View Full Version : Long term effects of paintball

09-17-2001, 06:41 PM
Here's some food for thought:

Assuming a person plays paintball once per week, getting shot 2 times every day he plays. That's 104 bruises a year. (And thats for only 2 bruises a week, not to mention more serious bruises that break the skin, or people that play more or just natrually get shot more :) )

Remember what a bruise is: Bleeding under the skin. Is it healthy to be bruised that much? Will that have any long term effects on the body?

09-17-2001, 06:49 PM
We'll have to check with like a doctor or something. They always know...I wouldn't.

09-17-2001, 06:50 PM
ok, someplayers dont get bruised when they get hit, LOL, but it is intresting.

09-17-2001, 07:33 PM
I've personally only had one bruise from paintball in my life, on my neck. And I've been shot 87 times in one game....

09-17-2001, 07:36 PM
I don't bruise when I get hit unless it is very very close!
It kinda sucks becasue i don't have any battle scars to show my freinds.

09-17-2001, 07:44 PM
i always get shot in the mask and gun. the body i dont get hit that much.

09-17-2001, 09:51 PM
Within reason. :)
I'm 35. I used to be a very high level soccer player & a shortlived professional snowboard racer (GS and Super G). Now I'm starting to feel my age a bit. Enough that it's lit a fire under my butt to get active again. I look forward to a little pain with my effort.

As long as you aren't getting hit in the same spot week after week, I imagine your body can handle it.


09-17-2001, 09:58 PM
Well, I rarely get bruised too (Unless it's being bunkered, which NEVER happens to me! *whistles innocently* ;) ) but I'm sure that welts are pretty much the same thing, bleeding under the skin or somthing close to that.

Luckily, as players get more skilled at the game they get hit in the gun/hopper/fingers/mask alot more then the body (Unlike the poor newbies whpo misjudge distance, try to run to a new bunker and get a mouth full of E-mag supplied paintballs :)

09-18-2001, 02:35 PM
LOL jas142:)

09-18-2001, 05:33 PM
I guess that you won't be joining the rugby team then... ;)

09-18-2001, 07:17 PM
will it have any long term effects...i'm not sure, but I do know that you can drink a pint of blood before you get sick.

09-18-2001, 07:34 PM
i almost always get shot in the body but almost never get a bruise

09-18-2001, 08:21 PM
I'd say you're probably staying healthier playing paintball and get a few minor bruises then sitting on your duff.Anyways, most of the time when I get shot it's to the mask or head. Heck, I get more bruises in 1 hour of a football game than I do in 3 hours of paintball. I never seem to bruise if they break

09-19-2001, 07:27 AM
Do you think this is "healthy"??


Here's the story behind the smiley-faced bruise that mocks me! My team's co-captain organized a paintball game at a local field for the people that he works with. NONE of them had played paintball before and about 20 guys showed up for the day. Since his boss wanted another person there who was an experienced player so they could divide into fair teams, I was asked to go along. Sure! I don't mind playing with newbies...especially when someone else is paying!

I was tagged out during a game, barrell plug in, and walking off the field. I came to a cross-roads in the path, contemplated which way would be faster off the field, and while I was standing there...POP!!...I was shot from 5 feet away by a newbie hiding in the bushes.

Hope you enjoy the pic!

-= MagProphet
http://members.home.net/sloves/images/Smiley.jpg http://members.home.net/sloves/images/Smiley.jpg

09-19-2001, 07:40 AM
MagProf, that is an awsome bruise. I had one that looked like Earnest Borgnine once, but I didn't take a picture. My buddy had one that looked like Jesus. He took a pic(I don't have it) and sent it to the Vatican to see if it could be proclaimed a miracle! (Awwww...your going to hell for that one!) :p

09-19-2001, 07:59 AM
I can, wihout a doubt, say that I am the expert on bruising. I bruise REALLY easy. When I play on a big game day, I sometimes may get hit 10-20 times per game (six or seven games a day) tring to do objectives or something. So my body looks like a connect the dots.
Paintball bruises are called compression injuries. Meaning that your skin acts as a trampoline for the ball to hit. My skin just happens to bruise and bleed easy under the surface, so alot of times on a "hot" hit, i will get a four or five inch bruise. They look bad, but they don't hurt at all.
Since I've been playing speedball, I rarely get hit in the body anymore, its mostly barrel and hopper shots.
So for me speedball is a less damaging game.
If you keep getting shot in the exact same area over and over, you may form scar tissue under the skin that lead to cysts. I haven't had any of those, but a friend of mine did. He hit an area that had already been bruised by a softball injury, and a cyst formed on it.. It was pretty nasty getting that cut out.