View Full Version : Mako/BooYaa grip for the Automag

09-18-2001, 08:32 AM
I talked to Mako last Friday about thier new products. They put the Automag grip on hold while they are refining it from the booyaa version. So these guys actually seem to be 1/2way decent. The new grips will be better quality than the booyaa stuff - same design, different components, better machine work. So hopefully their redesigned Automag grip will have better performance.

Dont know when it will be out - so dont ask!

09-18-2001, 08:48 AM
Hope that their electonics are better than the boo-yaa. I have two guys that have nothing but problems. One will fire if you just squeeze the grips. They can't seem to get anybody at Boo-yaa to answer the phone.

Maybe these will be much more improved, let us know something.

09-18-2001, 07:35 PM
well i've seen so so many spyders shoot w/ booyah frames on, i thikn it might have something to do w/ the gun?
like mags just can't work as well w/o perfect timed activation from an electroninc activator( the e-mag is alll done to certain specifications)... i mean its designed in a certain way, its designed to have the sear realeased and on/off activated at timed time, and the electionic activation might be missing the timming of the gun?

09-19-2001, 09:51 AM
When will the new frame be out?;)

09-19-2001, 03:20 PM
do thay have a website