View Full Version : Anyone that knows anything about an NYX Matrix

02-10-2004, 10:42 PM
Sadly I know almost nothing about matrices but I shot an NYX a week ago at my field and I loved it so I just traded off my Storm Timmy for one. So I was just wondering if anybody could quickly answer some of this questions...

How is the stock bolt on the NYX is it just as bad as the Stock LCD matrices?

I'm getting a totally stock NYX so is there any upgrades I should put on it? If so please tell me some

and if anyone has any useful information about NYX's It'd be great

02-10-2004, 10:56 PM
As bad werid wording, anyhow

The stock bolt is an Image Bolt kit as found in newer LCD Trixes. You'll expect 1200 shots from a 68/45 when its properly tuned.

As far as upgrades go a nice barrel kit and depending on your situation look into one of the following bolt kits.

FreeFlow Adjustable bolt kit, drops into your Image Kit
$80 expect a case off a 68/45

Evolve Bolt Kit, replaces the entire bolt kit
$135 also expect a case off a 68/45 but their hard to come by now, and hard to tune

RT pRo AuToMaG
02-10-2004, 11:01 PM
I wouldn't go with the freeflow bolt, some people have had problems with the backs unscrewing in the gun while shooting, but I do think they fixed that problem. Try to pick up an Evolve kit, I know they sell them at www.compulsivepaintball.com but I'm not sure if they are currently in stock. I wouldn't say the stock bolt in the LCD matrix is bad, it is an image bolt kit, and good enough to use effictively. If you get the Evolve kit, if you tune your gun right, you can get 2100 shots off a full 68/45 fill.

02-10-2004, 11:28 PM
The Freeflow bolt kit is fine I've been using it for over 6months now. You can also get 1peice Freeflow bolts now(I only use the Openbolt and 6ms tail anyway).

The unscrewing issue is a user error failure. It happened to me I was switching from the Venturi tip to Open face and I tightened a sticky, slippery, lubed up bolt by hand. Needless to say I didn't get it tight enough.

Both open faced bolts and venturi bolts in addition to all 3 tails have slots for Allen keys (I realized this after my incident) and now I have no reason to NOT get them tight.

FreeFlow service is untouchable and they've treated me great all across the board.

Here’s my NYX to give you a little inspiration what you can do upgrade wise;


Its a quick photo, did zero prep for it but it shows you where you can go. For barrel kits in my experince Powerlytes are great in every way but my 14in was long enough, and 18in wasn't option. So I hopped over to an 18in Pipe kit and found it loud, inaccurate, and gave me ALOT of barrel breaks, its been sold. In the mail are 2 UL tips in 16 and 18 and 2 backs. Hopefully I'll have better results with DYE.

02-11-2004, 07:48 AM
Thanks guys with the help..

How come you use a sidewinder reg? Is the CP one that comes with it not that good?

02-11-2004, 12:56 PM
The front reg on the NYX, is that a Trinity?

02-11-2004, 01:16 PM
No_Skillz owns a pretty nice NYX. I'm suprised he hasn't posted here.

Duke of Lawnchair
02-11-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
No_Skillz owns a pretty nice NYX. I'm suprised he hasn't posted here.


No_Skillz is usually one of the first to chime in on a NYX thread.

02-11-2004, 02:43 PM
MIA i guess

02-11-2004, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by magsRus
The front reg on the NYX, is that a Trinity?

Its an SCM

I got a Sidewinder for it because their pretty much the best reg, period.

02-11-2004, 05:13 PM
the best upgrades for trix's, IMO, is as follows:

1. halo b
2. evolve bolt kit
3. oring kit
4. air
5. paint