View Full Version : Impulse (with vision) VS. RT ULE Custom

02-08-2004, 02:36 AM
OK, I NEED help im think of buying a Imp and im thinking of buying a Black RT ULE. Don't Know much about both guns, and Im think of getting the Imp, but I think the RT is sweet to. Don't know what to do?!?! :confused:

Help PLZ!!!!

02-08-2004, 02:47 AM
hahaha wow this is weird. I was in the SAME position as you, didn't know which one to get. I ended up ordering a RT-ULE from Rogue, but a week later i started talking to my friend who's getting out of paintball, and he's probably gonna sell his Imp to me. I'll let you know which one I like better once i have both!

02-08-2004, 04:26 AM
Well, i have an RT Pro and a b2k. The B2k is better stock than the imp, so I will use it to compare. The only bonus a mid level electro will have on an RT Pro is fire power. ULE RT Pro about the same weight or sometimes less, lower profile, no electronics, and mags just feel so much nicer in your hands. Unless the imp has ups I hear they aren't very good. My B2k is also less efficient than my RT Pro.

02-08-2004, 06:21 AM
There is some risk of shootdown with an imp. A friend has an imp, and it has pretty bad shootdown. Not gonna happen with a RT (26+ bps without shootdown, wohoo!). A mag is also considerably lower and smaller than an imp, and lighter. My SS classic weighs less than my friends imp, so with all aluminium ith should be even lighter. Although, an imp with vision, nice ups and a good trigger can really rip! With lpr it is also more efficient than a mag.

02-08-2004, 10:56 AM
It depends what you like. Mech or Electro? (assuming you have shot both before). Also try to test out each gun yourself first but if you cant do that I would say go with the mag less matinence and if your ordering the ULE mag all the upgrades are done already for you.

02-08-2004, 10:58 AM
www.paintballwholesalers.com look for the stock imp without vision, its 425 and includes vert maxxy, blade trigger, sp stickys, and a tapeworm. Then get a was board from www.e-paintballoutlet.com when they get the bugs worked out of them, you'll have the best gun for 575 you can find.

02-08-2004, 01:27 PM
ya thanks help a lot guys I think im going to get the mag because it has all the good stuff on it. dont want ot deal with buying more stufff for the imp.

Oh ya, SpecialBlend2786 tell me what you think after you get my e-mail is [email protected]

02-08-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Barfly
Well, i have an RT Pro and a b2k. The B2k is better stock than the imp, so I will use it to compare. The only bonus a mid level electro will have on an RT Pro is fire power. ULE RT Pro about the same weight or sometimes less, lower profile, no electronics, and mags just feel so much nicer in your hands. Unless the imp has ups I hear they aren't very good. My B2k is also less efficient than my RT Pro.

I also own a B2K and an RTP.
My B2K is much more efficient than my RTP.
I don't think a B2K comes out of the box better than an Imp.The B2K needs upgrades on the regs and needs a new board to rip(older ones anyway).The Imp needs pretty much nothing other than a new trigger or adjustments to the stock one,and a tapeworm to rip.
I use the RTP more often because it simply does not break paint.

02-08-2004, 02:40 PM
Go with the RT ULE Custom. The only reason I can think of to get the Imp, is if you have girly fingers. But I can fan the stock RT ULE Custom without ULT or anything really fast.. It doesnt take much effort. The Imp is huge and heavy compared to the ULE RT Pro (and dont even say it isnt, my friend has an impulse)
The RT Pro looks nicer, and wont chop paint at all. You can drop it in a lake and pull it out and it will still work.
The ONLY reason I could EVER think of for not buying a mag, is if I needed to shoot ALOT of paint, and was afraid of running out of air. Mags don't have the best efficiancy. However, no one should need to shoot that much. I was playing hopper ball the other day and a hopper would last me about 2 games and in each of those games I got atleast 2 people out, 3-4 in some.