View Full Version : Help me decide on a Mag!!!!

Duck Hunt
02-06-2004, 01:08 AM
Okay I'm almost sold on a Mag. I used one at my local field and I was impressed on how comfortable it was so I decided to read up on them. Yes the one I used chopped tons of paint, and everyone I talk to about Mags say they are blenders =P Right now I shoot a Piranha Pro E electric with a 68/4500 and I'm looking into the Custom ULE RT with a standard grip with the ULE. It looks like the best deal ya know, Xvalve and all that. I'm not sure if I want the intelliframe so gimmie some help!!


02-06-2004, 02:46 AM
I would definitely suggest getting the intelliframe it is one of the better upgrades you can get on a mech mag (Y or Z grip also fine choices). Those RogueRT's do look sweet i wouldn't mind addin that to the collection someday. The ULT is also a good idea may take some learning but i'd say it is a good upgrade over all imo. Thats all i got.


02-06-2004, 07:50 AM
I got a ULE RT for Christmas and I couldn't be happier with it. It's really amazing how light it is, especially after playing with an old RT classic for a couple of months. You really should consider upgrading from the standard grip, though. Personally, I decided to wait on the ULE trigger - maybe I'll upgrade later, but for now it's all good.

Duck Hunt
02-06-2004, 10:07 AM
If I get the Intelliframe, is there a blade trigger around I can get? I don't really like double triggers with that nub in the middle, also, can you still get the ULT with the intelliframe? How much different does it feel? (I've shot an automag with regular grip frame and single trigger) can anyone help me out there?


02-06-2004, 10:12 AM
Intelliframes and Yframes have the option available for blade triggers. You just need to specify when ordering.
The intelliframe is smoother than the single trigger and since its a double trigger, its a little easier, too.

02-06-2004, 03:36 PM
I'd recommend getting the intelliframe too. See the tread here? ;) ULT is completely your choice. I'd say go with the regular trigger and the intelli than ULT and regular frame.

Good luck on the Mag.

02-06-2004, 03:51 PM
I had a couple mags, and an intelliframe/ygrip are both extremely nice. I've heard a lot of complaints and problems about the ULTs, but none really with an intelliframe or y. I had retros, and the pull is already light enough.

If I bought one it would be ULE, Blade intelli, and no ult. Thats your choice

I would also say you would get another frame eventually, and have a stock frame laying around ( I have 2 and don't even own a mag ). Getting an intelli with it will save you $25 and shipping. If the stock on off came with it, I would say get a ULT and try, and sell for 30 if you aren't happy, but I doubt a stock one comes along with it.

02-06-2004, 06:13 PM
Most complaints made about the ULT were probably from people w/ classic valves. TK said that they weren't recomended for them because of the large short stroke problem. If you got the ULT and blade intelli you would have the best mech marker available imo. Maybe i'm biased though.