View Full Version : Tip Of The Day, part 2

09-17-2001, 06:58 PM

This is an old technique that was first developed by SWAT teams across the nation.

This is the way to penetrate a bunker,room or any other object that the other team is using as a shield. Do this every time. Every corner, every turn, every whatever.

Slicing the pie is done by quickly moving around a corner, by sidestepping, allowing more and more of the area around the corner to be exposed


This is a highly basic tactical maneuver, and is something VERY prevalent in a speed ball arean.

Out-flanking an opponent means descending in on his backside. The best method of flanking is by maneuvering around an opponent, usually by taking another path.I recommend the technique of wasting paint on this position, causing your opponent to "hold" his position.He'll hesitate, and while he hesitates, you can move around him for the take out.

The final key to outflanking your opponent is the timing. Once he realizes he is being flanked (if at all), he will react by turning to the flanker in almost every case.For that reason, the person that had originally held the opponent must decisively move in for the hit.This is called the squeeze, and in most cases guarantees the win.


Just as it says, be sure to check your backside, frequently. This very basic maneuver insures that you will not be needlessly shot in the back. It is the most basic of techniques for assuring your survival