View Full Version : What upgrades do you have on your RT

02-09-2004, 10:16 AM
I own and automag RT custom and i am curious about what upgrades i can get for it. Right now I have

System X crade
3000 psi Pure energy tank
Lapco Bigshot barrel
Revy 12v hopper w/ x-board

Please post replys
thank you

02-09-2004, 10:35 AM
Did you buy your RT with all the goodies (ULT, ULE body, intelliframe)? In that case there isn't much you can do. Maybe a 4500 airsystem and a nice barrel system. Maybe a hyperframe? Although I think they look really ugly, and people have had trouble with them. If you want looks, then check out the AO vendors. Nicad bodies, Logic frames and rails etc.

02-09-2004, 10:38 AM
I bought a pewter ULE frame
no itteli or hyper
I dont think i want a new frame
But rails?
Got a website?

02-09-2004, 10:46 AM
Out of the top of my head:




02-09-2004, 12:32 PM
I own an RT, and I have upgraded it about as much as possible. Level 10 (I assume your gun has this, if not, get it, NOW), intelliframe, barrels to handle different paint sizes, AGD Flatline air system, egg, CP drop; that's what I've done with mine. I guess I could add a ULE body, but I prefer not to. The RT is a great mechanical marker, accurate, fairly quiet, and decently priced. I have had mine for over six years. Good luck upgrading yours.
