View Full Version : Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Marker From Being Stolen

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-11-2004, 11:23 PM
I just read Oyster's anti-theft thread and his method...in 99% of the cases won't work. When someone is going to take something they take it and run. They don't stick around to see what they got, test it out, or anything.

Now here are my Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Marker:
(they are in no special order)
1 - This is the best method i've used so far. I like to use something called a CAR and put my equipment in there
2 - For those that do not have a car - A simple cheap bicycle chain or a cheap bike lock will secure your marker(and other valuebles) to a stationary object or large object (a friend's car, a dumpster, a jon jon, table, etc.
3 - Not recommended. If you must leave your marker to take a leak you should put it somewhere visible so that you see it at all times (tell a ref and some friends that you are leaving it there so that they can keep an eye on it also)
4 - a large cooler or a gear bag will keep everything in once place and make it difficult for someone to take (kinda heavy). A cheap lock will hold the lid/zipper shut and if you were a theif would you rather go for a heavy gear bag/kooler or would you rather go for another person's gear that is sitting on a table?
5 - Twistie Ties. These things are cheap and can be found at a computer or a hardware store (used to keep wires together or something). You can tie your trigger, barrel, tank, and other valuebles with this cheap plastic thing! If you want to get it loose just get a knife and cut it. (theifs usualy don't bring knives or clippers when they steal paintball equipment)
6 - This is for all the younger players. Now of course you can't drive and at some field they require a parent/guardian to remain at the field at all times. Just get them to watch your equipment...better yet, put it in the car :)
7 - Keyfinders or object locaters! You probably have seen these on tv commercials or that one movie Along Cale Polly, This device is a remote beeper thing. Push a button and the thing beeps. So put the beeping thing on your marker and equipment. If it is lost or misplaced just push the button and the beep will tell you where it is. You might want to beep it once and a while to scare off some would be theifs.
8 - A bell! - Put a bell or a chime on your marker when it's not in use. If someone picks it up or anything it will ring and get your attention.
9 - Paintball Landmine (not recommended) - rig the mine to your marker when it's not in use. This will scare off people that will try to steal your marker. If someone tries to disable the mine well...i don't know anyone that would go through all of that trouble but if he/she does, a second landmine that is hidden will get em.
10 - A cheap camcorder will work. Make it obvious that there is a security camera watching over your stuff.

For the BEST protection - combine all of the above :)

02-11-2004, 11:33 PM
well, at my field, i'll usually keep my gear in the back room aka 'the dungeon' where they distribute paint and do air fills - most people don't have clearance back there, so in that case, they use the lockers at my field

02-11-2004, 11:35 PM
keep all your shiz in a fanny pack :o

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-11-2004, 11:36 PM
at the few fields i've been to there is no "dungeon" or back room. (i am an hour away from every single field around me)

02-11-2004, 11:37 PM
Or you can make your gun terrrible terribly hideous. Would you (a thief) rather steal this or....


This one?


...Thats what I thought.:D

02-11-2004, 11:46 PM
You have good ideas and all, but it's a good idea to take out insurance if you are old enough. Here's what I do. Take a fellow paintballer friend out drinking the night before paintball. Get said fiend good and drunk. This is to assure a hangover. The next day, bring friend to paintball. He/she will be too hungover to play, and they watch the gear all day. Works like a charm.

02-11-2004, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by Rather
Or you can make your gun terrrible terribly hideous. Would you (a thief) rather steal this or....


This one?


...Thats what I thought.:D

I'd take the pos one, I rather have a gun that works, then that other thing, does that even shoot paintballs?

02-12-2004, 12:11 AM
Or you could never let go of it, after all if paintball is your life, you just wouldnt leave you life laying around now would you :D

02-12-2004, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by Hexis
You have good ideas and all, but it's a good idea to take out insurance if you are old enough. Here's what I do. Take a fellow paintballer friend out drinking the night before paintball. Get said fiend good and drunk. This is to assure a hangover. The next day, bring friend to paintball. He/she will be too hungover to play, and they watch the gear all day. Works like a charm.

Wouldnt work... Ive been at practiceS that started at 7 when id stopped partying at 5.... Redbull + dayquil + any headache painkiller + pepto (the pink stuff so you dont hork).......

Wasted Rabbit
02-12-2004, 08:05 AM
Always have your buddy watch it, If you are going to the can or take it with you.
Never just leave it laying around, cause as soon as you blink, It's GONE.:mad:

02-12-2004, 08:48 AM
The method I employ is to simply never let the marker out of my hands and if I really need to I have a friend watch it.

02-12-2004, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Hexis
You have good ideas and all, but it's a good idea to take out insurance

actually your stuff is covered under your house insurance. Problem is your deductable is roughly 1% of your house's insured value. so for 100,000 house your deductable is 1k.

02-12-2004, 09:31 AM
Try reading the post gtrsi.

Also, some policied may be different. Not all real insurance is the same.

paint magnet
02-12-2004, 10:09 AM
Better yet, chain your equipment to a large dog, and chain the dog to your car :D

Or you could do like me and make your gun too heavy to steal. (steel valve, steel body, steel barrel, steel HPA tank, etc.)

*edit* for spelling

02-12-2004, 10:29 AM
I prefer to just own a marker that weighs so much you cant really run with it for long distances, that and its so big it cant be hidden anywhere

oh yeah i put it all in this amazing grey tub I got from the distributer I used to work for, people notice when that thing starts getting carried off

02-12-2004, 10:39 AM
All your theft worries fixed right here,

Soon to be available at a store near you........


The Gun Club.;)

02-12-2004, 11:13 AM
dinger keep all your shiz in a fanny pack

thats so funny!! You guys call it a "fanny" pack ahahahahahahahahaha!!!



02-12-2004, 02:39 PM
Just pickup a DEFCON 1 Ultra (http://www.targus.com/us/product_details.asp?sku=PA400U) alarm from Targus. They're designed for laptop computers, but you can easily cut a locking slot into a gear bag or even your grips.

The cable lock motion sensitivity can be adjusted, and the alarm is rediculously loud, on par with a smoke detector.

Works very well threading the cable lock through your trigger guard and securing to a storage bin or gear bag.

I used one for three years when I traveled for work. It never failed me. I had zero theft incidents with either two laptops or my DLP projector. All I had to do was publicly demonstrate how the alarm worked, and people wouldn't come within 25 feet of my stuff.

Wes Janson
02-12-2004, 02:47 PM
The ghetto mag seems safe, but I dunno about the second one...the thieves would have a tough decision: Is the Z-Grip worth the countless hours it would take to reach the center of the 'mag and extracate the frame for sale on eBay? ;) Personally, I think an interesting tactic would be to rig up a small capacitor on the inside of a metal case...and a 9v battery or something (put the case on rubber buttons to keep it from discharging onto the table). If the voltage were high enough, anyone picking it up would emit a loud noise, and alert those around him to a suspicious occurence.

Or, even better, just take your mag with you to the can. And if you want really good, really positive security, get a good-sized dog, like a greyhound or a German shepard. Then buy/rig together a harness. When you need it to be kept safe, put the gun onto the harness and tell your well-trained attack dog to follow you (or sit someplace safe).

02-12-2004, 03:14 PM
There seems to be a number of threads on this topic. We are thinking about installing surveillance cameras in the staging area at PBX Battlezone to help protect our customers. How effective a method do you think this is?

Although ultimately it is the responsibility of the individual to protect his/her own property, do you have any other suggestions for field owners to help their customers by detering theft?

02-12-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Suede

Although ultimately it is the responsibility of the individual to protect his/her own property, do you have any other suggestions for field owners to help their customers by detering theft?

Is it possible to get some lockers? People could bring their own locks or you could rent them out for the day. That might help.

02-12-2004, 04:01 PM
...or YOU CAN BE SMART AND NOT CHEAP...and by a gun case like me...

(its ironic that Snyper posted this thread)...he leaves his x-mag on his floor where i stepped on itabout 5 times....

02-12-2004, 06:46 PM
My method has been pretty effective:

I treat all my personal property like crap. My gun's got a ton of cosmetic damage and one of the grip screws is stripped. It's a cocker that would cost about $700 new, but now it wouldn't even be worth stealing.

It'll never resale, but I still love it. I'll burn the thing before I ever try and resale it...

02-12-2004, 07:34 PM
I just always make sure my equipment is within sight, and range of my .45. Amazing, noone touches it. That and my teammate is a big construction worker LOL. Besides, I have never seen an issue wehre I play

02-12-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by tranman
Is it possible to get some lockers? People could bring their own locks or you could rent them out for the day. That might help.
This is something we considered initially except that we would then lose a lot of space in the staging area. That is not to say we have completely given up on this idea, only that we are re-evaluating how we could possibly do it. But your asking tells me that that would make people feel safer about their equipment. Thanks.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-12-2004, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by RenagadeOfFunkRTPcf
(its ironic that Snyper posted this thread)...he leaves his x-mag on his floor where i stepped on itabout 5 times....


well...it was in my room so the person would first have to break into my house in order to get to my room...but i think a robber would be a little more interested in other things when he's robbing a house.

02-12-2004, 10:39 PM
You guys should make a back area that is near the bathrooms and stuff that you can safely put your gun behind that only employees can get to. Pretty much put a kids gun on a rack while he goes to the bathroom and when he gets back, give him his gun back.

02-12-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by tony3
You guys should make a back area that is near the bathrooms and stuff that you can safely put your gun behind that only employees can get to. Pretty much put a kids gun on a rack while he goes to the bathroom and when he gets back, give him his gun back.

I like this idea.^

02-12-2004, 11:15 PM
I like that gun rack in the back idea too... also makes sure the gun doesnt get red flagged (watch seinfeild...). :D ;)

As for stealing the gun for the z-grip alone....if you can see the z-grip behing all that fanken-snaggle hosing and cords... then if it the z-grip was un touched (doubtful cause it looks like a hole was tappered into it) then your elft with alot of other incriminating evidence unless someone (out of their mind) actually buys the left overs. No offence to who made it like that (if it is still that way, if you changed it then it was very hideous indeed). :D

02-12-2004, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Hexis
Try reading the post gtrsi.

Also, some policied may be different. Not all real insurance is the same.

Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Marker From Being Stolen

I can read can you? Protection of assests is protection regardless if its the club for markers or risk insurance....

02-12-2004, 11:55 PM
gtrsi try reading my post which you tried to refute. The "insurance" I was talking about was not a policy.

02-13-2004, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Rather
I like that gun rack in the back idea too... also makes sure the gun doesnt get red flagged (watch seinfeild...). :D ;)


SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-13-2004, 12:51 AM
i find cheap chain necklaces work great also!

02-13-2004, 01:19 AM
Around here i've never seen a problem, and everyone just leaves there gun openly laying on there staging area table.. Hell at Nationals in Calgary here I bet there was over $100,000 in equipment easilly lying around on peoples tables.. I don't think anyone is worried about it here..

And me.. I shoot a hyperframed mag.. Probablly the only one in a 500 mile radius lol..

02-13-2004, 12:23 PM
Check Out this

Check here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=114991)