View Full Version : Theft Issue! Moderators and all read!

09-16-2001, 03:36 PM
I have ( august 15th) posted an add in the classified buy/sell section of the forums selling the booh-yaah elcd frame. The person ( team fission : this is his AO SN)said he would trade me 100 dollars+ plus an ANs phase 2 reg. So I sent him the frame and he got it like he should have, but it took him 4 weeks to send his end of the deal and i had never received it yet. I keep talking to him and he keeps sayin it will be here. The pakage he supposidly sent me was suppose to be here monday and it never came. And tuesday The country went down (bombing of the WTC). And now he just said it should be here early next week. I dont know what to believe. I told him if i dont get my pakage next week, I would consider the booh-yaah frame stolen. Though, I dont consider it stolen now, I soon will. I will keep yall all up dated on this subject.
Thanks for understanding and this should be in all forums (not just classifieds) so everyone could see how dangerous trading can be with people you dont know. I thought I could trust the AO family members. I hope this memeber comes through with his end of the deal.
I will keep yall all up dated on this subject.
Barret Chappelle
Worried automag owner/ AO member
[email protected]

09-16-2001, 03:44 PM
THis is an update conversation on this subject
Team Fussion : THe one who hasent put in his end of the deal.
BeefCakeOrcl: Me

Please excuse all cursing and such. I am just really mad and agrrivated with him....

team fission: I sent your stuff, and your "bock161" friend keeps bugging me and I'm trying to get things done.
BeefCakeOrcl: d**n dude...when in the h*ll am i getting it!...and i still want your phone number
team fission: I don't feel the need to give out my phone number
team fission: You have to understand what happened in the US
team fission: The shipping industry is messed up, they arent letting planes fly
BeefCakeOrcl: i do understand....you want this to go good?...I know i do, but u sent it two weeks ago right!!!???
team fission: No
BeefCakeOrcl: when then!
team fission: Last week i told you
BeefCakeOrcl: OH.. i`m really mad
team fission: Because my Money Order was no good
BeefCakeOrcl: bc i sent you the frame like a month ago
team fission: youll have it early this week
BeefCakeOrcl: if i dont it is condidered stolen!
BeefCakeOrcl: ok!
team fission: Yeah, but its not.
BeefCakeOrcl: i`m sorry to be this way
team fission: I can understand
team fission: It's my fault and I'm sorry
BeefCakeOrcl: put yourself in my shoes
team fission: I just had too many trades going on at once
BeefCakeOrcl: i sent you the frame a month ago and i stilll havent go anything
BeefCakeOrcl: ok well....i missed a tourney bc of this
team fission: You will
BeefCakeOrcl: an important tournie
team fission: Well I'm sorry, but as I've said I'm really busy. You'll have your frame and I have to get going.
BeefCakeOrcl: i`ll have my frame???
BeefCakeOrcl: i want the 100 buks plus the reg! not the frame back!
team fission: I mean, your money and reg
BeefCakeOrcl: it better be
team fission: Well its not up to me
BeefCakeOrcl: dude..let this go down right
team fission: I sent it, thats my end of the deal
team fission: Yeah it should get there
team fission: but i dont know what the shipping industry is doing
BeefCakeOrcl: no..your end of the deal is to make sure it got here...i tracked my package to make sure it got there!
team fission: Shipping may be on schedule
team fission: It'll be there
team fission signed off at 4:42:39 PM.
BeefCakeOrcl: well..whatever..i`l let you go and i better get the order and the reg

I just dont know what to do with irresponsible people like him. I`m not making that mistake again

Barret Chappelle

09-16-2001, 03:47 PM
And one more thing! make sure you dont make the same mistake on both sides of the deal...what do yall think I should do about this???

09-16-2001, 03:59 PM
Sorry dude... we're not responsible for trades going on in the classifieds... and don't have any control over that kinda thing. The forum lets you find people to trade with... that's it. You guys have to handle trades amongst yourselves unfortunately.

Best thing I can suggest is to stick it out a bit longer... and contact proper authorities if you must.

It seems like he just forgot, or didn't get around to it. Wait it out a little longer.

09-16-2001, 04:06 PM
OH no! i`m not holding any one responsible except for him and myself. and that is just what i plan to do and i`ll will work things out.

09-16-2001, 05:03 PM
the best thing you can do is relax and wait. if it was in transit on tuesday give it until 9/21 before its safe to say he never sent it. seriously dude, bigger things are going down im sure you can give the country time to catch up.

09-16-2001, 05:16 PM
the forums gettin to big to trust everyone :mad:

09-16-2001, 05:32 PM
If you use a third party trades usually go better. Just a thought. Sometimes takes longer and costs a bit more but at least you don't have to deal with this stuff. Also always get the phone number of the person you are trading with and never send anything to PO boxes. There's always a risk.


09-16-2001, 05:33 PM
UPS ran about ONE day behind this week on some things I ordered. If he sent it U.S.Mail then he may be telling the truth. They stopped letting mail on passenger planes, which is one of the main ways the mail gets around. If he sent it UPS and he is in Tiwan then you should have it now. Give him a week if its still not in your hands he is a liar.

09-16-2001, 05:35 PM
lol, it used to be the place where "everyone knows your name...."

there should be a sign that says AGD is not responsible for bad traders or sellers.

09-16-2001, 05:47 PM
I found a guy on here that said he had a z body and his chrome benchmark body didn't fit on it. I had a stock one and was looking for a nice chrome body rail. So I said "hey, i'll trade my stock rail for your benchy" he said "great, i really need this for my gun to work." well I soon found out he was in the navy and was stationed iin Japan. he said "it'll take maybe 10 days at the most" 3 weeks go by, no body rail. a month goes by, he stops replying to my emails. finally i sent him kind of a nasty email and posted like you did. and a day after I did that, he FINALLY sent it out! so hang in there, it'll come.

09-16-2001, 05:58 PM
If he sent it out by UPS or Fed Ex etc, ask him for the tracking number, call up whicher company he sent it via and ask them to check on the tracking number, if he sent it out, the number should be in the system somewhere, if not, he either didn't send it or he fed you a bogus tracking number. One of the beauties of couriers.

09-16-2001, 07:53 PM
I have to admit, I am not doing to well shipping out promptly with school and all. I sent a package out monday night, and was luckily able to get it back from them Tuesday before they closed, not knowing what was going on. Problems happen, and I am really sorry to Bratch, it'll be in the mail.

09-17-2001, 06:36 AM
Call the POLICE. The longer you wait the harder it's gonna' be to recover your stuff. You know what address you shipped the frame to, just use information and get the local police and talk to them. If you used the US Mail in any way, also go to the postoffice and get the Postal Inspectors to visit him. Mail fraud is a federal case. For all you know this is a 14 yr old kid, and a visit to his parents by the police will spark some action.

I know those of you who say 'wait' won't be happy with this , but if this jerk had held up his part of the bargain, then it wouldn't come down to this.

09-22-2001, 08:11 PM
Update! this is what he told me now in our Convo.....

BeefCakeOrcl: I yet to get it!
BeefCakeOrcl: monday and then i`m callin it
team fission: itll be there monday
team fission: k
BeefCakeOrcl: and what if it is not....then you gonna tell me it ewill be here wensday??
team fission: no....
BeefCakeOrcl: what then
BeefCakeOrcl: what the hell
team fission: i just told you itll be there monday
BeefCakeOrcl: and what if it is not
BeefCakeOrcl: what u gonna tell me.....
BeefCakeOrcl: ok...
BeefCakeOrcl: well what u gonna do if it is not here monday
team fission: im gonna go to the post office
team fission: and
team fission: light everyone up
BeefCakeOrcl: ..and how does that help me?????
team fission: i dont know, but itd be funny as hel
BeefCakeOrcl: as far as im conserned...if it isnt here monday....i got ripped off...and i`m filing it to the inpectors and police
BeefCakeOrcl: it wont be funny
BeefCakeOrcl: can you give me your phone number please
team fission: no
team fission: but
BeefCakeOrcl: what
team fission: i tell you im not ripping you off
BeefCakeOrcl: then whats your email......
team fission: i talked to your friend
BeefCakeOrcl: so.....
BeefCakeOrcl: y wont you give me your number
team fission: [email protected]
team fission: because nows not a good time for people to be calling
team fission: for personal family reasons
BeefCakeOrcl: i wont call righ tnow
BeefCakeOrcl: that sounds like bull to me..but i still wont call right now..i`ll call if i dont get it monday
team fission: i mean this general period of time
team fission: i will give it to you on monday
BeefCakeOrcl: welll still....please...let me have it now bc i have to work monday and i wont get on
BeefCakeOrcl: i wont call you till monday
team fission: ill give it to you monday
BeefCakeOrcl: you can trust me bc i actually did my part of the deal
team fission: but
team fission: itll be there anyways
BeefCakeOrcl: iw otn be in monday!
team fission: so you wont even need to call
team fission: then you can call tuesday
BeefCakeOrcl: NO..NOW DUDE
BeefCakeOrcl: this inst funny
BeefCakeOrcl: i`ll call you monday
team fission: i know its not.
team fission: but
team fission: im not willing to give anyone my phone number at this time
team fission: and you wont need to call me because it will be there anyways
BeefCakeOrcl: i want to write it down and have it for monday incase it dont come in and then i dont have to get on the internet and look for you on wait fo ryou to get on bc your never on...whats the diffrence of now and monday...its not like i`m gonna call tilll monday
team fission: just try and trust me on this one, however hard that might be
team fission: but ive gotta get going i will see you either monday or tuesday and i wont need to talk to you because youll have your stuff
team fission signed off at 9:02:00 PM.
BeefCakeOrcl: tell me what the diffrence is if you type the nu,ber in now and monday other than i wont...ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Previous message was not received by team fission because of error: User team fission is not available.

As you can see this is really p*ssin me off. And excuse the Language. ANy one wanna help!!?? There is a nice email adress he gave in the convo (conversation)..hint hint
ok well..I think i will go slap all the little people that are sorta less agrivating than him!

09-23-2001, 11:16 AM
Hey sorry to here this is happening, I remember I was close to having a deal with you on that frame for my tank and barrel. What city and state does he live in? Maybe someone here lives near him and can help you out. Sorry to hear that happened and I hope you get your stuff.

09-23-2001, 11:21 AM
Bock6161 told me to post this for you what he said to me over AIM:

bock6161: post for me
bock6161: and tell him i *think* i scared him into shipping it and if he doesnt have it by thursday call the poolice

09-23-2001, 11:27 AM
You made some stupid mistakes and got yourself ripped off. The fact that he wouldn't give you a phone number should have set your brain wondering.

Don't waste you time talking to this fool anymore. Call the cops if you want but I don't think they will be able to help you much. Do you even know this person's real name? It is time to write off the frame as a learning experience.

09-23-2001, 08:52 PM
Thanks Derik..and I think the guy that ripped me off lives in Fargo, North Dakota. at least thats where i mailed it..his name is Luke Weighinburg ( or somethin like that I cant seem to remember , but i`ll look for where i wrote it down. do i just call my local police number or what??? I ca care less if i get anything..now all i want is justice!!

09-24-2001, 08:51 AM
Try using a Reverse Phone Number look up service on the net. It'll probably cost you a few bucks for a residential address but you'll get his phone number.

Mr. Niceguy
09-24-2001, 12:56 PM
Give me what you know for certain on this person and I'll see what I can do for you.

09-24-2001, 02:31 PM
I did that with 5 diffrent services..all looked up negative

09-24-2001, 02:38 PM
Luke Winzenburg
C/O Ryan Eberhart
4521 10th Street N
Fargo, ND 58102

that is where i mailed it too....thanks

my AOL sn is : BeefCakeOrcl

Mr. Niceguy
09-24-2001, 02:55 PM
I'll see what information I can obtain for you. I am unable to elaborate more than this for now, but suffice to say I am very disappointed that this was seemingly a deliberate scam and will do what I can for you on the mere principal of the matter. Expect a reply tomorrow.

09-24-2001, 04:39 PM
Does anyone live in or near Fargo North Dakota????

09-24-2001, 05:31 PM
update Convo! read.. may be long but read

BeefCakeOrcl: tisk
BeefCakeOrcl: sk
team fission: ?
team fission: you get it?
BeefCakeOrcl: nope
BeefCakeOrcl: I contacted the Fargo police department and My local police depart ment as well *** the City marshall
team fission: ****
team fission: well thats bull
BeefCakeOrcl: and I am going tommorow to place it under small claims court
team fission: i sent it
team fission: well youll get it tomorrow
team fission: and youll have wasted your time.
BeefCakeOrcl: for your sake I hope I do get it
BeefCakeOrcl: but untill then...I would like your number
team fission: well.... they said 3 days
BeefCakeOrcl: well its been 31/2 weeks
BeefCakeOrcl: can i have your number please
team fission: whats the fpd's phone number
BeefCakeOrcl: just a mintue let me get the paper
BeefCakeOrcl: 97010 241 1437
BeefCakeOrcl: (701)*
team fission: okay
team fission: well its going to be stupid when you get it tomorrow
BeefCakeOrcl: no it wont
team fission: why
team fission: they said 3 days
BeefCakeOrcl: I even called the inspection department
team fission: thats fine
team fission: i sent it
team fission: so i honestly am not affected by this
BeefCakeOrcl: yes..i believe you are
team fission: why?
team fission: im not screwing you over, i just told you... i sent it
BeefCakeOrcl: if you dont have the money or the regulator..you could simply mail my frame back to me and this would all be solved and no harm is done
team fission: DUDE.
team fission: I just told you
team fission: i sent it last week
team fission: I dont have them
team fission: anymore
team fission: they are sent
BeefCakeOrcl: oh..and how was your money order bad?
team fission: im sorry about that i just needed to get time till i could get to the bank
BeefCakeOrcl: ok..i`m glad you are truthful about that
BeefCakeOrcl: because you lied to me the first time I asked
BeefCakeOrcl: ok..since it is monday and all..may i have your phone number and we can talk about this?
team fission: im at my friends my computer is down
team fission: heres his number
team fission: 701-235-5733
BeefCakeOrcl: ok..can I have your number too please?
team fission: you can call him in 5 mins
BeefCakeOrcl: That is great! except that i would like your number
team fission: im going to sign off you can call
BeefCakeOrcl: no
BeefCakeOrcl: I would like your number...
team fission: my friend is willing to give out his number i am not
BeefCakeOrcl: I will call his house, but I would still like your number
BeefCakeOrcl: well I was willing to drop all of this if I had your number
BeefCakeOrcl: uw ant my number to make it even???
team fission: no. i dont need your number
team fission: i sent the stuff and its over for me
BeefCakeOrcl: well I need your number
BeefCakeOrcl: no its not over
team fission: tomorrow it will be
team fission: when you get it
team fission: then i can go back to taking care of my family
BeefCakeOrcl: adn what is rong with your family?
BeefCakeOrcl: or wil you lie to me about taht too?
BeefCakeOrcl: that*
team fission: i dont think that kind of stuff is really important for me to talk to people on the internet about
team fission: i am going to sign off you can call me at my friends hosue now if youd like
BeefCakeOrcl: no
team fission: what?
team fission: you're going to get it tomorrow if you didnt today
BeefCakeOrcl: I would like your number please..I wont call it unless I have too, jsut for refrence
team fission: or else they screwed me over on shipping costs
BeefCakeOrcl: if you didnt do anythng rong then why are you scared to give it to me?
team fission: because
team fission: ive seen things like this happen before
BeefCakeOrcl: thats a great reason!
BeefCakeOrcl: I already have your IP adress and if I wanted to do something to ruin your life I would have done it already
team fission: and that would be pointless, because youd get it tomorrow and feel like an *** for the rest of your life.
team fission: Plus, on a 56k connection your IP address changes everytime you make a connection.
BeefCakeOrcl: no..I would simply be happy not to deal with irrisponsible little punks like you anymore...
BeefCakeOrcl: not true
team fission: Yes... go ask any computer guru you know.
BeefCakeOrcl: I am a computer guru..I build computers
BeefCakeOrcl: That is my job
team fission: It was very irresponsible on my part. But I sent it last thursday.
team fission: Well tha has nothing to do with hardware and programming, thats strictly putting chips and housings in place.
BeefCakeOrcl: then you lies to me twice : once about when you mailed it and once about your money order
team fission: If you want to talk computers, I'd be more than willing to. But thats not really the task at hand.
BeefCakeOrcl: I program...I just dont let people we sell the computers to go off and install every operationg system them selfves
team fission: Again, it was irresponsible on my part. I mailed it last thursday, I have a shipping reciept as well as the reciept from the package I purchased.
BeefCakeOrcl: ok..The task at hand is I know why you put the pakage adress c/o
BeefCakeOrcl: and as far as I know this is a federal offense
team fission: because i havent told my dad i was spending another 100 dollars on my gun
BeefCakeOrcl: great..that has nothing to do with me
team fission: And to be a federal offense the item/items must be equal or over the value of 800 US dollars. Then the FBI gets into it. But, I'm not worrying about that because I sent it on thursday.
BeefCakeOrcl: no 20
BeefCakeOrcl: well..I have to go
BeefCakeOrcl: exspect to hear from this soon

Mr. Niceguy
09-25-2001, 04:24 PM
One number obtained. Sources in the delivery home state involved in the seconds’ origin. An inquiry asked to be relayed to you - favor prosecution? We have not researched your states crimes code as yet, therefor cannot be certain if said violation will be victim or recipients address jurisdicted. This is but a formality, not an issue at this stage. Will not be able to respond to a reply this evening, but tomorrow after the office re-opens.

09-25-2001, 06:38 PM
I got it! no need to worry . It finally came after 5 weeks... I think he lied about when he mailed it bc I know the post office isnt that late on pakages..ok..thanks for everyone`s help(Mr.Niceguy) and this thread is now officially over.
