View Full Version : what should i buy??? help me out

02-07-2004, 12:44 PM
well i was going to get a scuba tank for christmas but my father was low on $$ at the time and he owes me the$$ for it. well he has it now and i was think of getting a ps2 wit the online thing,a x-box,the scuba tanks, or jest save the cash and put my mag on e-bay and buy a nice gun? i kinda dont want the scuba tank because my local friend has one (dj89) and his cosin (zeke1975) has one and i play in the woods with them and they let me fill off of their's soo i dont think i should get the scuba. wel i am going out today in a little bit and i wounderd if any one can give my addvise.

02-07-2004, 12:51 PM
I say new gun, mainly because I dont like console gaming and seeing as you have a comp you can play games on there

02-07-2004, 12:58 PM
Console games blow, the decision rests on how much use you would get out of a Scuba. For me its a 45minute drive to the nearest PBstore, so I would go for the scuba.

02-07-2004, 01:02 PM
yeah if you do go for a console get a xbox... its by far the best, but if i were you id save it for a new gun or something

02-07-2004, 01:07 PM
ya i heard a lot about halo being a very good game. and their are some other shooting games i like on the box but i was thinking on the ps2 because my friend has one and we can play online but i am stil unsure what to do. i was going to save for a new gun but i dont want to spend all my $$ on a new gun. i dont think that i am getting the scuba
because my friend has one wel thanks for your thoughts and keep them comeing i am still thinking on what to get

02-07-2004, 07:30 PM
I wish I had your dillemma. I would buy a good gun.

02-07-2004, 08:12 PM
well i made up my mind. i got both the scuba tank and the ps2. i wanted to get the ps2 online thing for a long time but my father didnt lke the fact of driving an hour and a hafe once or twice a week to fill up the tank soo he got me a scuba too. i love him!!! well thanks for your i addvise. i am going to put my mag up on e-bay so i can buy whydoineedausername's cocker thanks