View Full Version : Microsoft and Xbox have reached a new LOW!

02-11-2004, 11:59 PM

whooo thats sad!

i own both and i know! ke ke ke ^_____^

02-12-2004, 12:27 AM
gross. I wonder if they scotch guard those things.

02-12-2004, 03:03 AM
That's gross. For some reason I just don't believe it.

02-12-2004, 03:23 AM
Originally posted by Sooky
That's gross. For some reason I just don't believe it.

dude ...you must not know to much about Japan then....its really weird as far as sex goes....they have stuff like that and vending machines that sell used panties...but they censor pubic hair in porn.....(btw im trying to get in the foring exchange program to go to Japan for senior year.....:p ....and only 1/2 halve of the reason is the sex pillows)

02-12-2004, 12:48 PM
Eh, the GameCube has a superior controller. The one on the Xbox sucks. However, the PlayStation controller will always be the de facto for the industry. Take it to the bank.

I have a PS2 and a GC because of the games available on each.

02-12-2004, 01:21 PM
Something tells me that Jonesie didn't read the article:)

02-12-2004, 01:47 PM
These tend to be male, adult fanatics who like to use the life-size pillows for rather more than hugging and sleeping next to


02-12-2004, 01:48 PM

this is great... what is so wrong with it... it's just the writer saying that the pillows are used for that.

Be like getting a free poster, then the writer saying "they hang the posters up and do "funny" stuff while looking at them" .... it's a load of writer crap.

Xbox isn't giving away SEX dolls... so what's the big deal..

02-12-2004, 01:55 PM
Uhm, have you guys seen what most of those pillows look like?

They tend to feature half-naked (sometimes entirely naked) young girls.

It really is a screwed-up society over there, sexually.

I'd post pictures here, but I couldn't find one that wouldn't be against the rules.

On the other hand, I do want to travel to Tokyo one of these years :)

02-12-2004, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by Jonesie
Eh, the GameCube has a superior controller. The one on the Xbox sucks. However, the PlayStation controller will always be the de facto for the industry. Take it to the bank.

I have a PS2 and a GC because of the games available on each.

You just don't like the xbox controller because you have little girly hands. Pansy.

Although the gc controller is very comfortable, the button sizes SUCK. The A takes up half of the right side.

02-12-2004, 05:57 PM
Ummm, I think it pretty much is a sex doll, if they dont come with all the nessesary holes, any person can instal some himself. It's not like a picture, people have sex with theis things, and I think it's just wrong to sell that with a X-box. I have nothing agasnt it, but it is realy weird.

02-12-2004, 06:00 PM
About Japan, yes is it VERY messed up... But this is not the place (AO formus) to get into all of the wierd things they have over there.

Also, the ergonomics of my PS2 controler > 1000 of your your brick and pansy controlers with teh tiny buttons. :D :p

Back on topic-

Meh. Figures 'mochrosoft' (typo turned funny) needs an extra gimmick to mae you buy an x-box, then buy the dvd uprade, dvd remote (cant play dvd's with regular controlers, HA!), then buy x-box live, pay for that monthly, and then buy and play the really good games for it....that are also available for other systems...:rolleyes:..and the halo games. Halo is all that makes the X-box different from other game systems... although you could always get halo for your PC (X-box being a specialized pc for games...face it... it is..)


02-12-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Lopy
If they dont come with all the nessesary holes, any person can instal some himself.

Never had experience in that field but OK. j/k:p

Japanesse people have always been wierd, thier groups are even wierder.


Gothic lolitas
Speed Metal Heads

just to name a few. japanese culture always takes stuff to an extreeme. but over all i love them for the sole purpose of the NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM

02-12-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by dinger
[url]whooo thats sad!

Yes because all Chinese and Japanese people are the same, and Japs is the prefered term to use.

Now granted, this is offtopic and I'm sure dinger isn't a racist, but crap like this just gets to me. He may not have intended harm, but sometimes is about changing the way people think. The term Japs is similar to using the term Nigger for black people. And saying Chinese and Japanese people are the same is like calling an Irishman English.

With that being said, I don't care too much for discussion, just providing some food for thought.

02-12-2004, 07:00 PM
meh. saw this last week.

it's being sold with a special box packaged with a blue xbox.

02-12-2004, 07:05 PM
ok, so what's wrong with that??!?!?!?

02-12-2004, 07:22 PM
yeah people are making too big of a deal out of this. it's just a body pillow with a picture. true some people do abuse their body pillows but that says more about the people than the object itself. the doa fighting game and volleyball are the only popular games for the xbox in japan. some of those people are obsessive. why wouldn't microsoft cater to them? there's even real bikinis based off of the bikinis in the game. i think they sell for several hundred dollars if i remember correctly.

02-13-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by MantisMag
with a blue xbox.
I want a Blue Xbox... Its about time they started making them in colors. So how long is it going to take to sell colored xboxs in the U.S.? 3 years? lol, But that kind of stuff only happens in Japan. If it happened here, It would be on the news, the newspapers, Then ther would be like Prop 155 to ban them lol

02-13-2004, 12:11 AM
Send me your X-box and $20 ill make it blue for you.

02-13-2004, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by PyRo
Send me your X-box and $20 ill make it blue for you.
After seeing some of the stuff you do... Dont want to risk it :D I'll probably just buy a Skin for it, its like a sticker thing but covers the whole thing. And maybe a light up kit thing :)

02-13-2004, 12:58 AM
The reason I like the xbox is because the controller fits my hands better than any PS2 or Gamecube controller. Sorry for you guys out there with tiny little hands. The button lay out of the Gamecube is completely attrocious.

I tend to think that the Japanese society(this is not meant to be slanderous at all) is more "metrosexual" than American's. This would lead them to perfer more "kiddy" games like Mario Kart, Zelda(not the sweet one for N64, the new one with the little kid as Link), Star Fox(the RPG-ish game), ect. They aren't as violent, bloody, and realistic which is what most xbox games are like; which caters toward American society. The Gamecube is designed to appeal to kids from as young as you can think to the early/mid teens. Xbox is designed to appeal to 18 to 25 year olds and up.

02-13-2004, 01:23 AM
edit:double post

02-13-2004, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by LittMag

Yes because all Chinese and Japanese people are the same, and Japs is the prefered term to use.

Now granted, this is offtopic and I'm sure dinger isn't a racist, but crap like this just gets to me. He may not have intended harm, but sometimes is about changing the way people think. The term Japs is similar to using the term Nigger for black people. And saying Chinese and Japanese people are the same is like calling an Irishman English.

With that being said, I don't care too much for discussion, just providing some food for thought.

I agree, except I think dinger is racist.

02-13-2004, 10:16 AM
A company trying to promote their product!?? Blastphemous!

also KAWAII!!! ^______________________________^

02-13-2004, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman
Something tells me that Jonesie didn't read the article:)

Oh, I read the article. I'm more interested in the controllers than the bonus gift. I have girl, what would I need with one of those pillows? :eek: ;)

02-13-2004, 10:36 AM
Well japanese people where to begin. hate to be mean to any of our Asian friends (I love asians to be honest) After that nuclear bomb hit them, they havent been quite rite. I mean after all they still own american in tech. But i want a blue xbox too. or maybe a cut case with those case lites in them

::IDEA:: Cut out the X emblem and hten just put lites inside!

02-13-2004, 11:11 AM
The Xbox controllers do suck.

e mag
02-13-2004, 02:23 PM
It's pretty easy to paint your xbox even if you have never done anything similar, voids the warranty though.

02-13-2004, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Zumina
The Xbox controllers do suck.
:eek: Are you talking about the original one that were huge? Or are you talking about the S Controller?

02-14-2004, 12:02 AM
Hate to be the n00b, but i think the old controllers rock. the new japanese ones suck, the triggers are less pully, they just are on a swing and when they reach a certain point they fire, same with the buttons kinda. IDK i thin kthe old one had fantastic configuration and precision