View Full Version : Warp questions

02-05-2004, 04:15 PM
I just bought a warp from Caffiend here on AO (dont have it yet) but i have a few questions about it. First, it has the 12 volt mod so it uses 2 9 volts. How long should i expect the batteries to last? Also im kinda confused about the sensitivity and all that. I read the online manual and the all you need to know about warps thread. With an automag classic what should the sensitivity be on? I also dont understand all the stuff about jumpers either. Someone want to enlighten me about all this?

02-05-2004, 04:46 PM
You can set your sensitivity by taking off the black cover that holds your board. There's a little knob thing (i think it's blue) and you turn it clockwise to increase sensitivity. It's about half way turned out of the box. When you have your warp on the gun, put some paint through it. The manual says to turn it down bit by bit while shooting it until it stops feeding. So shoot it, crank down slightly, shoot again and so on until it stops registering the vibration of your gun. Then turn it to halfway between there and fully turned. Also, If you don't have lvl 10 I'd recommend it because having a warped gun increases the chance of chopping. Hope that helps

02-05-2004, 05:43 PM
Right now i dont have the $ for a level 10. Do you really need it? i thought a warp would help to stop the chopping because it forces a ball in faster so it would not get chopped in half or pinched.

02-05-2004, 06:43 PM
I agree, a properly operating warp should eliminate chopping.

The jumpers increase or decrease the spin time of the warp. They should be set so that when you're pulling the trigger at your usual rate, the warp spins continuously.

has some good information.

02-05-2004, 07:06 PM
I sure hope i wont start chopping when i get my warp. Anybody else?