View Full Version : Cyborg, my first impression

02-04-2004, 12:02 PM
I received my Cyborg today while at work and being the loyal company man that I am I dropped everything I was doing and opened the box. It comes in a hard plastic case, nicely padded with foam which I liked but don't feel I have a use for in the future. Overall appearance of the marker is beautiful. The anno is very well done and looks a lot better than the pics.

My immediate response when I picked it up is "Wow..this thing is light." The battery was installed but the barrel was not attached and the thing weighs nothing compared to what I am used to. I grabbed my flatline and hooked up the air and after a quick browsing of the manual gassed it up and dry fired a few shots. So far it functioned very well.

I hooked up my Evo 2 and dumped some paint inside. This is where things got interesting. I fired a few rounds then handed over to my brother who is a hell of a lot faster than I am. I watched as he ripped out a rope of paint without a problem. We both have owned various markers and have shot most of those we haven't owned and I have to say without a doubt this is one of the fastest I have ever seen. Too bad i'll never be able to use it to its fullest potential with my fat, slow fingers. Oh well, I still have my skills to fall back on.

Overall we have dropped about 300 rounds through the marker so far without a problem. I am happy with the purchase and look forward to getting on the field to check out the efficiency claims. I won't comment on accuracy other than to say the Matchstik barrel is really nice and the Cyborg is a very stable shooting platform to fire from. Very little recoil and quiet. The noise level reminded me of my old Matrix I owned prior to the EMag.

Hopefully soon i'll get some pics up and I will add more once we hit the field with it maybe this weekend. Overall I am very happy so far and feel it was well worth the money.

02-04-2004, 12:17 PM
Cool deal.

Did you order directly from MacDev? How long was your preorder.

02-04-2004, 12:34 PM
lol, While I as reading I thought you gased it up and shot it at work!

Anyway, it sounds like a sweet gun.

02-04-2004, 01:27 PM
I did shoot it at work. PaintballKingdom is the US distributor for the Cyborg. They had just received their latest order Monday and mine came today. Those guys are great too. Many thanks for the great service I have received every time I have ordered from them.

TheDuelist logged on his bro's account

02-04-2004, 03:57 PM
sounds nice man. glad your happy and i'm interested to see it in action even though i'll probably be on the recieving end of it since you regularly cap me whenever we play against one another.


02-04-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by emagclown
PaintballKingdom is the US distributor for the Cyborg.

The paintballkingdom in Marshville, NC?

02-04-2004, 05:05 PM

02-04-2004, 05:12 PM
For those interested.....


02-04-2004, 05:37 PM
bloody fast. LOL... :D Made my day...

02-04-2004, 06:28 PM
I actually really liked the concept of the cyborg until a few things started happening:

1. Videos posted of it, along with claims that it wasnt bouncing. Yeah, right. My viking shoots that fast too, when its set up to bounce. No one can pull the trigger at the speed they are shooting. All new markers have videos showing them shooting that fast, and they are all because of bounce. Making claims like that damages my impression of the marker, which leads to number 2...

2. Claims about efficency. I read claims that it was as good as the viking. Fine. I then read claims that it was a little bit better than the viking. Great. But then came the claims that it was getting 1700 shots out of a hot filled 45/4500. Gimme a break. Someone on PBN tried to point out the incredible efficiency it would need to do that, on the order of 20% better than anything else out there. While I think MacDev makes nice stuff, the design of the cyborg is relatively conventional, and there is no real explanation for how they could make such a breakthrough using a conventional design. The viking is better than most other markers, due to solid engineering and great manufacturing tolerances, but even it isnt incredibly efficient compared to similar markers, only somewhat more efficient.

After seeing the hype train pulling the viking along, I really shouldnt be surprised that its hitched up to the cyborg now. Hey, I own a viking, and the hype was even beginning to bug me a bit.

02-04-2004, 06:40 PM
Hey duel, you think you could get a video up of you or your bro shooting it?

02-04-2004, 07:46 PM
Camera is down right now but i'll see what I can do. As for video, I'll have to get someone to do that since I don't really know how.

I understand the questions regarding efficiency and as of right now I have no way of testing them. I have found that so far I feel the marker is quite efficient. I'll know more when I get it on the field. When it comes to the speed issue I don't really care. I was only stating that , yes the marker is fast, bounce or no bounce. MacDev claims to have a filter on the trigger which can be adjusted by a dipswitch setting depending on how much bounce you experience. It comes set to low filtering from the factory.

If you are interested here is the link


02-04-2004, 08:26 PM
how light was it?

02-04-2004, 08:48 PM
I put my 72cu flatline on it and weighed it without a hopper and it comes in at about 5 1/2lbs.

02-04-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat

After seeing the hype train pulling the viking along, I really shouldnt be surprised that its hitched up to the cyborg now. Hey, I own a viking, and the hype was even beginning to bug me a bit.

In my opinion,the Cyborg has been the least hyped marker I may have ever seen.Check out the Macdev site,there's hardly any info on it,let alone hype.And PBKingdom's hype consists of the same print from Macdev.no more no less.

I'm curious how you would sell one of your own products?

"Check out our new product,it's average,you probably should shop around."

Welcome to the world of bankruptsy.;)

02-04-2004, 09:32 PM
No, I didnt mean manufacturer hype. I mean the type of hype generated by the buying public. I dont mind the company making positive comments about their product, that is to be expected. It seems that people start making outlandish comments about the marker, and proclaiming that it is the best marker ever made, etc etc.

02-04-2004, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
No, I didnt mean manufacturer hype. I mean the type of hype generated by the buying public. I dont mind the company making positive comments about their product, that is to be expected. It seems that people start making outlandish comments about the marker, and proclaiming that it is the best marker ever made, etc etc.

I agree there, but your holding that against the marker,or at least that's how you stated it.

02-04-2004, 10:17 PM
I don't mean to hold it against the product. I'm sure its a great gun, and I wouldn't mind trying it out. I just don't want to buy one while such claims are being made. Its just me.

02-05-2004, 07:35 AM
I agree with you for the most part. I didn't believe everything I had read about the marker prior to buying. I feel the claims are overstated but also its not like the person stood there with the marker and counted every single shot made. I had red about the Cyborg initially on AO. After some research I liked what I saw. I started this thread to let people know what my impressions are of the marker. Do I think its the greatest thing ever? No. Would I recommend it to someone to purchase? Yes. In my opinion its well worth what I payed for it and I wanted to let AO know since I haven't seen anyone else post who has actually purchased one. I don't see how that is hype.

02-05-2004, 10:29 AM
whatever happened to the 700 price range? @ paintbllkingdom, it is just under 1000. YIKES


02-05-2004, 12:27 PM
Duelist, what you are doing is not what I would consider hype. People going on about how its the fastest and most efficient gun ever made, thats a bit hypish. But I love hearing about new guns, so I, for one, appreciate your post.

02-05-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by felony
whatever happened to the 700 price range? @ paintbllkingdom, it is just under 1000. YIKES


I don't recall it ever being quoted in the 700 range?


02-05-2004, 12:59 PM
Yep, previous posts that were pre 2004, I believe towards the end of the year had a price tag of 699

Mabye I read it incorrectly a number of times, cause i know I saw that


02-05-2004, 02:20 PM
I had never read that but that might have been speculation at the time prior to release.

02-05-2004, 02:23 PM
must have been


02-08-2004, 10:22 PM
I finally got her to the field today and had a blast. I wanted to focus on the Cyborg so I left my EMag at home. I can honestly say I didn't have a single mechanical problem all day. The marker performed flawlessly all day long. It would have been a better day if I had bought better paint but even with the crap I was shooting the marker kept shooting without a problem. I definitely noticed a major difference in efficiency compared to my emag but I wasn't able to get an actual number since we can't get full 4500 fills at our field. However, I normally get 2-3 good games in with the EMag and today I was getting 6-7 without a need for a fill.

Another area I like about this thing is maintenance. The manual states the marker can be lubed as often as you like but is required at every 20k cycles making it a very low maintenence marker. I haven't pulled it apart for servicing yet but it really doesn't look too bad. A definite plus for those who consider themselves mechanicaly challenged.

There is an area that I had some trouble with but I already have a remedy on the way. My Evo 2 doesn't fit well in the feedneck even with the oring they have inside of it. I haven't sanded it since it fits well in my mag, it just doesn't sit tight in the neck on the 'borg. My solution was to order a no rise neck from CCM and take care of the problem altogether.

Overall the day went well. The Cyborg is light and well balanced making a dream to shoot. As I stated in my first post I am not a fast shooter but with this thing I was able to really get the marker up and make some really nice snap shots. If you get a chance check one out and see for yourself. The Cyborg is no slouch and deserves some serious consideration.

02-09-2004, 03:30 AM
I wanna see Pics, Videos... more pics, heheh...

I have heard very little of the Cyborg, but would like some links to get more enlightened bout them just for my general knowledge.


02-09-2004, 05:28 PM
I would also like to express my "opinion" not hype.
I am the brother of The Duelist. I can say that the Cyborg
is a real solid gun. As he said earlier, it is very light, and out of the box, looks beautiful.
As for how fast this gun can shoot, it rips. I was able to play in a few games this past weekend with it, and I definately give it a thumbs up. Anyway, like I said, just expressing my opinion.

02-09-2004, 07:03 PM
How does the thing work? When I saw it at World Cup, I thought that it looked and worked like an Intimidator, and since Paintball Kingdom seems to be the place to get both the Intimidator and the Cyborg, it seems like a fair question.

02-09-2004, 07:09 PM
I'm looking into a Backup for my SFL anyways, but if u ever decide to sell the Borg for whatever reasons, hit me up

What anno is it anyways?

Also... how many are in stock at PBK if they just got a shipment in less than a week ago?

02-09-2004, 07:46 PM
Cyborg number 218 is a blue to black fade. As far as how it works i'm not a technical guy so instead of sounding like an idiot and misinforming you i'll leave that to the people who actually know exactly how it operates. I can fix it but I can't explain/describe it.

02-09-2004, 08:22 PM
Personally, I'd be interested in hearing why they had to cap the board. I dunno why, I just hate capped boards.

02-14-2004, 06:59 PM
i dry fired this marker today.

yeah it rips.

light, very pointable, nice soft short trigger, high and i mean high rof, easy to sustain a nice walk and at least as fast as the one viking i've shot.
nice anno and good quality workmanship. also reportedly low maintenance. i think chris said something like oil the ram after every 20,000 cycles? correct me if i'm wrong.

can't say enough how impressed i was, should have seen the smile on my face lol.

02-14-2004, 09:39 PM
I did see the smile...what you didn't see was the crowbar I had on standby to get the marker back.

02-15-2004, 05:12 AM
i thought that guy was standing awful close behind me.....