View Full Version : erratic emag velocity... help please

02-08-2004, 04:13 PM
Ok, quick question for everyone. So I went out and played yesterday for the first time in a while, and I experienced some problems w/ my emag. The only one I couldnt take care of on the field wasa gradual decrease in my velocity as I shot. Every other game or so I'd have to turn the reg about an 1/8 or a bit more to keep shooting. Also, I experienced a very erratic velocity, jumping between 210 and 260 without making any adjustments. Wondering what you guys think is wrong. I'm guessing that the reg just needs to be cleaned and regreased, but not quite sure. Oh, and if you need more info on my setup,

68/4500 flatline input at about 900 psi

thanks in advance for the help.

02-09-2004, 03:06 AM
I would try what you said and regrease and clean your reg. It sounds like it also could be your tank. I knew this guy that had an older flatline that would do that sometimes especially when the humidity was high.