View Full Version : Will a damaged HPA mini gauge be a problem?

02-08-2004, 11:35 AM
While working on my MiniMag last night I noticed that the mini gauge of my Nitro Duck is damaged. The exterior plastic has several cracks, and the gauge itself is bent: the gauge doesn't sit parallel to the tank anymore, though the stem itself does not appear to be bent where it screws into the reg.

The tank does not leak and holds a fill for a good while, so the damage to the gauge appears to be only cosmetic. Could this lead to an immediate problem? Could this be a safety hazard? Should I eat the $20 and get a new mini gauge?

Any opinions on the mini gauges from Dye, SP, and 32 etc, I can't seem to find a shop online that carries Nitro Duck gauges?

- Rich B

02-08-2004, 11:54 AM
Potentialy. Mine are the same way. But when you get you tank filled they should have a gauge that will also read the pressure in your tank. next time you go to get it filled I would just ask them to check you gauge and see if it still works. I hve the big nitro duck ones and they are both bent at least 10* and the still function normally. As for cracked plastic all that does is protct the needle so it doesn't get bent. If it does replace it.

02-08-2004, 01:41 PM
my friend has a tank with the gague smashed up and no needle on it at all, Its okay though cause the tank still works, the gauge just doesn't

the only problem with the tank gauge not working is getting really really low velocity on a mag when you run out of air you dont know it, it kinda sucks

02-08-2004, 02:30 PM
Im just pounding my head on my desk over safety issues in paintball...

Here it is, paintballs in the air, safe, goggle standards so high that anything to the speed it would take to damage goggles would not allow paintball to support itself in the air. Goggles safe.

30 shots - well, questionable, but I really don't think overshooting is as big a deal as some think it is - I will agree to disagree for this thread.

Aggressive tactics - I think this is #2 on list of dangers not related to enviromental factors.

Air tanks - #1. We have these things that hold a tremendous amount of pressure, six inches from our head, and we seem to disregard them. I don't know about you, but anything meant to hold 3,000 PSI or more that is that close to my head, is not going to be toyed wtih, if its questionable and $20 fix the thing. I ordered two new tanks this year I feel so strongly about this aspect. BTW... I once was taking a guage out, tank had about 2200 lbs of pressure in a 91CI tank, was after a long day, wasn't paying attention, blew the guage out, tank bounced into my leg hard enough to bruise, then bounced off the floor, over my bed and onto the floor - glad it didnt take out the wall and window. So, if the $20 gauge is questionable, replace the thing.

02-08-2004, 05:10 PM
A bent gauge is not a saftey issue. I broken one is.$20 is alot to most players. If it aint broke dont fix it. The gauge is not going to explode.

02-08-2004, 05:35 PM

I agree with all of your points. I certainly didn't want to imply that I don't take safety seriously when playing, because I'm pretty adament about it.

My question though is more towards whether the gauge itself represents a safety issue or not, whether the design of a mini gauge is more cosmetic and functional as opposed to 'necessary' to the integrity of the tank.

If minor blemishes in the gauge were a grave concern, I'd have to replace it after every day on the field. Inevitably, the gauge is going to take an impact, be it a direct paintball hit, a dive to the dirt, a bump up against a tree, or just getting snagged up in a belt/harness loop. If I don't do these things that could potentially damage my gear, well, I'm probably not having fun with the game. I'm not one to stand up in the middle of a trail for fear of getting dirty ... I'm belly-crawling through the thickets.

The gauge was slightly cock-eyed when I purchased the tank two years ago. I only noticed last night though that it's position on the stem had gotten worse. What I am wondering is: Does damage to the gauge mean "Light fuse and get away?" or can I at least handle the tank while pressurized long enough to get it to an airsmith? If I see a friend or teammate's tank in the same shape at the field, do I order them to condemn it, or does it last through the remainder of the day?

Frankly, I'd be hesitant to replace the gauge myself, as I would much rather trust a qualified person to do that for me.

Another question that comes to mind is, are the gauge stems for different brands of tanks threaded differently, or is the design universal?

As for your other list of safety concerns, I'd rank negligent field owners at #1, above all else. I played - ONCE - at a field that featured a mock town. I thought it was all very cool, until I took cover in a hut, turned up against a window, and managed to stop myself about 10 inches from a 4 inch long nail sticking through a board that was at about the height of my temple. My team and I haven't gone back to that field in ten years.

Not once have I ever had a safety concern playing amongst friends outlaw-style. Everytime I take a walk-through at a field though, I'm worried about gopher holes, obstacle construction, the guy with three teeth and eight fingers running the fill station, etc...

- Rich B

02-08-2004, 08:44 PM
I cracked the face of a minigauge clean off a few weeks ago, and just as long as the needle isnt harmed it doesnt really matter..:)

02-08-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Lohman446
Im just pounding my head on my desk over safety issues in paintball...

Here it is, paintballs in the air, safe, goggle standards so high that anything to the speed it would take to damage goggles would not allow paintball to support itself in the air. Goggles safe.

30 shots - well, questionable, but I really don't think overshooting is as big a deal as some think it is - I will agree to disagree for this thread.

Aggressive tactics - I think this is #2 on list of dangers not related to enviromental factors.

Air tanks - #1. We have these things that hold a tremendous amount of pressure, six inches from our head, and we seem to disregard them. I don't know about you, but anything meant to hold 3,000 PSI or more that is that close to my head, is not going to be toyed wtih, if its questionable and $20 fix the thing. I ordered two new tanks this year I feel so strongly about this aspect. BTW... I once was taking a guage out, tank had about 2200 lbs of pressure in a 91CI tank, was after a long day, wasn't paying attention, blew the guage out, tank bounced into my leg hard enough to bruise, then bounced off the floor, over my bed and onto the floor - glad it didnt take out the wall and window. So, if the $20 gauge is questionable, replace the thing.

Up for Safty Lohman446. Glad it didnt take out your head. I said it before Ill say it again. Be aware be Informed BE SAFE

As for your other list of safety concerns, I'd rank negligent field owners at #1, above all else. I played - ONCE - at a field that featured a mock town. I thought it was all very cool, until I took cover in a hut, turned up against a window, and managed to stop myself about 10 inches from a 4 inch long nail sticking through a board that was at about the height of my temple. My team and I haven't gone back to that field in ten years.

Did you make someone aware of this so it could be taken care of?

Not once have I ever had a safety concern playing amongst friends outlaw-style.

This in itself is a concern IMO

A bent gauge is not a saftey issue. I broken one is.$20 is alot to most players. If it aint broke dont fix it. The gauge is not going to explode.

You might want to be MORE aware and informed. Its not 3000psi it could be 4500psi. There is no Price for Safty first

02-08-2004, 09:34 PM
I just don't buy the reason $20 is a too much. We pay what for paint... the consumption of paint alone probably dwarfs all of our spending in a year except for the most expensive markers. I'm sure there are exceptions but persoanlly, I don't trust myself to judge if a problem on a tank is only cosmetic or not.

02-09-2004, 03:37 AM
well I'm using a 3000psi tank as a pillow during a game .. i'm not gonna mess around! Its hyrdro'ed every 3 years to the day, all guages are working and NOT bent and I most certainly would invest $20 to make sure it doesn't blow up in my face during play ... is an eye worth $20? Is too me...