View Full Version : Anyone heard of this? 2$$ fines for mask/barrel plug

02-07-2004, 08:55 PM
So I just got back from a pretty full day at Camp Pendleton paintball park (yes the marine base) its all the way in San diego but I like it cuz its cheap...and well, used to be pretty laid back.

I havnt been there in over a year and they have this new rule now. If a ref catches you without a barrel plug ever, or your mask up even a little, he can nail you with a 2 dollar fine.

Sure it seems like a good idea but I just finished a day with a bunch of refs running around screaming at everyone and nailing people left and right just to add to there personal salary. The ref tried to get 6 bucks from me. he only got the first 2. I got caught with my mask up early in the day. Paid it, learned my lesson. The last 4 came from him making a personal trip over to my table, and seeing both my guns LAYING ON THE TABLE with no barrel plugs in. He tried to get 4 more dollars. I had words with him and its a good thing I was packing to leave because they sent me home anyway.

But I havnt played in a long time (organized play) I would say about 6 months. Is this happening everywhere?

edit: the welt count today is:

7 nice ones-mostly forearm/hand, 1 throat- ouch
4 average
and 1 on my head that I cant see but I sure felt it.

02-07-2004, 09:00 PM
this is the only time iv'e heard about fining with money, what if you don 't have the cash? That rule makes no sense. Most of the fields i know about warn you, then you sit out a game, then ur out for the day, or something close to that.

02-07-2004, 09:02 PM
Ya the rule is they take your ticket(used to get in), and you dont get it back unless you pay the fine. Im sure they might make an exception for some broke little kid who cried to the owner or something. But for the most part you have to pay.

adam shannon
02-07-2004, 09:03 PM
nothing personal against you, they should have made it policy and instituted a warning period, but good for them. i would love to see it widespread. or even making a player sit a game for an infraction.

02-07-2004, 09:07 PM
Im not saying its a bad policy, if properly done. I dont think they should go hunting for people breaking rules just so they can make a buck. If someone is blatantly breaking a rule, then sure, I wouldnt complain about 2 bucks. But its just the way it was handled.

I was talkin to some other guy today and he said the refs are underpayed, and this is worked into their paycheck or something. Kind of like how tips sometimes are worked into how much a waitress gets paid I think. So if they dont catch anybody, they make less than minimum wage. Odd.

02-07-2004, 09:45 PM
wait so you were packing up? and they tried to fine you?

02-07-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
So I got caught with my mask up early in the day. Paid it, learned my lesson.

sounds to me like its a good idea, sounds like its working

02-07-2004, 10:47 PM
This would be a good system if It wasn't for the refs personal gain.

What i would do is have like a wristband and say u get one or two warnings and each warning the punch a hole in or make a mark, and then agter that you have to pay.

And then in turn they should just give that money to some charity.

02-07-2004, 10:50 PM
I like the idea. As long as its well posted and explained I am all for it.

In fact I am going out to a field near me tomorrow with my Ref jersy and see if I can pick me up a few bucks.... :D

02-07-2004, 10:55 PM
It could also be a way of making the refs sufficient refs. I've played there once and it was so bad we got our entrance fees back, packed up and left. The refs were horrible and could care less what people were doing much less the safety levels. Most refs don't get paid much ($50/day) and several are underage and then there are even those who don't play paintball at all. It's a half decent way for the refs to have incentive to do their job since it's certainly not for thier horrible salary.

Wes Janson
02-07-2004, 11:07 PM
My field has a "25 cent fine" for barrel plugs not in. Every once in a while the owner, who can be a bit of a hardass sometimes (which I think is mostly a cover for the newbies), will point to the sign when he sees a kid without a plug. I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually pay it, and they've yet to have any accidents that I've heard of, in 12+ years of business. $2 fine is just being asinine and greedy, I feel.

02-07-2004, 11:24 PM
Wow, paying for fines...never heard of that anywhere. Kinda seems like it might work though. I don't think it should add to the refs pay check, they should do it to enforce safety, NOT make a buck. I still prefer the warning, sit a game, go home system myself.

When your guns where on the table, was the hopper on and air system attached?

02-07-2004, 11:28 PM
If it works, then I think it's a good idea. With some of the people I see playing nowadays, I could make and extra $20-50!

02-07-2004, 11:29 PM
there is a $1 fine here. refs usually just warn you though, but if you continually break it then they get money off of your ignorance.

02-07-2004, 11:40 PM
Still say they should do one warning making you sit out two games. Second time you're gone. It's a risk for the fields. Even with insurance and waivers it's bad publicity for the field and sport if some kid gets his eye shot out.

Ran drills at Velocity today. So many idiots in the parking lot w/o barrel condems or plugs. Idiots on the field taking off their mask on the sides watching the games.

IDIOTS! I think refs need to be more harsh on this rule. I also feel that these penalties should be on the waiver so there is a signature so no one can ***** if they are kicked off the field. (It might already be on the waiver but hell if I read it:D )

02-08-2004, 12:12 AM
I think that is a great idea. I dont think it should all go to the refs maybe half. I see a ton of kids walking around with out plugs and what not. If they don't learn when you tell them they will learn when you hit their wallet. At one field I was at a kid has his gun gased up balls in the hopper and the saftey off. The ref took his gun off the table (kid was no where to be found) and put it in the fill sation until he asked what happened to his gun. Scared him good. The one warning and then fine is a great idea.

02-08-2004, 01:22 AM
Funny you mention it. Camp Pendelton is one of our sponsors. (We're team Relic, and we're there every Sunday) I Happen to LOVE the $2.00 fines. It teaches everyone to actually use their barrel plugs/condoms, and to keep their goggles on. Not to mention how funny it is to watch everyone get nailed with fines. Just to let you know: If you are nice, and non-confrontational, you can actually get away with not paying. If you immediately appologize, and put your plug in, most refs will let it go at that. [shameless plug]If you're in southern CA, and you want to play for only $12.00 come on down to Pendelton. Not to mention the new fields that are being built![shameless plug/]

Ok, now that that's over with, if you ever happen to see a short, funny looking kid covered in dirt adn wearing a "relic" shirt and carring a mag, come say hi to me.:D

edit - the money doesn't go to the refs. The money goes to the park itself, and is used however Russ (the owner) sees fit.

02-08-2004, 02:53 AM
wow haha, thanks for the heads up. I'm planning on going there in a few weeks, and it's been awhile.
**note to self: bring barrel sock**

02-08-2004, 09:41 AM
stupid idea ,and never gonna catch on, if it does catch on i beleive alot of people will go back to outlaw, but think of all the money to be made at tourneys;)

02-08-2004, 09:59 AM
I like it.

Safety is such a big thing in the game we play. You can yell till you're blue in the face, but take some green from their pcoket and they shall listen!!!!!!

02-08-2004, 10:03 AM
not a horrible idea, but it would have to be clearly explained prior to any field fees being paid. i also think that as long as soccer moms are going to use fields as weekend daycares, they should be forced to leave a cell phone number so they can get their punk kids when they get out of hand.

02-08-2004, 10:24 AM
Why is it that people play paintball, have a marker that costs $500 to $1500 that they use, blow thruogh $100 of paint in a day, and then complain about a $2 fine for not following SAFETY rules. Nothing against anyone here, but doesn't that seem a bit odd. Though the original poster was right - he was packing up, if there is no air supply on the marker, then it is safe, no plug I could see. I walked into the paintball store the other day with my phantom, no air supply, no feed tube on it, and someone was whining about "wheres your barrel plug" I kinda just shook my head - it wasn't one of the refs, it wasn't the owner, it was some kid, wow was that tangent. I should learn not to go off on tangents, or at least erase them before I hit the Submit Reply button.

02-08-2004, 11:04 AM
Wicked, while the guns were on the table, were they gassed up and loaded? If not, I can see getting mad about it. That and the idea of the refs getting the money out of it is pretty shoddy as well. If the money went towards, say, an event at the field or something to that effect then I would be all for it.

02-08-2004, 11:27 AM
I think the 2 dollar fine is a great idea. I myself would probably pay 4 bucks a day for memory lapse, but it would definetly get the point across! But the money from the fino ought not go to the ref, it should, as someone suggested, go to maybe a charity or something along those lines.

02-08-2004, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by logamus
not a horrible idea, but it would have to be clearly explained prior to any field fees being paid. i also think that as long as soccer moms are going to use fields as weekend daycares, they should be forced to leave a cell phone number so they can get their punk kids when they get out of hand.


I see so much of this "paintball field = all day babysitter" thing.


02-08-2004, 12:23 PM
That sucks, but you got to say, they have a point. Safety is the biggest concern, as if paintball isn't one of the safest sports anyways. I haven't heard of this happening before, however, Cali is a pretty good ways for the foothills that I play at here in TN......

02-08-2004, 02:45 PM
My cocker was not gassed up and loaded. My phantom, which I had been using all day was gassed up and had a few rounds in it I believe.

But cmon its a phantom. Its pretty hard to accidentally pump it and then accidentally shoot someone, especially when its laying on a table.

02-08-2004, 03:40 PM
Still it's the whole concept of leaving a loaded gassed up marker unpluged. Stop making excuses just follow the rules.

Giving that Pendelton isn't much of a field they still need to be strict on safety. It only takes one random ball to hit some kid in the eye and closing the field.

02-08-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by LeatherPants
Still it's the whole concept of leaving a loaded gassed up marker unpluged. Stop making excuses just follow the rules.

Giving that Pendelton isn't much of a field they still need to be strict on safety. It only takes one random ball to hit some kid in the eye and closing the field.

hmmm. mayb if I was the only one with my barrel plug out I would have payed it. But the fact He CAME OVER to my table to try and catch me is what made me mad, when there was newbs walking around all over the place with no plugs, and kids standing by the chrono with no masks. The table next to me didnt have plugs in either. Just didnt make sense to me. O well I dont play there too often anyway.

02-08-2004, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz

hmmm. mayb if I was the only one with my barrel plug out I would have payed it. But the fact He CAME OVER to my table to try and catch me is what made me mad, when there was newbs walking around all over the place with no plugs, and kids standing by the chrono with no masks. The table next to me didnt have plugs in either. Just didnt make sense to me. O well I dont play there too often anyway.

You can't put this on anyone else. Yea it sucks that he came to you but that doesn't matter. You broke the rules you pay. Who cares if the other people had their plugs out. You still had yours out too.

Its like being caught speeding. The cop pulls you over in traffic where everyone is over the speedlimit. Hey you still were speeding who cares about everyone else.

02-08-2004, 10:30 PM
I also play at pendleton and love the $2 fine. I think it keeps people on their toes. The fine is probably the only good thing the refs at Pendleton have ever done:(

02-09-2004, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by the_next_guy_
I also play at pendleton and love the $2 fine. I think it keeps people on their toes. The fine is probably the only good thing the refs at Pendleton have ever done:(

ya the refs there are really bad. One thing that pushed me over the edge was when I called called out for OBVIOUS spray this weekend. I was in behind some bushes in a bad spot just getting rained on. It was clearly not a hit, but the guy who shot was yelling, and the ref listened to him, called me out because of it. Ahhh so frustrating......

02-09-2004, 02:32 PM
I think the fine might be a bit excessive but a fine isn't a bad idea. I've never played at Pendelton. Fields any good?

02-09-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
I was talkin to some other guy today and he said the refs are underpayed, and this is worked into their paycheck or something. Kind of like how tips sometimes are worked into how much a waitress gets paid I think. So if they dont catch anybody, they make less than minimum wage. Odd.

What is your problem with the rule. If you keep your mask down and your gun plugged you shouldn't have to worry about it.

If a waittress does a really good job you give her a good tip. Why shouldn't the refs get some of the money for doing a good job too?

02-09-2004, 06:39 PM
So my understanding is that the guy who started this thread took his mask off KNOWING that he shouldnt and got a 2 dollar fine, then didnt have his cover on 2 seperate guns even though he knew better and got another 4 dollar fine...........................ummmmm how wrong can the reff's be when you know you are breaking the rules of the field?

basic firearm safety states that you always assume the worst can happen,what if some newbie was at the table next to yours and saw your covers off of 2 of your guns and decided to take his off and clean his barrel and POW....someone loses and eye....you just set the example and helped create a bad situation.

barrel covers and mask's are required equipment for a reason and as a reff it always gets under my skin when people think they are above it.
I like to feel safe in the staging area and people dry firing, or hanging around without covers in doesnt sit well with me.

sounds simple to me, keep your cover on, keep your mask on and you wont have to shell out any dough.


02-09-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz
Im not saying its a bad policy, if properly done. I dont think they should go hunting for people breaking rules just so they can make a buck. If someone is blatantly breaking a rule, then sure, I wouldnt complain about 2 bucks. But its just the way it was handled.

I was talkin to some other guy today and he said the refs are underpayed, and this is worked into their paycheck or something. Kind of like how tips sometimes are worked into how much a waitress gets paid I think. So if they dont catch anybody, they make less than minimum wage. Odd.

Where in that post did I see I had a problem with the rule? I said it was not enforced properly. :confused:

I was also complaining about being singled out all day, does that have anything to do with me saying its a bad rule... :confused: :rolleyes:

THIS IS THE WAY I THINK IT SHOULD BE HANDLED. I think the refs should make no less money, therefor not be forced to hunt people down to earn a salary. When someone is breaking a rule, sure fine them, or warn them, up to the ref and the situation.

Never once did i say i had a problem with the rule, just the way it was enforced. Please read my posts thoroughly. thanks

02-09-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by pito189

Why shouldn't the refs get some of the money for doing a good job too?

youve obviously never played at this field.....

Road Dawg...the fields are decent. Its not bad for cheap recball. Its no SC, or even Tombstone, but its not a bad spot when your broke. Theres barely any speedball. One course, but its alright. They are working on 1 or 2 courses now though.

02-09-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by WicKeD_WaYz

Where in that post did I see I had a problem with the rule? I said it was not enforced properly. :confused:

I was also complaining about being singled out all day, does that have anything to do with me saying its a bad rule... :confused: :rolleyes:

THIS IS THE WAY I THINK IT SHOULD BE HANDLED. I think the refs should make no less money, therefor not be forced to hunt people down to earn a salary. When someone is breaking a rule, sure fine them, or warn them, up to the ref and the situation.

Never once did i say i had a problem with the rule, just the way it was enforced. Please read my posts thoroughly. thanks

You broke the rules and got busted which part of the rules being enforced was wrong?
You already knew fines were in operation after the first fine, so you have no defence. If you think you were being picked on then think about this who is most likely to break the rules the person who hasn't done it before or the already guilty person...you were being watched as prior offenders are the mot likely to offend again...oh same theory as the police use ;)
Already been posted that the refs don't get the money unless the owner decides to give it to them.
I think the introduction of this idea would be a wonderful thing to do and probably needed if we are to get the TV thing going...afterall they fine football players etc for infractions off field.
You Phantom was live..it doesn't matter that it is a pump marker it was live and by your own admission had paintballs in it...Do you think that you should get two chances as the first time was just an accident? Tell that to the person with only one eye, what you gonna say "oh it's ok you have another one to see with".
It may sound like I am attacking you and in a way I would guess I am but only with commonsense, suck it up you broke the rules and paid the price ...litrally! Better the $2 fine than a lawsuit from the blinded persons law firm.

02-10-2004, 01:04 AM
alright guys, I can see this is an attack Ryan's morals thread now. lol. :) So let me help you all out...

Ill admit it...Im a hardheaded punk who dislikes barrel plugs to an extreme. I hate walking off the field with my mask on because Im so sweaty, it fogs up and I cant see and/or breathe. So i usually lift it a little for some airflow. I have a serious anger management thing and it kicks in sometimes when it shouldnt. I also get in many many fights on and off the paintball field, verbal and physical. Sometimes I feel like hitting the ref, but I dont. Im too broke and hardheaded to pay all the fines, but I payed one of them. Happy now guys? Crusify me. haha my slate is clean.

i was just checking to see if this was happening anywhere else...nevermind i guess lol