View Full Version : Leakage!!!

09-17-2001, 10:01 PM
Hey, i was just looking for some technical tips about leakage. My gun is leaking down the barrel and i've tried everything that is described on the video. Before that my gun was leaking out the back very very slowly. It wasn't effecting my gun at all (atleast not that i know of) but it was rather annoying. If anyone knows how to fix any of these problems, please let me know. Thanks.

09-17-2001, 10:08 PM
barrel leak's are usually caused by a wrong sized powertube spacer. as for the leak out of the back try replacing the reg seat or cleaning it.

09-17-2001, 10:31 PM
The video was from back when they had PT springs so Tom doesn't discuss the spacers. Try a shorter spacer and your leak should go away. If you're getting a slow leak out the back, first replace the reg. seat and piston o-ring. Oil the piston and put it all back together. If you still get a leak, you'll need a new piston. Call AGD for the piston.

09-18-2001, 02:14 PM
You need a different sized powertube spacer to stop the leak down the barrel. And what is making it leak out the back it that your reulator seat is dirty.

09-18-2001, 04:05 PM
Thanks guys. Just as a note, on sunday (when it was slowly leaking out the back) i did try replacing the regulator seat. However, the leaking still continued and at an unaffected speed. It was then that i decided to have the repairs desk at Challenge Park Xtreme check it out, however they had no idea what was causing the problem either. But i will try replacing the powertube o-ring with the correct size (if it is not already) as well as replace the piston o-ring and lube it up. Thanks a lot for your help.

09-18-2001, 09:53 PM
You're probably going to need a new piston.

09-19-2001, 09:13 PM
ok get this....i replaced the powertube spacer with a thinner one. didn't work. i replaced it with three others over various sizes and then two others of the same size. didn't work. Still leaking down the barrel. I replaced the o-ring on the piston and i believe that solved the problem of leakage out the back. However, i'm still stuck with it leaking down the barrel. If you have any other ideas, on all ears, i'm willing to try anything.

09-20-2001, 12:46 AM
I need to know which size spacers you've used, what bolt you are using and whether or not you have indeed replaced the powertube o-ring. Also, if you hold the trigger while the gun is gassed up, does it still leak?

09-20-2001, 03:41 PM
Alright BlackVCG, this is for you. I called AGD five minutes ago and told tech support my story. What i did not realize was that by spacer, you mean spacer. Let me explain. I bought my mag from a good friend of mine who had it for a number of years. Thus, the mag is old. It's from when they used a spring, not a spacer. He assured me it was fine but as i am finding out, it must be replaced. When i talked to AGD they said they had 3 new spacers in the mail for me(which shouldn't take too long, i only live a half hour away) and to replace the current one with the spacer labeled .220. So, as long as that works, all is well. And BlackVCG, thanks for all your help and pass on the info to people with older mags. Thanks

09-20-2001, 11:21 PM
Yep! That will get your gun working just fine.