09-16-2001, 12:01 PM
Just for those people out there who want to know if you can still be drafted while you are in college, you can't. As long as you stay in college the army, navy, marines, etc can not draft you. So I am going to stay in college for as long as I can.

09-16-2001, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Doobie

MaGSkEr, <B>You should be more patriotic!</B> How can you not be willing to defend the country that has given you so much! Mom will not always be around to bail you out. Be a Man!

I am not a moderator, but I do respect everyones views no matter how unpopular they are or how much I disagree with someone. I also understand your dedication to military service to this country but what you wrote looked to me like a flame and as far as I know flaming is not tolerated here, and the moderators have done an exceptional job of making sure it doesn't happen and of informing people of the rules. If you weren't flaming him then, disregard what I have said. Although the part about not flaming people is strictly adhered to on these forums.

09-16-2001, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Nitroduck
Im 16 so I dont have much to worry about....But if there was a draft, I would be willing to fight them.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but i really don't want to hear a bunch of whiney p.c. brats complaining that what you said might hurt someone?s feeling.

But i do understand your frustration and it doesn't bother me.

09-16-2001, 12:14 PM
Just so everyone knows;

A draft resolution can be drawn up in any way. In WWII, if you were in college, you had the options of staying in and being an officer as soon as you graduated (this is what happened to my Dad, a 1stLT on a B-17), or you could be pulled out and sent to training if your major wasn't critical to the effort.

In Vietnam, the college deferment was written nearly the same way, except they wouldn't pull you out for being a "phys-ed" major, but wait until you graduated anyway.

Congress can draw up a draft that says there are no deferments at all too.

The odds of a draft being necessary in the immediate future are fairly slim, but do not discount the possibility!

09-16-2001, 01:53 PM
I'm in college so I probably wouldn't get drafted.....but I don't know if I'm willing to die at an early age anyway. There will always be terrorists, how does Bush expect to rid the world of them all? I hope that the people who did this suffer rightfully but I don't want to lose more Americans trying to fight all the sick people of the world.

09-16-2001, 01:54 PM
be drafted, if I have asthma, flat feet, and a heart murmer, my mothers only son, and my mother is disabled. I think I am a perfect canidate to no have to go.

Major Ho
09-16-2001, 02:15 PM
If I had gone through with my D.E.P.(delayed entry process) earlier this summer I would have completed all my training as a field medic by...Feb I think. I wonder if we would have had done something or in the midst of something by then. Just gimme my M-16 and my cammies and Im ready ! Hoo ah! But I prolly woulda sat in back twiddling my thumbs and helped soldiers with atheletes foot or something. LOL.
Oh yeah! Im color blind too, They never woulda let me go out there and shoot at anything that moves :D
Any one seen the movie The Siege?

09-16-2001, 02:36 PM
My dad and uncle were in Vietnam, both are colorblind.

I'm quite disappointed, to say the least, that the majority of of-age people on this board would do anything they could to AVOID defending their country at war. Draft-dodgers make me sick. This country was founded on war and it seems the majority of you couldn't care less what happens to it, as long as you don't have to get your hands dirty.

I could ramble on for pages if I felt like it, but that would only turn this thread into a flame and that won't accomplish anything...

09-16-2001, 02:53 PM
I will be glad to go if I am drafted. There is nothing more honorable than serving a country that has shielded us from bad elements in the world. We have enjoyed so much comparing to other countries in many aspects. But freedom isn't free. And living in fear is not a life at all. Today, a group of people has treaten the basic foundation of what America stand for, and that is not acceptable to me. I am prepaired!!! pick me! pick me!:)


09-16-2001, 03:06 PM
There are a lot of people signing up for the military now because of what happened. I think the US would ask for volunteers before drafting. The reserves alone are over 1 million troops.

I don't think there will be a draft....

09-16-2001, 03:29 PM
I doubt there will be a draft, and if an actual war on Afghanistan in declared, I'm sure there would be no shortage of volunteers, because this attack really struck home.

09-16-2001, 03:33 PM
army are u going to be in the war

09-16-2001, 04:04 PM
For a minute there, I thought you were talking about Nascar ;)

But seriously, I don't think that the draft will be reinstituted. One of the cornerstones of out current military doctrine is that our troops are superior because they WANT to be troops. Granted, many young people could benefit from military training, but that's a social issue.

Another point is that this "new war" will not be a mostly conventional war. Therefore, the actions of civilians, quasi-civilians, and non-military government personell will be just as important to its conduct as the actions of soldiers. A huge standing army will be a liability, not an asset, in this "war".

Overall, I don't think that the draft will be used. If the country needs more soldiers, it should simply try to focus on bettering pay and benefits to soldiers in order to boost the reenlistment rate.

09-16-2001, 04:07 PM
I have been thinking about this heavily for the last few days since the attack. I am not yet 18, but will be at that point in 4 months. Although the idea of being in the army never entered my head until this point, if I was drafted, I would go to do whatever I could.

MAGgot Man
09-16-2001, 04:16 PM
I have read a few of these responses and from what I have read most of the younger people are trying to come up with all kinds of reasons as to why they cant go, or how they will not be drafted because they are too young, or how their family will keep them from going. Sounds like like a bunch scared rabbits to me. I think our government will do the best they can to keep from drafting. However, in times of war the conventional rules dont apply. They can just as easily draft 16 year olds as well as 40 year olds. Broken arms, asthma, flat feet, all of the excuses that I have read can be deemed unacceptable in times of war. All you really need to learn how to do is aim and shoot. I guess all Im trying to say is simply that rules of the draft can and will change as the need dictates. All you runners from the draft...I think its time to grow a pair.:mad:

09-16-2001, 04:43 PM
Maggotman...interesting comments.
The only reason I even mentioned my age was because I didnt think they could draft you if you were under 18. I have no problems going to fight (hehe...get me OUT of high school) and it would be an honor to fight in retaliation for what has happened.

MAGgot Man
09-16-2001, 04:56 PM
Series....I wasnt refering to you. You have stated that if called you would go. I was refering to the others out there that said in essence that they would do whatever nesseccary to avoid standing up for their country. You are right about one thing...at this point you can not be drafted if you are under 18. But what I was trying to get across was that those "rules" can change as the need dictates. This country has been good to us all...and when its time to give back then there should be no question as to whether or not you would be willing to go.

Major Ho
09-16-2001, 04:58 PM
Sure colorblindness matters. I know it does now a days. There are different degrees of colorblindness too! You can just see black/gray and there would be no way in hell they would let you be in the field to shoot at something you cant see. Red/Green is most common and you can get away with being in the field with that I think.
You are restricted to like 8 jobs if you failed the test like I did. Lame stuff like chaplains assistant or desk jock...

09-16-2001, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by thecavemankevin

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but i really don't want to hear a bunch of whiney p.c. brats complaining that what you said might hurt someone?s feeling.

But i do understand your frustration and it doesn't bother me.

lol - Real nice... P.C brats eh? So that's what I am.

I wasn't going to react at all to Nitro's post. For various reasons, one of them being... well... surprise! The words he used were appropriate, in a way, concerning this thread.

That said, I'm one of the most conservative and anti-P.C people you'll ever meet. The reason many of us 'p.c brats' are so against childish name callings and labeling of whole groups of people is... well, it's childish.

Need I say more? :rolleyes:

And no, I'm not ready for a draft, but if I were drafted, would I think twice about following through? Not at all.

I'll pack up and be there on the first bus. Proud to serve my country.

09-16-2001, 06:04 PM
nothing good comes from war :(

09-16-2001, 06:37 PM
I am currently just under 17 so I most likely would not get drafted unless the war drags out like vietnam. I could even then get out of it due to being the "sole surviving son" but I believe if everyone tried to get out of service then what sort of country would we have. I will do my duty like every other american if called upon (and then possibly I'd think of enlisting if not drafted depending on how the situation pans out). The m-16s and humvees are just bonues to the job.

09-16-2001, 07:04 PM
First of all, if my country asked for volunteers, i would sign up without hesitation.

Second of all, anyone who would dodge a draft, litterally makes me sick. If you are not ready to fight and die for your country, you have no business being a citizen of it. You were given a citizenship above all other citizenships, many of you on birth. You are a citizen of a country that people would die, or kill, to get into. But that citizenship wasn't a free gift. You are given freedoms and rights undreamed of until 100 years ago, and in return, you are expected to protect the country that provides you so much. If you arn't willing to hold up your end of the deal, its my opinion you should be exiled, permenently. You don't deserve to have some much granted to you, if you are only going to use it to sit on your butt and watch TV and play on the internet.

May seem harsh, but I have zero tolerance for people who take and take and take and take, and are willing to give nothing in return. They are our society's leaches, and they deserve to be cut off.

09-16-2001, 07:17 PM
man, don't be thinking you're gonna die out there, I honestly think it would be pretty much a turkey shoot. think about it, our military size would be bigger than the population of these countries. It's pretty sick.

09-16-2001, 07:35 PM
In fighting guerillas defending their own land, you need 10 soldiers to every guerilla, and in those mountains, id been willing to bet more than that. This will definately not be a repeat of the Gulf War.

09-16-2001, 07:58 PM
16, and the last one that could possibly carry on the family name... Dont think I'll be drafted. Though I'm sure they could use a psycho with a gun out there :D

09-16-2001, 08:00 PM
I would volunteer to go,and if there was a draft id be first in line.but im only 16 :(
I planned on joining the service anyway so it doesnt matter to me

09-16-2001, 08:02 PM
It's like Army said, the chances of the draft being reinstated are slim but still there. Am I afraid of it, I was, that's a small part of why I enlisted over a year and a half ago, to garrentee my rate, not have it picked for me.

09-16-2001, 08:09 PM
ill be there. no draft required.

09-16-2001, 08:46 PM
I thought president Lincoln abolished slavery

09-17-2001, 02:25 AM
Will I get drafted?

Heck no.

I am in inactive ready reserves already as part of my selling the soul to the US Navy. I got 10 months left as a matter of fact.

Guess what, the romantic ideal of being a warrior is pure crap. Real people with real guns trying to make you real dead really sucks. Really sucks. I spent too long at a place watching too many bad thing happening that infuriate me to this day (6 years later, there is a reason that I hate Milosevic). I hope that none of you have to see these things. But I know that is a fruitless hope. There will have to be professional warriors spilling their blood "at the altar of freedom". It won't be romantic. If we go into a land war in Afghanistan, there will be some of you who get to watch a friend die. His blood on your hands as you try to stop him from bleeding out. There will be friends burned horribly from molotov cocktails. Grenades leaving pieces of people you know scattered around to be picked up. None of this is anything you want to see in life. Or even in pictures if you want to eat that day. I have 6 friends/acquaintences/former co-workers that are dead or missing. 6. 6 people who I can't call and say hi to anymore. This pain will opened up to us all in the coming years. Yes YEARS. Will the US reinstate the draft? I doubt it. If I think it does, I may volunteer to go back in to try to keep 1 person from seeing what this will look like.

May there be some higher power out there who has mercy on us all.


Ted Zimmers

09-17-2001, 07:36 AM
Would I go? Yes. Would I fight? No. Don't get me wrong, I'm no coward. I would gladly go to the front line, but say as medical personel or something. I have no problem saving life, just issues when it comes to taking life.

09-17-2001, 07:48 AM
Those of us in the military aren't there to kill the enemy, we are there to save those of you back home.:cool:

09-17-2001, 04:25 PM
Just to give you all an idea what the modern day line Infantry is like in the US. This is pretty much standard for all Light Infantry, special ops would have better/higher tech equipment.
Before I became a Drill Sergeant I was a Squad Leader in the 10th MTN DIV and my squad consisted of:
11 men consisting of
1 squad leader:M4carbine(short M-16)W/M-68(bi-ocular sight), PAQ-4(infrared laser aiming device), GPS, ICOM(squad radio to talk to all members),Visible flashlight on weapon, PVS-14 (Nighvision monocular), lots of ammo and grenades
2 team leaders: about the same as Squad leader minus GPS.
2 Riflemen: Same as Team leaders except they have PVS-7 nightvision goggles
2 M203 gunners: An M4 carbine with a grenade launcher under the barrel, Mix of different rounds for M203,PVS-7 nightvision goggles,rest same as team leaders
2 M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) gunners: At least 800rnds of ammo, Same sights and Nightvision as above.
1 M240b Machinegunner: 600rnds of 7.62mm ammo, Nightvision sights and goggles as above.
1 Assistant gunner: 400 to 600 rounds 7.62mm ammo, Tri-pod for M240b, M4 and nightvision as above.

As you can see, EVERYONE can see in the dark and shoot acurately in it. Everyone can talk to eachother over distance and communication is a great weapon. 2 light machine guns and 1 med machine gun that can all fire accurately at night. So...
1. We own the night!
2. There are 3 squads like this in each platoon.
3. There are 3-4 platoons per Company with a 60mm mortar in support
4. There are 3 line companies in a battallion and one company with Anti-tank, 80mm mortar, and scout personel
5. Not to mention helicopter and close air support.
Now...that doesn't mean it will be easy...but we would have it easier than the USSR did in Afganistan if that is our target for a ground war.

09-17-2001, 06:21 PM

09-17-2001, 06:25 PM
I agree with banzaimf. Although you may really want to drop a few afghans your anger is probably clouding your judgement. Don't get me wrong, I would fight, but not just for revenge, I would fight to protect the american people. A war is NOT a friendly place. Real people are trying to kill you. Its not a game. However, it is protecting your country, and there is nothing wrong with taking the lives of those who committed this crime. Just my 2 cents

09-17-2001, 06:29 PM
I agree with sahrtley tom, I think there will be to many volunteers, it's kind of like WW2, they didn't really need the draft then, everyone was volunteering. I'd go if I was called, but I'm hoping i won't be, I just got out of the army two months ago, (lucky timing) but I'm in college now, that the whole reason I was in the army, to get money for a college education.

09-17-2001, 06:46 PM
I am a few years away, but if I was older and it came down to it, I'd enlist. I wouldn't join to be "patrotic", like the people donating blood right now even though they have enough already, but to try and keep America safe. I highly doubt they will be able to whip out troops of Americans, but anything is possible. Only time will tell.

09-20-2001, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by polorboy
Just for those people out there who want to know if you can still be drafted while you are in college, you can't. As long as you stay in college the army, navy, marines, etc can not draft you. So I am going to stay in college for as long as I can.

You have to keep a certain grade point average. So, no more partying!


09-20-2001, 03:00 PM
BTW, all you guys that have done your 8 and think you are free and clear, the military can and will call any former serviceman back up till they turn 62.

Reserves and IRR will go first, of course, unless you are a Farsi translator.... I'm sure they are already being suited up right now though.

I won't reenlist or volunteer to go back, I've fought the Arab man already for my country.... it's time for you young bucks to see the elephant.

But!! If my country calls me because they have a need for former recon infantrymen, then I'll pack my bags and go.

Anything less is spitting in the face of all those who are already standing the wall making your beds comfy and safe at night.


09-20-2001, 05:16 PM
Im not at draft age, and im happy about that. :)


09-21-2001, 07:20 AM
Seeing as I'm already in the ARMY, I guess the draft is a non-issue for me.

09-21-2001, 08:02 AM
If I were to get drafted, I would decline and automatically join the Air Force under the ROTC or become an active officer (one of the nice benefits of having a degree). I am not too worried but I have been thinking about it again and may end up doing so after I have completed my second degree

09-21-2001, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Techpriest
man, don't be thinking you're gonna die out there, I honestly think it would be pretty much a turkey shoot. think about it, our military size would be bigger than the population of these countries. It's pretty sick.

I must disagree with you. Are you familiar with the Soviet Campaign in Afghanistan. The only turkeys those guerillas are going to shoot are us. They just have to hide in the rocks, we have to find them. Remember the paintball ambush thread? It may not be exactly the same ratio but... DO NOT underestimate a determined, trained, and fanatical force, no matter how few, or how old their weapons are. I am not flaming you, but I really think that a lot of people are going to die.

09-21-2001, 01:23 PM
some of your attitudes amaze me....
"i'm sure they could use a phycho with a gun"
hello? this isn't nintendo, people are gonna die, mabye even you if you were over there
".... a turkey shoot...."
i seem to recall the same phrase said before the whole vietnam thing. I don't care if you have all the greatest equipment a bullet kills you just as dead. Look at these terorists they knowing climb on a plane to fly it into the side of a building. They don't care if they live or die. Just this idea that war is fun and somthing to look forward to or dismissed as a cakewalk disturb me. No i would not volunteer to the armed forces, but if i was drafted i would report to serve and protect my country
for the record i'm 20 years old, not some crotchety old vetran like DR :)

09-21-2001, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by agdjon
If I were to get drafted, I would decline and automatically join the Air Force under the ROTC or become an active officer (one of the nice benefits of having a degree). I am not too worried but I have been thinking about it again and may end up doing so after I have completed my second degree

No, you don't automatically get a commission unless you are a lawyer, medical doctor, or becoming a chaplain.

A degree will let you start as an enlisted man 4th grade, which is a Specialist/Corporal in the army, and a Corporal in the Marines.

Are you saying you are a lawyer, doctor or chaplain? :)

Just curious.


09-21-2001, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by slayer

I must disagree with you. Are you familiar with the Soviet Campaign in Afghanistan. The only turkeys those guerillas are going to shoot are us. They just have to hide in the rocks, we have to find them. Remember the paintball ambush thread? It may not be exactly the same ratio but... DO NOT underestimate a determined, trained, and fanatical force, no matter how few, or how old their weapons are. I am not flaming you, but I really think that a lot of people are going to die.

The main difference that everyone is missing here is that the Soviets were trying to occupy the country, and were totally owning the Afghans until the West started pumping money and Stingers into the country.

We will have local support of the "Northern Alliance" of former Muj fighters and we will not be trying to take over the country.

Major differences in tactics and strategy, along with actual air superiority, (unlike the Sovs after the Stingers showed up) will cause us to have FAR fewer casualties than the Soviets did.


09-21-2001, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Gecko

for the record i'm 20 years old, not some crotchety old vetran like DR :)

Hey! I resemble that remark!


09-21-2001, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by DarkRipper

The main difference that everyone is missing here is that the Soviets were trying to occupy the country, and were totally owning the Afghans until the West started pumping money and Stingers into the country.

We will have local support of the "Northern Alliance" of former Muj fighters and we will not be trying to take over the country.

Major differences in tactics and strategy, along with actual air superiority, (unlike the Sovs after the Stingers showed up) will cause us to have FAR fewer casualties than the Soviets did.


Hmmm... some things for me to ponder, but I still think it will be hard as hell to find people in all those rocks. Thank you DR, for setting the record straight (as usual).

09-22-2001, 07:37 AM
I'm 26, yes I would go in a minute!

I love my country.

09-22-2001, 08:08 AM
I would be happy to go!
This is a Great Country that we live in and we have to fight to keep it that way.
I would go for all that have died to make it the way it is now for us and to help keep it like it is.