View Full Version : Simple But (Somewhat) Effective Method Of Anti-Theft (While At Field)

02-11-2004, 08:39 PM
Well, this may not work well with E-Grips, but what I do is type up a short sentence, explaining which gun EXACTLY you have, serial number, your name, address, phone number, and anyhing else you need, print it, cut just IT out, fold it up, and put it inside of your grip. Because almost alllll grips require you screw them on and off, it should stay. Now, when it is taken from you on a field, dont panic, but run to a ref or field official, point out who has your gun, and bring an allen wrench with it. Make sure the "theif" doesnt run, if you can just calmy approach with the ref, all friendly, like "Hey man, sup. Can I offer you a barrel for cheap?" or something which makes him feel in no trouble. Casually ask to see "his" gun, and get to work with your allen key. show the official the note, voila, "theif" is banned, and you get your gun back.

This may not work for everyone, but it did for me and I'm glad I had the foresight to do it, even though it was just a Spyder Sonix lol.

02-11-2004, 09:00 PM
I see this as a great way to give an unsavory type a boatload of personal information on yourself.....
If I were to steal a marker from a field , which I wouldn't, but supposing I would.I'd go to a field I never plan to go to again and obviously not local.Take the goods and leave immediately.
The fellow whom you caught must have been pretty stupid to hang around after stealing your marker.And even more stupid to offer you to see the marker he just stole.....

02-11-2004, 09:02 PM
Sweet, i love it when catch them nimrods red handed. word.

02-11-2004, 09:10 PM
Lol if he was stupid enough to stick around I would just find him, beat the crap outta him, and take my gun back....

Canadians :rolleyes:

02-11-2004, 09:14 PM
Nice effort,but the problem is usually not identifying your gun,it's never seeing it again.I've never seen a gun stolen and used the same day at the same place.They take 'em and sell 'em or strip 'em.Either way,you ain't seeing the note again.;)

The best defense is a good offense.Don't leave your stuff laying around unattended.

02-11-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
Don't leave your stuff laying around unattended.

Damnit, was just going to say that. The best way to get your marker stolen, is to not leave it where someone can take it. Only going to go away for a minute? Then that's only a minute you'll have to carry your marker with you.

02-11-2004, 09:40 PM
best defence is a carrying bin with a lock

02-11-2004, 10:16 PM
most of the guys at my field (the ones who drive anyway, which is like 90%) keep all their stuff in the back of their cars.. and just open the tailgate when getting stuff, etc. Its an effective way to keep your stuff safe.. if you have the access like my field does (no screened in staging areas or anything..)

02-11-2004, 10:17 PM
My Emag now scrolls my name and AO screen name as well. ;)

02-11-2004, 11:28 PM
How effective do you think a video surveillance system would be? We are thinking about installing one at PBX Battlezone in the staging area so that people don't steal other players equipment. Do you have any suggestions as to the best way to deter theft and help our customers?

02-11-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Suede
How effective do you think a video surveillance system would be? We are thinking about installing one at PBX Battlezone in the staging area so that people don't steal other players equipment. Do you have any suggestions as to the best way to deter theft and help our customers?

one good way is to only allow players into the staging area that have paid to play, no visitors or anything, and a camera would be a good idea. also paying attention to who comes in with what gun and making sure somebody else doesnt leave with it.

02-12-2004, 01:03 AM
I think a video surveillance system is a good idea. Be sure to post signs stating that there is one in effect. I think it would be a good deterrent.

02-12-2004, 04:14 PM
hmmm.... how about a tracking device in the grip?


02-12-2004, 06:35 PM
Not that hard to look your guns up. At the field I usually just leave my marker locked in the truck when I'm not playing. And if the field layout doesn't allow me to do that, then I just take a huge bin with a lock on it, It's big and heavy and would be difficult to steal.