View Full Version : The viking 40cps+ vid?

02-07-2004, 03:03 AM

02-07-2004, 03:47 AM
I could up my thread, How Fast are you REALLY? :D

This one is better. Just watch that halo empty. :cool:
How many balls does that hold?

I want to see the real vids shooting paint and no shoot down and no breaks.

http://www.automags.org/~TomAGD/LEV10G.mpg:D :cool:

Jack & Coke
02-07-2004, 04:04 AM
wow that some crazy trigger bounce...:eek:

That gun is definately cycling extremely fast! :)

However, how froth interpreted 43 cps from this is beyound me...


Froth got some mad sound analysis skills, I'm looking at his graph and I can't tell what the firing cycle signature pattern looks like.

Since the recording is in a small room, how do you isolate out the echo? Not to mention the two idependant sounds that the bolt makes when it slams into the valve, and on the back stroke as it hit the rear bumper?

Nonetheless, that gun is bouncing at a VERY HIGH CPS.


02-07-2004, 04:26 AM
Nonetheless, that gun is bouncing at a VERY HIGH CPS.

ROFLMAO, thats good CHOPS Per Sec

02-07-2004, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
However, how froth interpreted 43 cps from this is beyound me...

I can't come up with anything either.;)

Froth does have a history of artistic interpretation tho.

I'm not sure what the vid actually shows but I will say it's one of the more choppy and inconsistant sounding vids of a free cycling Vike.They are usually much smoother in the thier freeecycling than that one.

02-07-2004, 12:06 PM
What? Something that could very well be faster than an emag! Deny! Insult! Critisize! :rolleyes:

02-07-2004, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
What? Something that could very well be faster than an emag! Deny! Insult! Critisize! :rolleyes:

too soon, no one has bashed yet

02-07-2004, 12:18 PM
:eek: WOW
F-A-S-T :D

02-07-2004, 12:58 PM
the q loader is SCREAMING his name

02-07-2004, 02:45 PM
Now why would you ever need that in a game? I doubt you can find a peson who can run through a stream of 18 bps paint let alone 40+. Only people who benefit from that is the paint seller.

02-07-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by TraXeR
Now why would you ever need that in a game? I doubt you can find a peson who can run through a stream of 18 bps paint let alone 40+. Only people who benefit from that is the paint seller. Its just showing how fast they can cycle. :rolleyes:

-=captain rollseyes strikes again!=-

02-07-2004, 03:00 PM
40cps thats insane you dont need more than 13

02-07-2004, 03:12 PM
Well thats kind of like jacking up the back of your car so you can spin the wheels to 200 mph.

Wow guys isn't that FAST!!!!!


02-07-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well thats kind of like jacking up the back of your car so you can spin the wheels to 200 mph.

Wow guys isn't that FAST!!!!!


pssshaw who said i needed to jack my wheels up:D

02-07-2004, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Well thats kind of like jacking up the back of your car so you can spin the wheels to 200 mph.

Wow guys isn't that FAST!!!!!

AGD:rolleyes: Personally, I dont think thats a fair analogy. Its no different than proving that the emag can cycle at 36 cps... In fact, its not. You advertise that, but when somebody else tops the emags speed, everybody pokes fun at/attempts to prove otherwise.

02-07-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Personally, I dont think thats a fair analogy. Its no different than proving that the emag can cycle at 36 cps... In fact, its not. You advertise that, but when somebody else tops the emags speed, everybody pokes fun at/attempts to prove otherwise.

that just show you are mad because you dont have a emag

02-07-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Personally, I dont think thats a fair analogy. Its no different than proving that the emag can cycle at 36 cps... In fact, its not. You advertise that, but when somebody else tops the emags speed, everybody pokes fun at/attempts to prove otherwise.

AGD only advertises 26 so there.;)

And even when people posted R/Ts NOT Emags at 36 there are still a ton of the usual "what good is that" comments so get over it.

02-07-2004, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by NoFearPaintballer

that just show you are mad because you dont have a emag Uhh... no. I have a 2004 viking, and if I wanted an emag I could have and would have bought one. I AM planning on buying an RTP for backup, but thats another story.

AGD advertises a proud 26 cps cycle rate, and claims a 36 cps cycle rate (which yes, I believe, because I have seen the videos of the Xvalve cycling this fast) but here is the viking, cycling FASTER than the emag, being tested in much the same way. That method being with bounce, or some other outside means to make the marker fire, other than your finger.

So, the viking video is sound analyzed, and said to be faster than anything that AGD has shown from there Xvalve. (keep in mind it doesnt matter if this sound analysis is correct, being that im basing my argument off of what TK said)

With that being proven, TK decides to attack it, and act as though its not fast because its simply cps, when they, AGD, advertise the Xvalve's speed in CPS as well.

Now, don't you think thats being just a BIT unfair? ;)

02-07-2004, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

AGD only advertises 26 so there.;)

And even when people posted R/Ts NOT Emags at 36 there are still a ton of the usual "what good is that" comments so get over it. Im not basing my argument off of numbers, im basing it off of what Tom Kaye said, which I think is pretty darn hypocritical. The numbers are just being used as references. And whats it matter, Emag or RTP, they can both be put in the same firing modes.

02-07-2004, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

Now, don't you think thats being just a BIT unfair? ;)

Maybe but his comment is very true and that's for ANY gun.

Also,I've analyzed vikings into the mid 30's with good accuracy and fully believe they will free cycle there.However,this Vid as well as the last Froth vid,IMO doe not prove 40cps.There's now way you can tell that from the audio sig he posted or the one I come up with.Simply not possible.We also have no way of knowing if they are complete cycles,the audio sig will not tell you that and no one has ever shown it cycle that fast and proved full cycles.

For the record,I think pretty much any pnuematically controlled marker should be capable of out cycling an R/T valve.It simply uses a spring for return and will always be held back to the limit of the springs ability to respond.

The only thing we know without question is the R/T will cycle 36cps with FULL cycles and we don't know that for sure on many other "faster" markers.


02-07-2004, 03:55 PM
ill post what I posted on pbn...

Food For Thought...

True cycles are consistent and show obvious peaks of equal amplitudes...

The sound signature of this seems a bit choppy and has no obvious peaks that we can differentiate noise from a real shot.

Not flaming... Just somthing to consider.

http://paintball.butters.org click on 30cps e-mag

In this recording it is very obviously 30cps full cycles each peak shows almost identical amplitudes showing no shootdown or at the very least very little shootdown at full fps. The gun whas last chronoed at 280-290 fps.

A sound analysis was done on this was done right here on PBN over a year ago... I cant find it ever since the infamous sever crash...

Re anyalize it for yourself...

Also what air system are you using with that... We found by doing the E-mag vid that NO airsystem can keep up with the air demand NOT the Max Flow... Not the "NEW crossfire that was out that time... Not any of the AA regs... NOTHING at 290fps

What we ended up doing to feed the E-mag was hooking it up to a SCUBA tank that had about 900 psi Unregulated left in it.

At 290 fps the gun consumes ALOT of air...

Unless you had the bolt in backwards which would be cheating I would like to buy your airsystem...

By having your bolt in backwards it means all the air is used for the solnoids and none for the actual shot... Thats not really a true indicator of the guns cyclic rate since all you are testing is the ability of the ram to throw the bolt back and forth.

There are serious questions that need to be answered... How fast a gun can move its ram back and forth is diffrent than its ability to deliver a sufficent air blast to propel a ball 290 fps at a specified ROF.

Unless proven otherwise the RT based valve system still is the fastest for completing and delivering a full blast of air enough to propel a paintball to 290 fps.

The viking has proven to be the fastest for moving its ram back and forth.

02-07-2004, 04:14 PM
Mabe I wasnt being clear here. Im not basing my argument on SPEED, im basing it on what Tom said. Im saying this because this guy is showing off his speed, much in the same way AGD would... simply dryfiring to calculate CPS, and Tom critisized him for it.

02-07-2004, 04:23 PM
[/]Bratch hands Butters the KY for the reaming he is about to recieve for mentioning something could be wrong with the analysis on PBN[\]

02-07-2004, 04:28 PM
just thought id like to point out that the viking may be 40cps but the mag with rt valve is 26 bps notice the difference between 40 cps and 26 bps and since we cant tell if there complete cycles whats the point... and if you dont beleive me on the 26 bps ask zman for his vid shooting 22bps even his halo couldnt keep up and notice no breaks you really think the viking can do that???

02-07-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by trevorjk
just thought id like to point out that the viking may be 40cps but the mag with rt valve is 26 bps notice the difference between 40 cps and 26 bps and since we cant tell if there complete cycles whats the point... and if you dont beleive me on the 26 bps ask zman for his vid shooting 22bps even his halo couldnt keep up and notice no breaks you really think the viking can do that??? Yes, I can guaruntee you a viking can shoot paint just as fast as an emag. You guys are not grasping my point here :rolleyes:

EDIT: May as well say, I can put debounce on 1 with my viking, put a halo on it, and the halo cant keep up. No chops. Want to know why? Eyes. Yes, a viking is just as fast as a mag. But that IS NOT THE ARGUMENT I AM FIGHTING FOR HERE! MY ENTIRE POINT IS BEING BASED OFF OF WHAT TK SAID!

02-07-2004, 04:36 PM
Yes, I know I believe it!!!! If its got eyes, I'm pretty damn sure it could shoot just about as fast as the loader can feed. Its got eyes, and in that situation, breaks shouldn't be a problem, cept for the last few balls in the stack and paint quality. Then again, not many people run their loader dry while playing.

Still, I kinda found TK's comment disrespectful.

BUT!!! Don't forget, nobody is perfect, not even TK (even though he may be a God amongst men :D ).

Lets just make-up and kiss? ..... errr...... lets shake. :p

02-07-2004, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by ubooze
Yes, I know I believe it!!!! If its got eyes, I'm pretty damn sure it could shoot just about as fast as the loader can feed. Its got eyes, and in that situation, breaks shouldn't be a problem, cept for the last few balls in the stack and paint quality. Then again, not many people run their loader dry while playing.

Still, I kinda found TK's comment disrespectful.

BUT!!! Don't forget, nobody is perfect, not even TK (even though he may be a God amongst men :D ).

Lets just make-up and kiss? ..... errr...... lets shake. :p No kiss? :(

02-07-2004, 04:46 PM
It depends on how you interpret toms comments...

In this case its relevant because with the bolt in backwards you arent really delivering an air blast capable of propelling a paintball to 290 fps.

The gun is actually cycling that fast but there is no real load on the regulator or air system.

If you put that sucker on a dyno
you arent going anywhere but you are still putting load on the motor. Thus a comparison made
without paint.

It cant be done any other way with a mag. The bolt cant be put in backwards and each shot MUST be a complete cycle by design.

02-07-2004, 04:52 PM
Ha Ha cps means cycles. I think Chops is better.

Im saying this because this guy is showing off his speed, much in the same way AGD would.
No not even close. AGD showed 20bps[live fire]full auto. Watch the vids again. Can you say Evelyn Woods sped redding course to improve yor compression 100 p cent

I would like to buy your airsystem...
You and a few others.

Nice Vids Butters. Just the facts mam just the facts.

Unless proven otherwise the RT based valve system still is the fastest for completing and delivering a full blast of air enough to propel a paintball to 290 fps.

02-07-2004, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
You guys are not grasping my point here :rolleyes:

Look asshat,
you and warped1 take pot shots at AGD all day every dam day, he throws one at you and you expect some grand apology? Grow up or find another forum.

02-07-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

Look asshat,
you and warped1 take pot shots at AGD all day every dam day, he throws one at you and you expect some grand apology? Grow up or find another forum.

Ya thats what i say:cool:

02-07-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

Look asshat,
you and warped1 take pot shots at AGD all day every dam day, he throws one at you and you expect some grand apology? Grow up or find another forum. I dont expect any apology, I just think his comment was hypocritical.

I dont take "pot shots" every day at AGD, I love AGD, if I didnt I would post here and I would buy an RTP.

I just think the comment was not-so-good to say.

I think YOU need to grow up. Your use of profanities doesnt impress me.

Im not about to turn this thread into another silly flame fest, but if your gonna say crap like that, your asking for it.

02-07-2004, 05:24 PM
Well cps dont mean nothing. Just show me the vids shooting paint, no shoot down at 290fps no breaks.

See Butters and AGD vids

02-07-2004, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
I think YOU need to grow up. Your use of profanities doesnt impress me.

Im not about to turn this thread into another silly flame fest, but if your gonna say crap like that, your asking for it.

I am not here to impress you. I guess thats to bad....

Really squid just drop it. your crying fire in a crowded room to attract attention to yourself. Your not cool so please end the moronic posts...

02-07-2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

I am not here to impress you. I guess thats to bad....

Really squid just drop it. your crying fire in a crowded room to attract attention to yourself. Your not cool so please end the moronic posts... Im not trying to attract ANY attention to myself. Im simply pointing out that any time something cool gets posted, everybody jumps on it because it outdoes AGD-something. Your being stupid.

02-07-2004, 05:48 PM
ok than lets just agree that it outdoes AGD for moving its ram back and forth :)

02-07-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
What? Something that could very well be faster than an emag! Deny! Insult! Critisize! :rolleyes:

Best as I can tell,YOU are the one who started comparing it to an AGD product.No one else until you started it.

Tom's comment was not biased at all.He never compared it to anything but simply stated what it "proved".

Show me were Tom's going around posting vids of a free cycling Mag? I don't recall seeing that from anyone but Mag owners.Every vid Tom or AGD makes is of a Mag shooting paint.

02-07-2004, 06:40 PM
Fine im retarded and am to bored and lazy to argue any more. Im gonna clean my room.

02-07-2004, 08:01 PM

Found it...

Jack & Coke
02-07-2004, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

AGD advertises a proud 26 cps cycle rate, and claims a 36 cps cycle rate...

Absolutely not true.

AGD advertises 26 cps WITHOUT drop off (lab tested).

AO memebers (like myself and butters) have posted home brewed tests with evidence which prove the mag can acheive 36+cps.

We (AOers) made that claim (with legit proof), not AGD.

02-08-2004, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

Show me were Tom's going around posting vids of a free cycling Mag? I don't recall seeing that from anyone but Mag owners.Every vid Tom or AGD makes is of a Mag shooting paint.

Show me where the Alexanders' are going around posting vids of a free cycling viking? I don't recall seeing that from anyone but viking owners. Infact, I personally haven't seen AKA make any claims to any rates of fire.

02-08-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by afrankart

Show me where the Alexanders' are going around posting vids of a free cycling viking? I don't recall seeing that from anyone but viking owners. Infact, I personally haven't seen AKA make any claims to any rates of fire.

No one said they did.