View Full Version : Toledo Indoor Paintball

02-05-2004, 08:43 PM
Anyone here live close to Toledo Indoor? I'd love to get a group outing their sometime.

02-05-2004, 09:02 PM
i live about 4 hours from it... in canton ohio

02-05-2004, 09:15 PM
I play there every once in a while. Im about a half hour away. Id definetly be down for a group outing.

02-05-2004, 10:49 PM
It takes me about an hour to get there. Me and my team mostly play on wednesdays because you can get away with byop.

02-05-2004, 10:50 PM
you can byop at any time

02-05-2004, 10:53 PM
Yeah, for an additional $20.

We play then because byop + entry is 20 and you don't have to shell out $75 per case of blaze.

Crime Dog
02-06-2004, 09:52 AM
I live in Bowling Green...work in Toledo. I've played at TIP quite a few times. But I won't shoot Diablo/Blaze, and since I can't play Wednesdays, That leaves the weekends when BYOP isn't allowed. Soooooooo...no TIP for me until they bring back the BYOP on the weekends.

It's a shame too...because Fireproof was going to play a lot of tournaments there if they had been willing to work with us on providing us another type of paint. We'll pay their prices...just give us something different to shoot!

Oh well, their loss.

Overall, I'm fairly frustrated with TIP. They change what they say/do between what they say on the phone, and what their website advertises, and well, that's just not very professional to me. Kinda frustrating too when you're trying to line up a team practice with them, and they change their policies, and then you have to try and work things out with teammates that are willing to drive from all over the state.

Since we can't BYOP with team practice on Saturday, we're playing at Impact Paintball in Canton this Saturday, instead of TIP. TIP's loss. They could have had 8 more entries this Saturday. Oh well.

02-06-2004, 10:37 AM
Not to intrude but why wont you shoot diablo/blaze? As long as everyone shoots the same its pretty equal no matter what, correct?

02-06-2004, 10:39 AM
Why are you acting like Fireproof and yourself are gods gift to paintball? If TIP lost out on a few field fees and the dismal markup most places make on paint (unless they're selling blaze for 90/case). So what? I doubt they missed you THAT much.

02-06-2004, 10:49 AM
Prices are as follows (according to website):
Blaze Paint:
100 Rounds - 10.00
500 - 25.00
1000 - 45.00
2000 - 65.00

Generic Paint:
500 - 20.00
1000 - 40.00
2000 - 55.00

All day admission - 20.00 (unless your the first 10 people their, which is free, which is very easy to do

All air fills are 2.00

Crime Dog
02-06-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux
Why are you acting like Fireproof and yourself are gods gift to paintball? If TIP lost out on a few field fees and the dismal markup most places make on paint (unless they're selling blaze for 90/case). So what? I doubt they missed you THAT much.

Wow. Sorry I came off that way. Honestly, if you ever saw us play, you'd know we're by NO means "God's gift to paintball." Heh.

Honestly, I'm only looking at it from a business stand point man. Sorry if my post came off the wrong way there. I'm just stating how they're practice of changing policies and such over and over can be a bit frustrating for a team that WOULD like to try and give them their business. Has nothin' to do with being "God's gift to paintball."

Again, my apologies man. Don't need to jump all over me like that. If you have a problem with something I've said, feel free to question me, but can ya just be a bit nicer about it? Thanks!

Crime Dog
02-06-2004, 12:25 PM
Corbet, I try to play at Bull Creek down just south of Bowling Green if you're ever interested in meetin' up. Though, I'll probably be playin' stock there.

For what it's worth...

02-06-2004, 07:29 PM
me and all my friends always wanted to play at bull creek. How is it? Prices? BYOP? fields? ect?

Crime Dog
02-06-2004, 09:36 PM
Good place to play. Refs are ok (though afrankart had a bad experience not too long ago with one of them.)

BYOP is allowed...but they charge full field fee (which is only $7 last time I played.) If you buy their paint, field fee is $2. Case of paint I think is up to $60-$65...that was for Marbs if I remember correct.

Fun fields to play on. And now there's an indoor place too, indoor scenario type thing. Haven't played that one yet.

I like it. I've gotten to know George, the Head Ref fairly well. Good guy. Let me know when you want to check it out, I'll get some buddies together and we'll go play.

02-06-2004, 10:45 PM
is there a on-site store? rentals? nitrogen fill?

02-06-2004, 11:57 PM
crime dog why wont you shoot blaze? and kim the owner at TIP is a very nice person, she gets along with everyone. And btw bull creek is pretty bad went there one time and didnt enjoy it. You would like it if your into scenario type games.

02-07-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by punkcmonkiez
i live about 4 hours from it... in canton ohio

you going to the canton tourney next weekend?

ill be there "team driven"

Crime Dog
02-08-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Corbet
is there a on-site store? rentals? nitrogen fill?

They have a few things for sale...but the pro shop itself is in Bowling Green at R&B Newsstand. Yes, they have rentals (Tippmann Model 98s), and yes, they have nitro fills at the field (but not at the store...CO2 only at the store.)

I don't shoot Blaze, (Or anything Diablo makes) because of personal convictions. I'd rather not support a company that has to use the devil to promote their product. Just doesn't fit my image (with being a follower of Christ to the best of my ability). Do I think Diablo is a bunch of Satan worshippers? No. But I'd rather support a company that doesn't have to use that sort of advertising. I don't think it does anything for our sport. (If you want to know more, just PM me.) Do I look down on people that DO use it? Nope. Like I said...it's just a personal thing with me (and with Team Fireproof. We all pretty much agree.)

Matt: Sorry you didn't like Bull Creek. I've never personally had a "bad" experience there. Scenario or not, I think all paintball is fun. (Granted, I prefer Sup Air over Hyperball, but still...it's paintball. It's all good.)