View Full Version : Maybe No more Paintball For Me

09-17-2001, 07:52 PM
Sorry guys but I just might not be able to play for a VEEEEEEEEEEEERY long time, my mom said if I get just one zero in a class this year I won't be able to play paintball any more!, and I know I have a zero in a class, so I will have to try and persuade her to let me play becasue that grade thing that is coming out doesn't count for anything it is just a progress report, so wich me luck! And this couldn't come at a more worst itme the reports are coming like tommarrow and I have a turnoment saturday:mad:

09-17-2001, 07:56 PM
that sux, why is your mom doin this???

09-17-2001, 08:00 PM
heres a better question...
How do you get a zero in a class?

09-17-2001, 08:06 PM
i think he means a zero on a paper but im not sure.

09-17-2001, 11:52 PM
If your mom is cracking down on you because you are getting bad grades it is not hir fault. Parrents do this to kids as a motivator because they think that is the only way they can get a kid to excell.

The real questions you need to be asking yourself is not how do I pursuade my mom into letting me keep on playing. It is, How do I keep my grades up so I can keep on playing.

Paintball is a great sport and I love playing as much as everyone else but it is only a sport. Grades may not be important now but when you get out of school and try to find a job or go to college you will quickly find out that how you did in school will greatly affect how you do in life. Unless there is a great awakening and paintball becomes a professional sport like baseball where you get paied to play you will need your education for life. It is really hard to pay for your equipment when you are flipping hamburgers at McDonalds because you didn't apply yourself in school.

Don't take this as a flame or anything, It's just helpful advice from someone who didn't have the best grades early in High School but turned it around, went to college and graduated with a degree.:)

09-18-2001, 05:01 AM
I got a zero in my class becasue I ddin't hand the assignment in becasue I forgot and I can't hand it in now becasue there will be nno credit for it! My mom is doing this becasue last year I had alot of problems in english class and I almost didn't pass but I have had almost all A's this year and have been bringing home work home evrey night since school started in august!

09-18-2001, 05:35 AM
ooo that sux feel sorry for you :)

09-18-2001, 05:54 AM
Really, your mother's plan seems to be working. If she sticks to her guns, you won't play paintball for quite some time. This will probably stick in your memory much better than almost missing out on paintball but for your ability to cajole her into dismissing the punishment. Seems that you will be less likely to forget about an assignment in the near future.

Tough breaks, but parents have to be parents...the good ones do, anyway.

09-18-2001, 06:44 AM
every cloud has a silver lining. but not this one.

get better grades or else.

09-18-2001, 08:59 AM
Good for your Mom! Get off your behind and show her you can do it. Get organized, keep notes, do your work and become somebody. Your chances of making a living playing Paintball are very slim. Study dude! Make your Mom and us proud of you. No sympathy here sorry...