View Full Version : Strange Occurrences or pure BS

02-09-2004, 03:58 AM
Anyone have any strange paintball stories, "or one in a million shots" that they have done or seen happen while playing paintball?

I was playing one day and I saw a guy get a paintball shot into his barrel. It seemed like it happened in slow motion!

Ive also shot some curve balls around Airball bunkers, balls that seem to hook 90degrees and gog people. lazer guided paintballs:eek: :D

Kaiser Bob
02-09-2004, 04:08 AM
a lot of weird things happen with curves. ive had the pleasure of playing in monsoon conditions, so when the ball hits a drop of water it imparts a hell of a lot of spin. A couple of mine looked they they stopped dead and went straight up! Definitely a neat thing to see.

02-09-2004, 04:14 AM
My friend was wearing a shirt with a front pocket once. After a few games we came in and somehow he had a paintball in his pocket...

Another time, i was using some guys flatlined m98. I fired off a few rounds at him, and he got out. When i went to visit him in the dead box, and one of my paintballs had gotten stuck in the fold of his coller. it was weird.

02-09-2004, 04:16 AM
once i had a ball hook around some hyperball tube and gog someone. Well, after the game the people on the sidline said it bounced off a rib of one of the other tubes, some said it hooked. All i know is the dude was perplexed for the rest of the day. I was shooting some evil that day.

And i had the same deal, but i cought a ball between my pack and my stomac.

50 cal
02-09-2004, 07:17 AM
I was playing a scenario game at Bearclaw Paintball a few years ago and this guy would only show one half of his googles through this hole in a bunker. My bud Joey said a Corona at Hooters if you can hit his googles the next time. It was a good 40yds through the woods. He barely peeked his gogs up just a bit, I fired just as he started to look my way and tagged him. I don't know who was more surprised, him or me.

Got my Corona later too.

02-09-2004, 07:23 AM
I have caught a paintball once while I was comming in to a bunker. As I went in for a hip slide my hand went back and in the process nabbed a paintball. I didnt hold on to it long enough to put it in my hopper and shoot it back though. :)

02-09-2004, 07:56 AM
last week I shot some guy under his mask and hit him in his bottom lip.

It was crazy ...I took 2 shots at him..Iknew I hit him but I didnt quite know where ..all of a suden I hear game over...and the dude walking off the field...turns out I shot him under his mask...hit him in the lip and all the paint shot in his mouth..

later that day it looked like he had a paintball inside his bottom lip..

I have never ever done that before.

02-09-2004, 09:29 AM
I had a paintball stick in the holes between the soft rubber part on the front of my mask once. I might have a pic of that somewhere, actually...

02-09-2004, 09:42 AM
Did the one in a million barrel shot to someone.Went down his barrel and hit the ball in the breach.It splattered paint back up into his hopper and out of the P/F.If we weren't using different color paint and shell combos,we probably wouldn't have believed it.

02-09-2004, 09:45 AM
I was at the Michigan Monster Game a few years ago and playing the official shooting duck and walking back and forth for the longballers in the woods to shoot at. This was of course with the requisite DING! sound when one of them hit me and I would turn and walk the other direction ( didnt break )

A friend of mine was out of paint, picked up a ball that bounced off me, and shot it back, gogged the guy with his own ball :)

I have been playing long enough to see people shoot balls down each others barrels, balls collide in mid air, lots of paintballs caught in all manner of places, and bunker bounces that create some very confused players when they get shot in the back on the rear beer can in a enclosed field.


02-09-2004, 09:57 AM
I had a ball fall inbetween my pack and jersey. Later that day I took my pack off and had a ball just sticking to my jersey.
A few years ago I was playing with my old classic timmy. Had some huge guages on the LPR and HPR. They stuck out about half an inch or so from the side of the marker. We where long balling with the other team and I got an incoming ball wedged inbetween the gun and guage. So I took it out and shot it back.

02-09-2004, 10:09 AM
I was playing this weekend, and one of the walkons was there with his dad.

Somehow amongst one of the matches a paintball landed in his shirt sleeve (he had his jacket cuffed at the end). We were waiting for the next game and he finds this ball in the sleeve. funny stuff.

02-09-2004, 10:15 AM
Two stories I remember very well.

1) This occured about ten years ago. My buddies and I were out playing in the Winter of '93, a pick-up game of 5 on 5. Most of us had old PMI Piranah pumps, Razorbacks, or Brass Eagle Nightmares. What was great about the old, closed bolt pumps though was that if the marker had been cycled, you could take at least one shot from virtually any position and angle.

I had been eliminated and was walking down an open path to the no-fire zone, when I witnessed what had to be the most spectacular 'intentional' shot I've ever seen, not ten feet from me. One player, on the other team, was chasing a teammate of mine (the flag runner) down the open path. They were both running full sprint. The trailing player's shots were rather erratic - trying to pump the auto trigger and sprint head long at the same time. My teammate being chased cocked his Piranah once, without looking turned the marker upside down over his shoulder, and pulled the trigger.

Square in the center of the goggles of the player behind him from about 40 feet.

2) At a big game about six or seven years ago, a teammate of mine and I were with a large pick-up group of about 30 players. We were at the base of a hill and pinned by the opposing team who had been dug in along the hill side. The other team really wasn't threatened by us with their advantage of elevation. Quite simply, they could shoot us, and we couldn't shoot them.

Our group retreated to form a plan, and the fire died down. Every once in a while, someone would take a shot at a silhouette up the hill, which would prompt both teams to unload on each other, despite the fact nobody could hit anything at the ranges we were separated.

This went on for about two or three minutes while our group decided what to do. Eventually, some loud mouth on the opposing team opened up out of frustration, screaming "How do you like that buddy?!" as he emptied half a case at us. His shots rolled up at our feet, and he never hit one of us.

In a brief period of dead silence, my teammate screams back, "Shut up!" and aims his gun about 45* up in the general direction of the guy and pulls the trigger.

Three seconds later, from deep within the wooded hillside, we all hear the same voice, "$@!%, I'm out!"

02-09-2004, 10:43 AM
I got shot down my barrel twice in the last 2 years.

A few years ago I gogged a guy with my pump gun. He was looking through a two inch hole about 30 feet away. I was under heavy fire from a couple of semi-autos, one being the guy looking through the hole past his gun. I was in trouble so I jumped up took one shot and ducked back down before they could react. I shot through the hole and gogged him. It was sweet. Boy was he suprised.

Using my trusty pump, I picked a guy off with one shot while he was at a full run at about 60ft away.

In a big game about 5 of us were crawling in some tall grass at one edge of the field. We were spread out and could hear the other team approaching. We were going to be outnumbered by at least 2 to 1 from what I could tell, so we just stayed quiet and waited. The other team guys decided to crawl since they thought it would be better to sneak up our "unguarded" side. It was quite funny when I could hear their leader a few feet in front of me saying, I think we're getting close. He reached forward and parted the clump of grass I was positioned behind. As he parted the grass he slide forward and pushed his head forward to get a better view "of my barrel" that was poking throught he grass clump. Not a word was spoken. He stood up and declared "I'm out." His guys were all, "What? How can you be out?" It was hilarious. He just walked away like a gentleman. Dead men don't talk.

02-09-2004, 11:34 AM
I think the most impressive "1 in a million" event I saw was several years ago a local field. For whatever reason, the local hotshots and team was playing against the rental and recball players in a big game.

One of the renters had a tippman grenade as they often do and he was itching to use it. So he yells "GRENADE!" as you are supposed to and lobs it high into the air toward the 4 or 5 tourney guys closest to him. They all spot the grenade, open fire on it, and blow it right back to him! Now it did not him directly but where it landed took out on of the recbal players. I was reffing that game and laughing pretty hard on that one.

02-09-2004, 11:36 AM
My favourite thing to do is get on one side of a large open field, and let a guy with a flatline shoot at you. The balls sort of float, and you can dodge them a la matrix or even pick them out of the air if you've got soft hands.

Actually, I've caught balls out of the air while reffing in castle games in the woods. It's kind of amusing...

*catch the ball out of the air*
"here dude, have another paintball"
"where'd you get this"
"The other team was giving it to you, I just intercepted it before it went over your head"

02-09-2004, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
Did the one in a million barrel shot to someone.Went down his barrel and hit the ball in the breach.It splattered paint back up into his hopper and out of the P/F.If we weren't using different color paint and shell combos,we probably wouldn't have believed it.

That happened to me. cept I was on the recieveing end. All I knew was I just started exploding paint down the barrel. Could not figure out why till after the game was over. And I got plenty of witnesses to this one. We were shooting two totaly differnt color fills too. And I took some pictures to show it and posted it here about a year ago. Went right in the barrel and broke futher down in and some of it made it all the way to the bolt. A tiny bit did. That post is here somewhere.

02-09-2004, 12:39 PM
back in the day, about 8 or so years ago. Shooting my first ever owned marker, a F-2 illustrator.

Playing in a woods feild in Waco, TX. I started to run out of air, got the full auto sound. Pointed my gun up in the air to see if I could see how far it would shoot. Well not very far and it fell on this VERY well hidden guy in some thick brush/tree. Smacked him right on top of his head.

02-09-2004, 01:07 PM
playing at a tourny a couple of weeks ago i was sweet spoting off the break and walking and i see a guy and start shooting at him, he tunrs around and shoots at me and i see a orange paintball flying at me but i didn't move and i shot and the ball broke like 5 ft from me i stoped for a second and then kept shooting. i was just like 'uh.....did that just happen?'

02-09-2004, 01:07 PM
I've duelled with a friend with PT Extremes, one shot each, and they hit in mid air. Was freaky as hell and witnessed by the guy standing between us calling the turn to fire. If I hadn't been there and participated I would never have believed it.

I've also been shot down the barrel, and shot others down the barrel.

02-09-2004, 01:11 PM
Had a buddy that had a backup with him in case his gun went down.... a slingshot.

The field we play at has a large tree on a dirt mound in one area, and he was using his autococker, both of them were 10 feet apart trying to pop over the dirt mound to shoot one another. His cocker chopped a ball, and the bolt locked on him.

He grabbed his sling shot, picked up a ball on the ground dove around the endge of the dirt mound and nailed the guy right in the back of the hand.

I would not have believed it had I not been reffing the game, and i was 15 ft away when it happened.


02-09-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by StygShore
Had a buddy that had a backup with him in case his gun went down.... a slingshot.

The field we play at has a large tree on a dirt mound in one area, and he was using his autococker, both of them were 10 feet apart trying to pop over the dirt mound to shoot one another. His cocker chopped a ball, and the bolt locked on him.

He grabbed his sling shot, picked up a ball on the ground dove around the endge of the dirt mound and nailed the guy right in the back of the hand.

I would not have believed it had I not been reffing the game, and i was 15 ft away when it happened.


They need to chrono that thing :D

02-09-2004, 01:19 PM
I have purposefully bounced paint off an airball bunker to hit someone before. I guess that's not a freak occurence, but it was pretty freakin' sweet and it won us the game!

02-09-2004, 02:13 PM
HAHA, awesome stories! keep em coming!
I was playing at Badlandz one time, and this guy was reloading his hopper behind his bunker. I got a good angle on him and shot him a couple of times and instead of just raising his hand to call himself out he raised his gun over his head and dumped his still open, freshly reloaded, hopper out on his head. It was near the end of the game and a lot of people who had been shot out were standing by watching, I yelled out "that's called the waterfall effect" and everyone cracked up, except for the guy who felt the wrath of the "waterfall effect"..haha that was funny.

02-09-2004, 02:15 PM
i went to a field 2 weeks ago with a lot of co workers. since they are all noobs i ran to the 60, or there 40 :confused: ? of course they all starting pinning me down but they were not close enough to get a good shot. someone kept lobbing balls inside my bunker and they were landing on my lap. by the time i had 10-15 balls just laying on me i put my gun down and just starting throwing paintballs at them from behind the bunker. it took them a few shots to get me but everyone was cracking up.

02-09-2004, 02:29 PM
In a MICT tournament, my mirror and I where exchanging paint (I was back left) our paintball meet at the 50 and exploded. Very interesting to see.

Later Hills

02-09-2004, 02:52 PM
i was playing with a few neighbors in a open field last summer and i was wearing a pocket t shirt so when the game was over everyone was out i went over to the hose in my friends yard as everyone was walking over i bent over to pick up the hose and like 4 paintballs fell out of my pocket in my shirt and everyone saw it and was amazed it was prety cool

02-09-2004, 03:00 PM
Slingshot = around 224 fps actualy when we chronied it :)


02-09-2004, 03:10 PM
Slid into a air bunker at a (then) local field and pulled the plug on it. It started shrinking and I was like "WTH?" Definatly an odd occurance as I tried to scramble to my next bunker (didn't make it).

I've also managed to bounce a ball off of a air bunker and get my center player before. It was my paint and no one else was using that color so we knew it was mine.

02-09-2004, 03:30 PM
1. My friend was using my spyder, at the time it was very erratic and chrono'd like 279, 325, 409, 357, it was bad. My current teammate was running to the other side when he got ambushed. He yelled out, "retreat, retreat" and started running back. He ended up taking two shots to the adams apple by my friend (his teammate) with my really HOT spyder. Knocked him off his feet, and we almost had to take him to the hospital. Coincidentally both of their names were Andy.

2. I shot my brother right up his barrel once. He couldn't figure it out.

3. I had a nice one shot kill by sticking my mag barrel through a hole in my bunker and lobbing a paintball to the back right guy. He was perplexed.

4. I was playing with my eblade and we were on a short indoor field. I saw a player in the window and I ran up to bunker him, but I called surrender because that was the rules. To my dismay, about 6 little kids, none could've been over 12 yrs old all stood up and walked away. Had one of those been a tourney player.. I would've got lit up.

5. I have a video of me reloading, and some guy bunkered me so I got really startled and shook all the paintballs out of my hopper with a quick twitch. They just flew everywhere.

6. One time my teammate (same Andy that got shot in #1) had a gun jam. He was in an air bunker with the opposition in the same bunker, (other side). He took out a handful of paintballs to throw at the guy, and hopped over the bunker, instead of throwing them, he just dropped them all because he got lit up so bad it hurt.

7. Lastly, not really paintball related, but on our way to paintball my teammate forgot his wallet so we drove back in his driveway and he hopped out and ran up to his house. He had one of those basketball hoops with the adjustable rim height, he didn't even see it until it closed lined him and he was flat on his back. Huge lump on his forehead. The close lining was so bad, he scraped the top of his feet bloody (he was wearing sandles). Not sure how you get the top of your feet that bad, but he did.

02-09-2004, 03:33 PM
Well yesterday a guy just turn on his tank and the vertical asa of his intimidator blew off.

02-09-2004, 03:34 PM
I have been the victim of the bounce at Atomix and T.I.P. - Usually they say at Atomix that shooting the cieling is not allowed, but it still happens to me at least once a day out there. T.I.P. was an almost every game ocurrence when I was down there last year.

Sitting deep behind a bunker watching a stream of paint hit the cieling and deflect down 10 inches in front of me slpattering and pooling up - tell me that guy hadn't done that before!!!


02-09-2004, 04:12 PM
I just remembered a funny occurance. We were playing a big game. About 100 on 100. Our team cleaned out one of the towns and most of our team moved on to another part of the field. Three or four of us went to get the last guy in the corner behind a large horizontal stack of pallets before we moved on as well. A couple of guys layed down a stream of paint to hold the guy in and I went around the pallet about 10 feet out to the side. As I moved past the pallet, I yelled "Surrender!". To my surprise, about 10 guys put their hands up and walked off. Our guys had a big laugh. They probably would have had a bigger laugh if the opposition had lit me up. That could have been bad. Imagine 10 guys each putting 3 or 4 balls on you. Ouch.

02-09-2004, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by athomas
I just remembered a funny occurance. We were playing a big game. About 100 on 100. Our team cleaned out one of the towns and most of our team moved on to another part of the field. Three or four of us went to get the last guy in the corner behind a large horizontal stack of pallets before we moved on as well. A couple of guys layed down a stream of paint to hold the guy in and I went around the pallet about 10 feet out to the side. As I moved past the pallet, I yelled "Surrender!". To my surprise, about 10 guys put their hands up and walked off. Our guys had a big laugh. They probably would have had a bigger laugh if the opposition had lit me up. That could have been bad. Imagine 10 guys each putting 3 or 4 balls on you. Ouch.

I had something similar to this happen. Except it was like a 25 vs 25 game. Me and 2 others went down a hall and 1 snap shots at me and hits several inches away from me and I snapped a couple back and just barely missed. Well me and the other 2 slowly start moving up and we hear "we surrender!" So we let them come out and there was at least 7 of the 25 to our 3 come out with their arms up. It was funny.

The Deacon
02-09-2004, 04:31 PM
At a local scenario/big game, this kid was shooting down at myself and this guy I knew. We were just dodging his balls (it was a distance of probably 175 yards and an uphill shot with the wind in our faces) for a few miunutes, and my gun was chronoed in low, so I couldn't hit him. The guy I know looks at me and says, "I'm gonig to try something," and rips off a string on his Angel, tilted high. The kid pops out from behind the tree and gets hit by EVERY SINGLE BALL. Couldn't stop laughing after that one. And yes, he was chronoed in to a legal speed. :p

02-09-2004, 05:16 PM
My first rec-airball game I went two on three with a couple of friends, armed only with my purdy blue phantom and a bandolier of ten-round-tubes.

I ran to our 40 off the break, and started ducking out into the fire of the semi-toting opposition, trying to see what they were up to. I was extremely suprised, having not played airball before, at the utter lack of visibility one has when tucked in behind those booming airbags.

When I located the source of the oncoming fire - a can bunker housing two enemies, I popped out to fire... only to hear 'pop-hissss', the dreaded sound of a 12 gram running out of gas. A bit scared of being bunkered, I kept my head popping in and out while I was reloading, as if looking for a good shot. Suddenly, I saw one of my friends moving up, presumably on me.

As the 'thump-thump-thump' of his fire rained down on me, I tightened on the quick-seal, hoped for the best, and popped
up over the bunker, pumping off two quick rounds.

Much to my suprise, my first round collided with one of the incoming projectiles, bursting both in a mist of gelatin. Even more suprising, the second managed to tag my running friend, center mass.

Maybe not the most impressive occurance ever, but sure-as-hell impressive for a newbie pumper playing airball for the first time.

(BTW, that game ended with me sneaking around the snake and eleminating both remaining confused enemies.)


02-09-2004, 05:28 PM
I was watching a 1 on 1 at a local field about two years ago. Both guys popped out to snap shoot at the same time and several of their shots collided in mid-air. It was the coolest looking thing ever. Everyone just paused for a few seconds (even the guys playing), then they started to play again.

Hamster Huey
02-09-2004, 09:16 PM
I was playing some speedball 2 summers ago at Triangle Paintball in Raleigh, NC. It was a 5 on 5 game, give or take. Our team had lost one guy but managed to score a couple eliminations on the left side, leaving the flank weak. I ran up the tape and got completely behind the other team without being spotted. The nearest opponent was about 50 ft. away from me, and I had a completely open shot at his back. I didn't want to light up the guy too badly so I fired off two shots. The first one sailed over his head. The second one hit the lid of his hopper and bounced, causing the lid to flip open. The guy didn't notice at all and kept on playing. I was about to let loose another couple rounds when he got shot and eliminated by one of my teammates. Of course, the guy raises his gun to walk off the field and whoosh - out come all his paintballs, adding insult to injury. I felt a little bad, but I must admit I got nice little chuckle out of the whole thing.

02-10-2004, 12:55 AM
I got hit in the hand at Gold dragon, the ref saw me get hit in the hand and called me out, I didnt say a word, just opened my hand and was holding an unbroken ball, I was surprised and stunned, the ref motioned that I was still in, I did the deadman walk up to the guy that shot me and barrel tagged him. then gave him his paintball back

02-10-2004, 01:09 AM
Once I was driving off the field for lunch in my truck, there was still a game being played and I drove right past it with my windows down. A ball came through my driver window, out my passenger window right in front of my and my buddy, and hit some dude walking by right in the goggles. I thought it was pretty tight.

Wes Janson
02-10-2004, 01:44 AM
Was playing at my field, in a heavily mismatched game. 11 versus 26, we had the stronger side of the field but were badly outgunned and outnumbered. As I started to advance up the side, my mag suddenly stops functioning...shooting an effective shot only 1/2 or 1/3 of the time. I snuck up the side and opened fire on a group of people at long range, but only got bounces because of the low velocity. As I was moving forward to attempt a closer attack, some guy in the brush near me opened up. As I dove for cover I took easily 3-4 shots, and continued taking bounces and hits as I stood up, until finally he figured out that I was dead and stopped bonus balling. The refs had yelled at him to stop firing, my dad had yelled at him to stop, and I had shouted at him. I stand up, and look at my right shoulder, where he had hit me once or twice on the same spot. A ball had hit, broke, and stuck onto it's own paint. It was almost completely intact, an empty shell. I just plucked it off and threw it at him, then walked away.

02-10-2004, 03:59 PM
one time at a recgame it was down to my best bud and I, and he was hiding behind a bunker that I was just laying paint down on, untill I ran out of paint. I looked around real quick and saw ONE ball that had rolled to me, so I hurried up and shoved that in. By now he was snap-shooting back and I decided to make a run. As I was running I ACCIDENTALLY shot (had just got a trig. job done and wasnt used to the light pull) and the ball hit right at the base of the pallett-bunker. I thought I was screwed untill he jumped up using every word he knew to basically saw 'how the heck did that happen' pointing to a big splat on his knee. The ball found its way through a small hole where the bunker rested on the ground (kind of like a dog digs under a fence, but really, really small). I played it off like a 'dead-eye' shot, but it was pure luck. Never had anything like that happen ever again.


02-10-2004, 04:14 PM
i was in the deadbox when i saw that as one of my team mates was reloading, he pulled a pod out of his pack, and a ball went inyo the loop that he had just pulled his pack out of and stayed there (horizontal pods) i went an pulled out the ball after the game to make shure my eyes wernt fooling me. also, i got shot at, and a ball wedged itself in-between two of the fingers that i was grabbing my foregrip with, it didnt break, but just stuck in between the 2 fingers, lucky me

edit (Reading posts above me)- i also shot a guy in his hopper causing it to open and spill out all his paint.

Mag Master 04
02-10-2004, 09:23 PM
i have herd of balls coliding inthe air but its nuts when it happens multiple times in a few seconds, maybe 3 or 4 shots hit each other in mid air and created a paint mist and rained down on the taco, it was nuts, i have also experienced the ball down the barrel, and i was on good end:p but my favorite is boucing the balls off air ball bunkers and hitting yur opposition, haha i love it, but it sucks when the ref is close and u either hit him or he sees you do it and pulls yur arm band, haha

02-11-2004, 02:12 AM
I saw a guy open his revvy to reload and a single shot blow the lid off.

I watched as a paintball deflect off my lens and gog a ref.

02-11-2004, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by xXHavokXx
I saw a guy open his revvy to reload and a single shot blow the lid off.

I watched as a paintball deflect off my lens and gog a ref.

Another testament to the crappy quality of the BE revvys.

02-11-2004, 10:43 AM
About 2 years ago I was playing airball and had a down the barrel shot happen to me ... now at first I was "...hmmm couldnt be a ball break...I wasnt shooting at the time" But I wasnt going to think to hard on it I was in the middle of a game.( Funny how the logic isnt that great when your cranked up in game mode)I swabbed it out and went about the game.
So ...not more than 1 min later from the same side of the bunker (playing a stand up) and shooting the same player...I get another strange spray of paint from my barrel...wich didnt have any of MY paint going through it at the time!! 2 nd Down the barrel shot...by the same guy...in the same game.

Another one is when I used to play at Mare Island (RIP) and during the winter months the field would flood 1/2 way up one side. Almost no one would go play then so it was small groups...wich allowed for some playing around with shots without being to concerened about be shot out.
Thre was a game in wich it was 6 on 6 and I ran as far up the waterline tape as I could ...sloshing around and making as much noise as it seemed possible.
I got into my bunker and looked at a pallet bunker about 25ft ahead of me to see if I could move up. Well ...there was another player in the bunker already..who saw me enter my spot and he started unloading on me . Our bunkers were not mirrored they were slightly off set ...but both were on the water line so I started shooting low on his bunker (there was a small gap where I could see his foot sticking out) All of a sudden I break a ball in my barrel and the paint starts flying all over the place ... I was new at the time so I never had a swab of anything to clean out on the field...thus I just kept railing on the trigger until the paint cleared out the barrel.
Well..I started watching the ball skip off the lake of water next to me and noticed some were skipping into the the other guys bunker. Well ...I took about 10 more shots and ...I see the guy raise his marker up over the bunker and yell "HIT". He then marched over to my bunker and was laughing when He said ..." Man... I leaned out the opposite side of the bunker to see who was on the other tape line..all of a sudden I feel 2 hits on my back. I thought You bunkered me so I turn around and no one is there. I looked around for a secnd and saw your paint skipping off the water into my bunker!!!"

Eatem Alive
02-11-2004, 07:01 PM
I was playing on the speedball field at Carpet Bob's in American Canyon (Vallejo,ca) back in the days when we wore JT gogs only with no mask. I turned my head to yell out the other teams positions when a ball hit my front tooth and the whole mess went into my mouth. I turned and spit it out (it tasted incredibly horrible) and proceeded to ask the ref for a paint check which of course resulted in a "he's clean" Is that considered a form of wiping?

While playing in a tourney in Utah in '93, a member of the opposing team pulled the flag and ran away from me around a large bush.I cranked off a couple of shots and ran after him. Lo and behold when i rounded the bush there he was standing holding the flag in the air...eliminated. somehow one of those shots made a 90 degree turn and nailed him.

At the same tounrey, some guy's valve blew on his 20 oz. and it rocketed straight up about 100 to 150 feet. Around 200 hundred people watched as the tank plummeted downward at a Ferrari, missing it by 5 ft. It was funny to us but I think the owner of the car was dropping a serious load.

02-11-2004, 07:20 PM
Sorry that this isn't about paintball, but I just have to share. OK so I was playing a little texes holdem the other day right. So I got an 8h and 9d, so that is not bad so I bet and end up losing. Next hand I get an 8d and 9c, so I bet again and lose. Next hand I get a 8s and a 9h I bet and won, after that hand I fliped my cards and told them I got the same hand in different suits for the past three time, so I make a joke and say if I get the same thing agian I will kick you. Sure enough the next hand I got a 8c and a 9s, and I start kicking my friend. He thought I was just joking and thinks I bluff so I bet and I had a staight draw needed one 1 card and 2 were coming. So I bluffed and went all in and he called me. I ended up having nothing and he had a pair of 2s. I flipped my cards and everybody was in shock that I had a 8c and a 9s.

So I play the next day after telling other people my story, and they laugh. I delt out the cards and I got a 8s and a 9h. So I folded in shock and amazemnet and showed them my hand. They thought I rigged the deck to make a joke, so I explained I didn't and how it was imposible because I did a scramble shuffle.

I ended up winning $90 that night, but I just had to share my crazy game of poker that no one believes execpt for the people that played with me both days.

02-12-2004, 08:38 AM
I get balls shot down my barrel on about a weekly basis(literaly) but I don't know what my best story is, I have seen alot. Probably when a guy did a superman to a dorito and went right under it and ended at another bunker so that it looked intentional.

02-12-2004, 07:40 PM
I got a good one, once when I was playing my friend shot a paintball in my barrel, I thought I chopped at first but it wasn't the right color paint. the whole inside of my barrel was covered too. Also happened to my brother by the samme guy as well.

02-12-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by soccer4minimags
I got a good one, once when I was playing my friend shot a paintball in my barrel, I thought I chopped at first but it wasn't the right color paint. the whole inside of my barrel was covered too. Also happened to my brother by the samme guy as well.

Even though this sound un likely this happenes to everyone all the time. Just read this thread and that is all there is . I don't even know how many times I have goten shot down my barrel. Think of when when pop out to shoot what is exposed? Your barrel and hopper and part of you gun and your head so what dets hot the most? THis thing I just listed. Even though you think it went sraight down your barrel it probally didn't it most likely hit an edge and broke then tumbled through your barrel. Sorry to be a pooper on your parade I have just had enough of everyone telly the same story. Now if you look at my story it is different than everyones.

02-12-2004, 08:11 PM
At Shatnerball this past year, I was in a hut that was by the insertion point of Shatner's team. I was shooting out the window at the guys about 50 yards away in another hut. There was a guy behind me shooting out the window as well, and at the same time we noticed a guy run into the hut we were shooting at, and we both laid down fire.

We started talking, and as we were I noticed an orange paintball heading straight for my face. I quickly jerked my head to the left, and as I did I heard a THWACK sound, and I noticed the guy that was behind me got hit right inbetweeen the eyes.

Talk about a Matrix move.

02-12-2004, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
Did the one in a million barrel shot to someone.Went down his barrel and hit the ball in the breach.It splattered paint back up into his hopper and out of the P/F.If we weren't using different color paint and shell combos,we probably wouldn't have believed it.

I have had the exact same thing happen to me.
I was snap shooting against this guy on the Violators.One time we popped out and shot at each other at the same time a few shots.Went back in , and the next time I came out I had yellow and pink paint blowing out the barrel.My paint was yellow , his was pink.Completly blew our minds.

02-12-2004, 09:01 PM
When I saw someone get shot in the barrel the ball did not break. it just went in and got stuck. the guy took off his barrel and pushed it out with a squeegie. that's what was so wierd about it.

I also gogged a player with a stuffed animal taped to his waist, who was throwing paintballs instead of shooting them...perhaps an fellow A.O.er?:p