View Full Version : AO Mini-Get Together at Top Gun (NJ)

09-16-2001, 04:10 PM
Heya everyone.. this is Thordic relaxing at Riotz house after a small AO get together today at Top Gun in NJ.

All in all it was a pretty good day. I was there, Riotz was there, Tunaman, TheRaidenProject, and some others, but I forget their names on AO. I'd probably spell them wrong anyway. They can pop in later.

We met up one game before lunch, and just had a good day playing. The place was packed, so with all the walk ons we had some nice big woods games.

Tunaman tried to fix my ailing mag, which didn't work, but we are pretty sure he at least diagnosed the problem, which is more than anyone else has been able to do so far. Seems like the stupid body rail is binding the sear. He filed it down a tad so the sear wouldn't be to tight, and that helped a little, but the valve still isn't actuating the way it should, which is causing some nice leakage.

So I was stuck using the Spyder again (Fred, can I borrow your Retro valve for a few months? :D j/k).

Lots of fun play... one funny thing was when I ran across the field to bunker two little kids in a very secure 3 walled building-style bunker. I ran in shooting and screaming surrender, and the refs goes to them "You surrender?"

The ballsy little buggers said "No" and I ducked back for a second to try to figure out if I was willing to light up two 10 year olds from 2 feet away when the ref told me to go ahead and do it. I started shooting at them and they shoved a barrel through the bunker and popped me in the leg. I got them both out, but I have to give them a lot of credit for being two tough little kids. It was funny to watch their friends treat them like gods for "getting out that big guy with the cool gun" (My Spyder? Cool? Since when? :) )

Oh well.. time to eat. Riotz's mom made lasagna.

Cya later, I'm sure Tunaman will have some comments later.


09-17-2001, 03:17 PM
Well it sure was great to meet you guys in person. My son and I had a great time. PBCHOPR was also there and is a great friend of mine. His Warped RT was rockin'! It was my first outing with my Freaky Warped Retromag w/intellifeed, and let me tell you...I was goggin' all day! Not one single problem. I hope we can do this again real soon. Till the next time, AGD Rules! One more thing worth mentioning...I got into a little spat with a Cocker owner at orientation(they were all amazed at the marvel of modern technology I was toting). I was explaining to him how the Retro valve was the best valve on the market. I challenged him(the Cocker owner) to a shootout to see who could empty their hopper faster. His reply was(hey Bill...let me use your gun(an Angel). Well to make a long story short, he unded up declining my offer and we all know why. Facts is facts!