View Full Version : Really Sad story you need to read... (warning about site enclosed)

02-10-2004, 10:51 AM
Ok this is just sad. I had an Uncle that died sort of in this state of mind. He was so reclusive and contankerous that no one even found him for several weeks after he had died.

Now I gonna warn you though. Do not link any of these pictures here to this site. This site sends out very vulgar and pornographic pictures that ARE NOT the picture you linked to in order to keep people from using thier pictures. People have been banned from here for trying to link pictures from this site and those others show up instead. So do not even think about it.

And I also going to warn you there is language in the follow ups that is not allowed on here. And should not be brought here. Don't read it if you are offended.

But I thought it was important for you to read this and look at this ladies house. This woman is sick.

Something Awfull dot Com Thread about the Lady that saves everything (http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=830487&perpage=40&pagenumber=1-)

02-10-2004, 11:02 AM
Now, im not clicking the link because im at school... but if its what im thinking, this was on fox news and they cleaned her house up.

02-10-2004, 11:05 AM
Good idea squid. Read it later just in case.

I dunno. Might be but if I am not mistaken then no.... this lady is not going to let anyone clean this house. She saves it all

02-10-2004, 11:08 AM
Believe it or not I have actually witnessed (not online, but in REAL life) much worse. At least in all those photos the place looks clean to a point… just lots of stuff.

I have seen the SAME thing but add THIS to it…..

Breading Guinea Pigs, and the cages stacked on boxes of stuff like in that house. Also have a full room with nothing but birds in it… not well kept. Scatter other bird cages around the house hanging from hooks or sitting on piles of boxes. Now add in about 8 small dogs (also for breading). And that was just the HOUSE, don’t get me started on the Barn…..

This was also a lady. And she did most of her “living” in her kitchen by the antique stove.

Nice enough woman, and she was actually clean herself…. just not the other stuff. Sometimes you just have to shake your head.

02-10-2004, 11:11 AM

The linked pictures go to another url, which isn't somethingawful. They link fine on my webpage without displaying bad images.

02-10-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Mindflux

The linked pictures go to another url, which isn't somethingawful. They link fine on my webpage without displaying bad images.

No your not following. If you were to copy one of the links and post the picture in here then it would redirect in thier server and post something...well... awfull. Not what you linked. If you can link from another server then its probably not going to happen. And it does not happen every time they are displayed. So do not do it just in case. Trust me on this.

02-10-2004, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by cphilip

No your not following. If you were to copy one of the links and post the picture in here then it would redirect in thier server and post something...well... awfull. Not what you linked. If you can link from another server then its probably not going to happen. And it does not happen every time they are displayed. So do not do it just in case. Trust me on this.

I'm following just fine, I tested it on my own forum. Worked fine.

The URL's for the images are NOT from something awful. They are from auburn.edu which would not allow for such a thing.

02-10-2004, 11:27 AM
I believe the first recorded case of this was well back in history ... two brothers (I think in NY, dont remember) had this same condition.

By the time they were found (both dead) the house took days, even weeks I believe to finally clean out. Turns out that one brother was blind and the other brother was killed by setting off a trap they had built in the mess of junk. The blind brother eventually starved to death when the other didnt return with food.

Seems also that they were at one time wealthy, and very well educated. Amazing what can happen to people.


It was the Collyer brothers of NY, here is the story behind it;


02-10-2004, 11:28 AM
i am waiting until i get home, i am at school too. So your saying if i try to link a pic from that site it will put up something disgusting?

02-10-2004, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Mindflux

I'm following just fine, I tested it on my own forum. Worked fine.

The URL's for the images are NOT from something awful. They are from auburn.edu which would not allow for such a thing.


If I post up a site link to a site that I know someone may link pictures from....ANY PICTURES.... ANY TIME that I know is a problem in the past I am obligated to repeat the warning...and I know they might do so.... and then they in trouble. So I am warning them just to not think about doing it.... Has nothing to really do with just THOSE pictures... Its what they may find there elsewise. And we have indeed had pictures from that site get people in trouble. And have posted several times NOT to link picutures from there. So I am repeating that warning.

Get it? ;)

02-10-2004, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by cphilip


If I post up a site link to a site that I know someone may link pictures from....ANY PICTURES.... ANY TIME that I know is a problem in the past I am obligated to repeat the warning...and I know they might do so.... and then they in trouble. So I am warning them just to not think about doing it.... Has nothing to really do with just THOSE pictures... Its what they may find there elsewise. And we have indeed had pictures from that site get people in trouble. And have posted several times NOT to link picutures from there. So I am repeating that warning.

Get it? ;)

That's fine, I'm not linking pictures from there, I'm linking pictures from auburn.edu which are the pictuers on the forum.. which do not redirect to bad pictures. Got it? ;)


Case, in, point.

02-10-2004, 11:38 AM
Thats fine. But I gotta warn em not to go around that site and try linking its pictures. And that just happens to be were she hosted them. They do not all come from there. Get it?

Do me a favor and try it and see if it still does it now. Used to.

02-10-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
Thats fine. But I gotta warn em not to go around that site and try linking its pictures. And that just happens to be were she hosted them. They do not all come from there. Get it?

Do me a favor and try it and see if it still does it now. Used to.

It may not any more, I PM'd myself an image (on my board) to an imagine on their page using the [img] tags and it came up exactly what I'd expect, the image I saw on somethingawful.com. Nothing bad.

02-10-2004, 11:44 AM
Well before it would sometimes display the correct one for a while. Then all the sudden.... dripping slong... So I do not know when or how they do it. Doesn't happen all the time. So its upredictable. So just in case I gotta say just do not do it....

02-10-2004, 02:19 PM
Anyone remember that video of the idiots ripping off the bumper pullng the car. Guess what that link goes to now :)

And, wow I thought my grandmother was bad. She had a few houses that she stored stuff in but they were still useable, and most of its gone now, but it took several dumpsters and probably alot of unhappy garbage people. She even saved the 30 year old above ground pool :)

02-10-2004, 04:06 PM
My grandma had a basement like that. She stored a bunch of junk, and had like decades old food and stuff jarred up. My aunts tried to get her to throw the stuff out, but she would not have it. After she died, it took them a long time to throw away everything.

02-10-2004, 04:24 PM
Ok, I looked. Thats not HALF as bad as the ones on fox news... the houses there were WAY more cluttered, and had narrow pathways to maneuver through... but nothing was boxed. There were dead animals, all sorts of things just piled up. It was sick.

02-10-2004, 04:27 PM
thats sick

02-10-2004, 04:37 PM
My aunt's boyfriends brother was like that. He actually collected somewhat valueable stuff though. So far his pile of crap is worth like $200,000 and counting. There are still thousands of comic books, dating back to the late 60s, that need to be catalogued and sold. His coin collection was the most valueable part, I believe.

Its still sad though.

Good break for my aunt's boyfriend though :)

02-10-2004, 04:55 PM
all i have to say is Jesus!:eek: