View Full Version : Solid Black Warp shell (Donngie)

09-17-2001, 10:35 PM
I was just wondering where people got a hold of those solid black warp shells with the little clear holes in them?

09-18-2001, 09:47 AM
Knowing donggie, he probably made them :p

09-18-2001, 07:22 PM
i would like to know too up

09-28-2001, 05:24 PM
Sorry to disappoint anyone but it's just a clear warp body... the one I fried the board on. anyway, I just opened her up took all the parts out, since I had to anyway to put the board in properly, and painted the inside only of the body halves with black paint. The holes are clear still and I did this with my son's round stickers. he had a whole sheet of them. just place them where you want to keep it clear and then paint right over them. Later, when it's fairly dry, you can just peel them off and you'll have whatever design you decided to put there. Best of luck to all who want to do it. Oh, and a word of advice, use extremely light coats until you get it blacked out. It get's all nasty if you put thick coats on there and inside some of the crevices are hard to get at with the paint.


09-28-2001, 05:31 PM
Hmmm. Interesting. Thanks for the tip, Donggie. I just might have to try that out.

09-28-2001, 05:34 PM
But why stop at black paint. I used black coz I'm too old and boring for the flashy stuff but there's nothing stopping any of you that want to try other types and colors of paint. Only thing is you may want to try it out on another plastic piece first or check the paint to make sure it won't melt the plastic.


09-28-2001, 08:03 PM
well donggie, what paint did you use? how did you apply it? how long did you let it dry? how many coats? any trick? I'm full of questions....

09-28-2001, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by X-Plosive
well donggie, what paint did you use? how did you apply it? how long did you let it dry? how many coats? any trick? I'm full of questions....

It was paint meant for outdoor furniture and it was flat black. I believe it was rustoleum... not really meant for the application, but I'm cheap and was careful. I taped on the stickers first then just painted the inside of the shells. I stayed like about a foot or so away so that it wouldn't cake or pool up and I had to try all these weird angles to get into the recesses. When you try it you'll see what I mean. I can't honestly remember how many coats. I believe about 6 really thin coats waiting about half an hour between coats. I am excessive you may not want to put as many coats. But it is important to wait between coats so that you're not putting wet paint on wet paint. Not good. Good luck.


Oh and the excess spray that got on the outside of the body I wiped with a rag dipped in turpentine. seemed to come right off. Again, be careful... not sure what solvents are okay to use on the plastic.

09-29-2001, 12:07 AM
You can also use RIT Dye get the black stuff and go to town. That's how we make smokes.


09-29-2001, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by AGD
You can also use RIT Dye get the black stuff and go to town. That's how we make smokes.


The boxed or liquid kind? I wasn't aware it worked on plastics without partially melting them which I'd be afraid to do with my Warp.

As a side-note, you can do some other pretty cool things with RIT. I've dyed guitar stuff, bookbags, and clothes and it's a lot better to spend $3 on a bottle of the stuff than $30 on a new [insert item here] because you don't like the color anymore. It also usually covers up any stains too so beat up stuff looks newer.

I'd better stop before I start to sound like Martha Stewart...

09-29-2001, 09:21 AM
Where can I get this RIT dye stuff. Would hardware stores sell it?


09-29-2001, 10:36 AM
I just get it at Giant Eagle... Most big grocery stores will sell it.